Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Never in my life have I witnessed a group of individuals more eager to prove just how little they know about everything, than our current batch of celebrities.  And stranger still, than the fact that they continue to present themselves as being some sort of authorities on whatever the subject may be, is the fact that they are actually accepted as such by those our state-controlled news media and even touted as being some sort of scientific experts.  This despite the fact that they have no special training, education, or insight regarding such things as so-called ‘climate change.’

Which brings me to something that I recently saw being reported on Fox News.  Apparently, actor and well-known expert on all things considered to be scientific, Bobby De Niro, already well-established as being someone who is no friend of President Donald Trump, gave a speech, for some bizarre reason, this past Sunday at the ‘World Government Summit’ in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  And it was during this idiotic little speech that Bobby dismissed the Trump administration’s position on ‘climate change’ as “backward” and “a case of temporary insanity.”

Bobby was commenting on remarks from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chief Scott Pruitt, who suggested last week that there may be an upside for mankind in global warming.  It was during a recent interview that Pruitt said, “We know humans have most flourished during times of warming trends. There are assumptions made that because the climate is warming that necessarily is a bad thing.”  And he added, “Do we know what the ideal surface temperature should be in the year 2100 or year 2018? It’s fairly arrogant for us to think we know exactly what it should be in 2100.”

Bobby apparently found this attitude triggering.  He said, “I am talking about my own country, the United States of America. We don’t like to say we are a ‘backward’ country so let’s just say we are suffering from a case of temporary insanity.”  Bobby drew applause and laughter when he told the audience at the Summit that America “will eventually cure itself by voting our dangerous leader” out of office.  Actually, America will begin to cure itself regarding its strange affection for leftist insanity when we stop paying any amount of attention to pathetic old losers like Bobby.

I must say that I am more than a little curious as to why anyone in their right mind would ever waste their time listening to this guy who couldn’t even make it beyond his high school freshman year.  And despite that fact, because he's ‘Bobby’ D., he thinks that sufficient for him to lecture the rest of us on all matters scientific and that we need to heed what he says.  But the massive amount of what Bobby doesn't know is staggering. Maybe he should shut his pie hole, and stick to pretentiously method acting his way through the same movie role over and over again.

And think about it: the two loudest and most obnoxious ‘climate change’ cult celebrities in all of Hollyweird, Bobby De Niro and Lenny DiCaprio, are both high school dropouts.  Just stop for a minute and let that sink in.  Then the next thing you need to ponder is, is something that has so captivated the left, really something that the rest of us really need to be all that concerned about?  I mean, here we have two of the most clueless individuals on the planet, sounding the alarm about something that they know absolutely nothing about, and we’re supposed to take them seriously.  

And how about we all agree to just call the ‘climate change’ “Paris Accord” exactly what it is.  Another method by which the globalist progressive minded elites plan to steal more dollars from hard working, tax paying American's.  The goal here, of course, is to weaken the people while simultaneously forcing more and more of us into a greater dependence on big government.  Yes that's correct, true motivations of epic proportions all hidden behind the facade of some ominous, albeit quite bogus, catastrophe.  And they nearly got away with it, if not for Hitlery losing the election.

Now I know Bobby, has every right to remain just as clueless as he wishes to be, however he also has the obligation to be a bit better informed.  I often wonder if any of these propaganda spewing celebrities, like Bobby, actually believe any of what they say, or if it’s all just some sort of silly charade, the motive of which I’m not quite sure.  Because I’m sure that Bobby refuses to use cars and airplanes, preferring instead to bike everywhere that he goes.  As well, I'm sure he avoids such things as central heat and air. Just like all virtue-signaling, ‘green’, limousine liberals.  Right?

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