Friday, February 2, 2018


While I am in no way at all confident that the Republicans will be able to come away from this November’s election having been able to maintain their current majorities in Congress, I have, at least, become somewhat encouraged to hear that at least it may be turning into more of an uphill battle for the Democrats in their effort to assume control of one or both houses of Congress.  It was a Monmouth Poll released on Wednesday that shows the heavily hyped Democrat generic Congressional ballot advantage has virtually disappeared with the latest poll indicating Democrat chances for major Congressional midterm gains are now trending down.

The Monmouth University poll now shows Democrats with only a “negligible edge” over Republicans for November’s Congressional midterm elections.  The poll, conducted over three days almost entirely before President Donald Trump’s well-received State of the Union Address, shows 47 percent of respondents saying they would vote for a generic congressional Democrat compared to 45 percent for a generic Republican, well within the poll’s 3.5 percent margin of error.  This figure is a massive shift from earlier polls showing double-digit Democrat leads and fueling pundits’ talk of a “blue wave” that could sweep Republicans from power.

The same polling agency found a 15 point generic Democrat advantage using the same question only last month.  Patrick Murray, MUPI’s director, gave some context, noting generic polls’ volatility, but he confirmed that the figures, coupled with the same poll’s finding of growing support for the tax cut the GOP passed with no Democrat support, spells trouble for proponents of the “blue wave” theory.  He said, “The generic Congressional ballot is prone to bouncing around for a bit until the campaign really gets underway later this year. But Democrats who counted on riding public hostility toward the tax bill to retake the House may have to rethink that strategy.”

And the poll also showed a rather dramatic increase, from 24 to 37 percent, of respondents who think America is now heading in the “right direction.”  Approval of President Trump’s job performance also improved, matching Monmouth’s estimate from last August at 42 percent, while respondents who thought Trump needed to be impeached or compelled to leave office dropped three percent from July 2017 to 38 percent.  And it’s a series of dramatically narrowing numbers that have to do with the 2018 elections, over the last two weeks, that make up the clearest indication yet that the much talked about “blue wave” is not a foregone conclusion.

As I see it, the problem for the Democrats is that they have nothing to run on. Identity politics works well with the base, but it doesn’t translate to votes in the heartland.  Running on racism and all those phony subjects worked well in the past, but after Americans elected the first black” President, it’s become more of a hard sell.  ‘Make America Great Again’ and America First was refreshing to the American people, and after seeing a first year of Trump’s presidency in which people are getting pay raises, jobs, and 401k are getting fatter by the day, I doubt the Democrats will be able to beat that with the same cries of racism this and racism that.

And while I certainly don’t want to jinx us, I do think that with the right conservative candidates the Republicans still have a pretty good shot at actually gaining some seats.  Our paychecks and pension checks just got a little bigger and some of us got bonuses, raises, and other benefits on top of that.  Also, there will be more and better job opportunities opening up in the coming months for many of us.  Do we really want to go back to the days of a Democrat inspired anemic growth rate of our economy?   Do we really want to see more and more illegal aliens and refugees pouring into our country keeping wages down and endangering all of us?  No!

Furthermore, do we really want this country to be turned into another impoverished, crime-ridden, open-bordered, banana republic run into the ground by a bunch of corrupt, tyrannical, Marxist, globalist kooks who care far more about empowering themselves than they do about this country's prosperity and/or sovereignty?  The choice is still in our hands, at least for a while.  Since the arrival of Barry ‘O’ onto the scene and with the sharp turn to the left made by the Democrat Party there has now come to be so much riding on each and every election that we can ill afford to allow the Democrats to ever regain any measureable amount of political power.

Given current demographic trends and plausible best case scenarios regarding legal and illegal immigration in the U.S., 30 years from now the U.S., as it exists to today, will cease to exist.  While some in Western Europe are farthest down the road to cultural suicide, the U.S. is the Western country farthest down the road to demographic suicide, whites already are less than 65% of the population.  Countries like Sweden, France, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium are breaking down sooner than the U.S. simply because their police and policies regarding ‘law and order’ are a joke and because they don't have the First and Second Amendments.

But in the end, we all are on the same sinking ship and all President Trump is likely to be is little more than a speed bump on the way to what is essentially inevitable.  We will be getting our own speed bumps in future elections but the very urgent and VERY DRASTIC changes necessary to reverse current trends will most probably not be able to be made and by the time people finally wake up it will already be too late.  And even if we were all to wake up right now it may already be impossible to prevent what may already be a foregone conclusion.  I think of my daughter and the world that she may have to contend with, and I worry.

Steny Hoyer still claims the Democrats have a 90% chance of taking control of the House, but I recall polls that said Hitlery had a 93% chance of becoming president.  Thanks to the booming Trump economy, the soaring Trump stock market, the Trump tax cuts which the Democrats unanimously opposed and the Democrats foolishly choosing ILLEGAL aliens over American citizens, I’d like to think that 2018 may just be a pretty big year for Republicans with them adding several seats in both the House and the Senate.  But we’ll have to wait and see. There’s a lot of time, politically speaking, until the election.  And a lot of things can still happen.

But with that said, I’m told that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is in the red by roughly $4 Million.  They spent much of the coffers over the special elections and got mixed results.  Fundraising is way down and without it they can’t mobilize their base to go door to door and call centers. They have heavily relied on the state-controlled media to get their message out but trust in the media has fallen significantly and viewership is way down so they have a big problem.  With people going back to work and a generally optimistic outlook on the future all these things put together creates, at least on paper, what looks to be a perfect storm.

The Democrats have pit every possible group of people against another, told certain groups that they will never succeed because another group holds them down, and the only way to solve that is to ‘vote for them.’  Hell, they even managed to pit women against men.  They weaponize language, and tell anybody darker than printer paper that the evil right is anti-immigrant, when all we want is a fixed immigration system that brings people here who have something to offer. We are anti-illegal immigration, but somehow that always turns into ‘they hate all colored people.’  But then, no surprise there, that’s just how the Democrat Party operates these days.

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