Friday, March 9, 2018


It would seem that with each passing day the vast majority of those who proudly identify themselves as ‘journalists’ get just a little more caught up in what was has essentially been their primary mission for well over the last two years.  That mission being, of course, to discredit and to delegitimize first candidate Trump and then President Trump by any means necessary.  But they fail to understand that the harder they try, the less rational they sound.  Take for instance Chuck Todd who on Thursday’s thrilling episode of MSNBC’s “MTP Daily” made the rather bold declaration that President Donald Trump’s word has become “increasingly meaningless.”

It was long ago that Chuck pretty much stopped making any sense whatsoever, so this latest swipe at the president comes as no surprise.  It was in trying yet again to smear President Trump that Chuckie said, “One thing we can say for certain about this White House, everything is uncertain. And we mean everything. President Trump just wrapped up a signing ceremony imposing 25 percent tariffs on steel and 10 percent tariffs on aluminum. The build-up toward today’s event began last week after an off-the-cuff announcement from the president that surprised pretty much everyone—Republicans and U.S. allies and even many in the West Wing staff.” 

And Chuck went on to say, “Folks, we said it before, and we’ll say it again sometime soon, do you take this president seriously, literally, neither? One thing is for sure his word is increasingly meaningless. Today’s back and forth, will he or wouldn’t he announcement on tariffs is the Trump White House in a nutshell, it’s a near constant state of chaos and confusion.”  Our state-controlled media, of which Chuck is a proud contributing member, has now gotten so far out in left field that they're willing to do or say just about anything in their continuing effort to regain for themselves some level of relevance.  But thus far they’ve only managed to appear unhinged.

Yet these folks like Chuck will sing, they’ll dance and debase themselves on national television just to get someone, ANYONE, to pay them any level of attention.  Look, Chuckie knows he's full of crap, but it doesn’t matter because at least we're paying attention to him, instead of letting him slide even further off into oblivion.  But Chuck is one to talk about one’s word being meaningless.  After all, pretty much everything we hear from the state-controlled media today is both meaningless AND irrelevant.  So much so that I don't even pay enough attention to them anymore to know just how meaningless and irrelevant they’ve actually managed to become.

And I can’t help but wonder if Chuck’s head really is that far up his butt OR if he actually believes all of the crap that continues to come out of his mouth.  Is Chuck really one of the true believers, or does he simply play one on television?  He and his colleagues appear to be little more than propagandists under the employ of the Democrat Party, which is now how the vast majority of Americans have come to view them.  Those in media seem to have forgotten what it is exactly that’s supposed to be their purpose in life.  It’s supposed to be why one becomes a ‘journalist in the first place.  To be a watchdog over those in government, not a puppet of them.

It’s no surprise, really, that Chunk appears to be coming increasingly unhinged.  After all, when he and the rest of his many leftwing media cohorts try to drive down a president’s approval numbers on a daily basis only to have him come out unscathed, it has got to be pretty demoralizing.  The left has become consumed by their hatred of President Trump. Trump is moving the country back to greatness and he does not care what people think of him, he only cares about doing what’s right for the country.  This is the truth of why the left and those in the media hate Trump.  He is unabashedly pro-American and respects the traditions that made the country great.

But the real issue, Chuck, is that your word, and the word of you many cohorts in the state-controlled media ain’t worth squat! You and your entire industry are now seen as being nothing more than peddlers of ideology, the truth having nothing to do with what you do.  So while you make the claim the President's “word is meaningless”, we've come to understand that it’s much more ‘meaningful’ than your outright deception, your narratives in the place of truth, your constant reporting on things (ice cream comes to mind) that are so juvenile.  School newspapers would be embarrassed to bring up such things, but your ‘profession’ makes them the story of the day/week.

Oh, and we’re not buying the all the claims of ‘chaos’ at the White House either. Somehow I don't remember Barry's White House being said to be in ‘chaos’, when various members of ‘Team Obummer’ left.  The only chaos and confusion I see on a daily basis involves those in the media and their endless attacks on the president that accomplish little more than to make them appear as spoiled children.  Nothing they say holds any weight or relevance.  Everyday there is chaos, confusion and lies.  Bashing, hating, demeaning and disrespecting our President and his family!  Their last line of defense is to call people racist, bigots, Nazis and white supremacists.

Tax reform that's results in putting money back into the pockets of hardworking Americans, more conservative judicial appointments than any other president at this point in time in their presidency, having already created millions of jobs through deregulation and eliminating the toxic environment for company owners, repatriation of monies held overseas, inspiring companies to build, expand and give benefits. He is ACTUALLY moving our embassy to Jerusalem and establishing better relations with Israel than we've ever had. He's stopped our government's funding on worldwide abortion and we've just learned he's strong armed Kim Jong-un to the table.

And President Trump has done all of this despite being forced to contend with rogue government bureaucrats under the moniker of ‘the deep state’, an obstructionist Democrat Party, RINO turncoats from within his own party, and a state-controlled media complex whose coverage of him is over 90 percent negative.  And the media’s response to the president to get things done in spite of these obstacles is to illustrate their own ignorance by saying that’s it's all meaningless.  So still unable to come to grips with the fact that Trump is our president, those in the media continue only to make clear their biases and lack of objectivity when covering this president. 

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