Monday, March 10, 2025


So, the last presidential election is now roughly 120 days, give or take, behind us and Democrats still have yet to come to grips with why it is that their candidate for president got her ass handed to her. Yes, there was the fact that she failed miserably in the role of Border Czar, but she was also a champion for allowing biological men to enter women’s restrooms and to participate in women’s sports. And nothing really seems to have changed regarding where it is that Democrats stand on either of these issues. Yet Democrats are squealing like stuck pigs over how it is that President Trump has, and continues to, taken action on both of these very important issues.

And it was this past Sunday, during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union,” that one of those same Democrats, Andy Kim, U.S. Senator from New Jersey, voiced his support of all of the ongoing transgender nonsense when he claimed that it was somehow “offensive” that Republicans and President Trump were blocking transgender students from playing in women’s sports. Kim said, “We want to make sure that these decisions are made by the communities whether it’s schools and others that are the ones closest to us. And understand what we know is that we’re talking about a handful of people, a handful of athletes around the country."

He said, “You know what I’ll just say to the American people here is that the Republicans, Trump in particular, he’s trying to make this about safety, but it’s not about safety and security of our kids. You know, I’ve got a seven-year-old and a nine-year-old.” And he went on to say, “You know, if it was about safety and security, then maybe we would have seen Trump and the Republicans do something about the 330 school shootings that we had last year, which I’m terrified of having two elementary school kids, or about the 1 in 5 kids in this that goes to school hungry and isn’t able to have enough food in their stomachs to be able to get through the day."

He added, “So it’s not about safety and security. It’s about politics and that’s what I find just so offensive about this. As someone who is worried about the state of our education system, and we see this right now at a time when, you know, the President Trump is about to try to initiative to gut the entire Department of Education and trying to damage what I believe is a common good in this nation when it comes to our education. So that’s something that I just really wanted to make clear. This is not about safety and security, it’s all about the politics.” Another Democrat wacko who hasn’t done anything for his New Jersey constituents since being elected.

School shootings and hungry students? Seriously? How many school shootings have been perpetrated by sexually disturbed students? And why does the government have to feed school kids, rather than their parents? That wasn’t the case back in the day, when we were at the top of the education tables and perverts weren’t shooting up our schools.  But who cares what this guy thinks. He’s playing for the losing team and appearing on a loser network. As far as I’m concerned, he can keep pushing his insanity. My only advice would be to say that it’s never a good idea to be on the wrong side of an 80/20 issue, but I’m glad the Democrats seem willing to die on this hill.

The vast majority of American realize Democrats, like this moron Kim, are pushing this nonsense for the sole purpose of destroying our society. New Jersey nearly flipped red last election; Kim’s lucky he’s got five more years before he is up for a vote again. And someone might want to remind him that the purpose of our schools needs to be on teaching, not on addressing and/or attempting to fix every societal problem they’ve dreamt up! You have to wonder why we even have ‘starving’ children since, statistically speaking, families have enough basic income to feed their kids at home.

Democrats are trying to create the fantasy that gender doesn’t really exist and that it’s nothing more than a social construct. That’s why they’re trying to force the hiring of less than capable females as firefighters, combat solders and more. It’s offensive to normal, mentally stable, common-sense people that males can invade the space of females in physical sports. Anyone who favors such a perverted agenda should be shunned. They are as sick as the guys who think they’re women. There is no such thing as transgender. You are simply a man mutilating yourself and trying, unsuccessfully, to be a woman. Men in women’s sports is just plain eviln.

These people who seem not to know the difference between males and females have no business holding positions of power or making laws. Denial of reality never ends well. And just because most politicians seem to be ‘shape shifters’ does not mean people can actually ‘transform.’ These clowns have gotten away with lying, manipulating, and misleading for so long they now think people believe them. Democrats seem unable to grasp that there is no such thing as a trans woman or man. It’s all psychological, it’s a mental disorder. The freaks refuse to start their own league because that’s to difficult, plus they wouldn’t have the audience to support it.

This is why we need to simply ignore those who claim that giving offense is an actual offense. Being offended does not make one an actual victim, and giving offense is simply not a crime. So, let’s ‘de-criminalize’ the act of giving offense, these liberals created this so-called crime, and they then have a universal means of demonizing their opponents. They need not offer any amount of proof, or cite any law or regulation, all they have to do is say is, “I’m offended,” and that makes them a victim, and you the victimizer. Again, let’s simply ignore the ‘offended’ parties and maybe they’ll realize that this tactic is old and tired and simply doesn’t work.

Look, any sane person would have come away with the conclusion that President Trump was speaking about security and safety as it relates to women’s sports, not things like school shootings. And after watching the behavior of many Democrats I think we can all agree than sanity isn’t exactly their strong suit. And so, it will very likely take at least a decade before they’re able to right their ship and that clock won’t even start ticking until the leaderless Democrats get off the insanity track that they occupy. The Democrats have not yet encountered a bar too low to go under and normal Americans see their thirst for power that’s on full display, and it repels them.

These people truly are lunatics. Everything they say is insane, illogical and, evil. And 330 school shootings? That’s pure fiction. I’m willing to bet the ‘fake news’ media would’ve covered every single one. And 1 in 5 kids go to school hungry? Maybe, so kick out every illegal and stop spending money on them, and spend it on American kids, problem solved. And it isn’t about the safety of kids? Men in women's sports have hurt women. The drugs and surgeries that mutilate boys and girls hurt them physically and mentally. President Trump did call them names, very accurately. Liberals truly are ugly, inside and out. They still think it was their messaging that made them lose.

The real problem with this issue for the Democrats is that boys playing in girls’ sports is a solvable problem. And easily solvable at that! But if a problem is solved then it can no longer be used to generate donations for them. They just love unsolvable problems. Whether we’re talking about global warming, gun control, cancer or any number of others. These are the go-to money makers for Democrats: government giveaways for grants and studies and research. All to never find solutions, just generate more problems. They stop biological males from playing against girls in sports, the next thing you know the minions will expect them to cure cancer.

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