Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Well, it would appear that things may finally be hitting home with at least some on the left Democrats may now be beginning to realize that the Democrats may have taken their insanity a bit too far. Now, of course, there are always more than a few hold outs, those who perceive themselves to be smarter than the rest and who, in the end, only succeed in making others suffer. There are still many in the party who have convinced themselves that the majority of Americans do side with them on such issues as ‘climate change,’ the transgender nonsense, immigration and the war in Ukraine. But most Americans don’t, which prompted many to vote for President Trump.

Which brings me to CNN political commentator and former ‘BO’ adviser Van Jones. You see it was Jones, during an appearance on Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Newsroom” who said that the current state of the Democrat Party is a “nightmare.” He said, “Can we ask another question? Do I keep talking about my own party? Can we talk about Ukraine or something? No, look, man, we’re screwed. I mean, we don’t know, Democrats don’t know what to do. This is a nightmare. You know, somebody like Donald Trump, we thought we’d at least have Hakeem Jeffries in the speaker’s chair to hold him back. If we didn’t have Kamala in there to do the right thing."

Now I hate to be the one to tell Mr. Jones, but Jeffries is about as inspiring as a freaking toothache. Sorry Van, but Hakeem is weak, he has no answers for how to prevent President Trump from ‘Making America Great Again.’ Might as well put two bolts on the sides of his neck and call him Frank. Anyway, Jones went on to add, “Listen, the Democratic Party is going through a massive set of internal crises. You have a party that got trapped two ways. One, defending a broken status quo that nobody likes because they thought that Donald Trump was going to make it worse. But when you’re defending the status quo, you’re going to lose."

And he said, “And then offending most people in the country, calling everybody sexist and racist and transphobic and every other name, and then saying, ‘Please follow us.’ That’s not a good strategy, folks. Defending a broken status quo and offending most of the country, turns out, is not as popular as my party thought it was going to be. And so it’s going to take a while for people to get it figured out.” When the status quo, which the voters hate, is your party's fault, how do you position your campaign for change? Do you use an approach like, “We screwed up last time. We have made no changes in what we do. But you can trust us to get it right the next time."

Jones complains that the Democrats are screwed and then he turns around and says things would have been so much better under Cumala. Ya can’t make this stuff up. I think most of us will agree that the Democrat Party has been a damn “nightmare” for decades. It all just finally caught up with them. When Joey was allowed to cheat his way into office the Democrats took that puppet and ran with him, taking a free hand with overextending their radical agenda. They believed Americans were buying into it and went wild and overplayed their hand. And then boom they got shut down. We told them on November 5th that they had no message for America. Not now, not ever.

He's basically arguing that it was all just poor messaging, not about their crappy policies or the fact that his party is nothing more than an organized crime syndicate. It isn’t just the messaging that has turned people away from the Democrat Party, it’s the lies they’ve told and the proof that’s coming out verifying that they were lying. For four years they lied to us about Joey, and then the icing on the cake has just been added. It’s been discovered that much of what was signed by Joey was signed using a robo-pen. We have no idea who was running the country for four years. We have no idea who was handing out billions of tax dollars to be spent on who knows what.

I have no doubt that much of America is enjoying the Left’s pain. Democrats shouldn’t have tried to persecute our movement’s leader. They should have run on those issues facing Americans. But nope, they took the path of what they saw as being the one of least resistance, and now they’re paying the price. And yet their problems are ones relatively easy to solve. It ain't difficult. Democrats simply need to move back to the center. Embrace the actual Democrat values of the old JFK Democrat Party. These days they’ve gone so far to the left that anything even slightly to the right of Lenin is considered “right-wing extremism.” That’s not how you win elections.

These far left liberal/progressives, or better described as the modern Marxists, in the party are the issue. Nothing has been more toxic or corrosive to people, country and culture in modern history. The examples are vast. Clearly, anything that’s bad for the Democrat Party is good news for my country and always has been. But unfortunately, it’s likely only temporary. As everything will be corrected and when once again made to be halfway sane, the Democrats will reemerge from their political wilderness by promising to make the already stable environment better, if only they are allowed to destabilize it again. And many voters will likely buy the nonsense.

Democrats are screwed for no other reason than because in order to win elections they have to hide and lie about what they truly believe. Now that their agenda is an open secret, and the ‘fake news’ media is unable to provide them with the level of cover they once could, the majority of common-sense voters aren’t buying what they’re selling. Democrats are making matters worse for themselves with their rather badly choreographed histrionics. This is all they have to offer as an alternative to President Trump who last time, won both the Electoral College and the popular vote. The Democrats have dug themselves a mighty deep hole, but it’s not inescapable.

While the Democrats had a good run, they completely squandered it by not telling the far left to start their own party. There’s just no way to mix them in if they are sticking with their insane ideology. I’m not sure Democrats can rebrand themselves that fast while shedding their more insane members. Here’s some free advice for Mr. Van Jones: “Your party knows what they’re doing is wrong and is stupid. They just don’t care. They got too fat, lazy, and totally accustomed to believing that unchecked power was their ‘divine’ birthright. That they could do whatever they wanted and suffer no consequence. They are now reaping exactly what they’ve sown.

If you remember Jones was one of those who was 100 percent behind Cumala, he thought she was an intelligent and capable politician. He actually cried when Cumala suffered her humiliating defeat at the hands of President Trump. He whimpered about racism as a way to cope with her loss. The reason he is so delusional is because he has to have a black in charge. It’s the only thing that matters to people like him. It doesn’t really matter that not one has demonstrated the capability to run any city or state. All that matters to those like him is having them in charge. Because, you see, that’s the only thing considered to be progress to people like Jones.

Those like Jones refuse to accept the fact that the majority of the American people are of the opinion that those policies that the Democrat Party continues to support all suck. They’re all based in victimology and/or delusional concepts like gender insanity or Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) which are discriminatory racial policies being forced and coerced upon society. We’re sick and tired of all the lies, hysteria, false narratives and manipulations. And that’s on top of calling us all racists, homophobes, misogynists, Islamophobes, bigots and xenophobes 24/7/365. The party finds itself at a crossroads, its future is in its own hands.

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