Saturday, December 15, 2018


One who ranks right up there with Al Gore when it comes to championing the cause of bogus ‘climate change’ is John Kerry-Heinz, a guy who was a less than impressive U.S. senator and then a complete disaster as secretary of state.  Kerry-Heinz is another of those who, for decades, has been a very enthusiastic advocate for this science fiction that was first all about the coming ‘ice age’ back in the 1970s, and then, when that didn’t pan out, became all about ‘global warming’ because that had to be the only ‘logical’ reason why the much talked about ‘ice age’ never actually materialized.

And Kerry-Heinz efforts to spread the lie of ‘climate change’ has continued and it was in an op-ed published just this past Thursday that Kerry-Heinz took it upon himself to urge the international community to combat ‘climate change’, and also to make the claim that President Trump’s position on the issue is “profoundly dangerous” for the planet.   In was in the New York Times that Kerry-Heinz wrote, “The president ‘makes decisions often without a factual basis.’ This isn’t a mere personality quirk of the leader of the free world. It is profoundly dangerous for the entire planet.”

Kerry-Heinz argued that despite President Trump withdrawing the U.S. from the 2016 Paris Climate boondoggle, “those of us in the fight have worked to demonstrate that the American people are still in.”  He wrote, “The test is whether the nations of the world will pull out of the mutual suicide pact that we’ve all passively joined through an inadequate response to this crisis.”   Once again what we have here is another ‘climate change’ zealot spewing doom and gloom in what is nothing more than an idiotic attempt to scare people into believing in something that doesn’t exist.

Further, Kerry-Heinz warned that the legacy of today’s leaders will be defined by their efforts to find solutions to ‘climate change.’  He said, “Future generations will measure us by whether we acted on facts, not just debated or denied them. The verdict will hang on whether we put in place policies that will drive the development and deployment of clean technologies, re-energize our economies, and tackle global climate change.”  And he said, “Every day that goes by that we’re paralyzed by the Luddite in the White House is a day in the future that our grandchildren will suffer.”

In November, Kerry-Heinz claimed in an interview with the Guardian “people are going to die” due to the president’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris agreement.  It was then that he said, “My kids and my grandkids are going to face a difficult world because of what Donald Trump has done.”  Despite the move by President Trump to exit the deal, Kerry-Heinz said he feels “better than a lot of people think” about the prospects of its success because the other 194 nations who signed the deal are still working to uphold their commitments.

Kerry-Heinz’s recent op-ed comes as the one-time failed presidential candidate has been making noise about challenging President Trump for the White House in 2020. It was just last month, at Harvard, that he was heard to say, “I’ve said I’m not going to eliminate, I’m not taking anything off the table.”  And it was then that he went on to say, “But I’m not sitting around — I haven’t been running around to the most obvious states, laying any groundwork or doing anything. Am I going to think about it? Yeah, I’m going to think about it, I’ve said that point blank.”  Bring it on, Johnny!

In discussing those things considered to be “profoundly dangerous” to the planet, it’s anything that President Trump may say or do that, when compared to the risks posed by the likes of John Kerry-Heinz and his last boss, Barry ‘O’, makes global warming look like a walk in the park.  The Obummer/Kerry-Heinz foreign-policy legacy is one where they were toothless and hapless against ISIS, Bashar al-Assad, North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, and the world’s worst and most ruthless regimes.  The world was far more “profoundly dangerous” under those two than under President Trump.

We have been told by the supposed geniuses who support this cockamamie theory that it’s all based on science.  And it causes call manner of disaster, from famine to migration and from bad weather to terrorism.  And yet it is through fearmongering, and not science, that these leftist kooks work to justify the validity of their claims. The reality in science is that the planet's temperature has increased less than 1 degree centigrade in the last 50 years. And yet we are somehow supposed to believe that it’s ‘climate change’ that will bring about the next great apocalypse.

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