Friday, March 12, 2021


Is there no limit to the imbecilic drivel that those on the left will peddle in what has been, and continues to be, their ongoing effort to convince normal folks that there was simply no need for Democrats to resort to cheating in the 2020 election because of the millions of ‘patriotic’ Americans who saw in ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden something that their country was so sorely lacking under President Trump. Which of course brings me to that rabid leftwinger Van Jones who, during, CNN’s coverage of ‘Creepy Joe’s first prime time address as *president, just this past Thursday, once again did his very best to portray ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden as something that he most definitely is not!

Jones actually referred to ‘Creepy Joe’s address on the ‘Chinese virus’ as a calling to a “deeper patriotism.” Now I’m quite sure that most folks will remember this genius, this self-avowed Communist, as the guy who got the boot as ‘BO’s ‘Green’ Czar after a video surfaced of him pondering the eradication of three million capitalists if they couldn’t be properly re-educated into his warped way of thinking. For sure, get me some of that “deeper patriotism.” What the Hell is Jones even talking about?  And to think, ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden spent 47 years in Washington, and most of his new staff, and cabinet, are of the very same twisted mentality as is Jones himself.

Jones said, “I just think that he is the guy we need right now. When he talked about I’m going to heal the soul of America, a lot of people thought that was some corny stuff. But to see the president of the United States standing up there, he didn’t say you need me. He said I need you. I need you. I mean, my God, that is —isn’t that it? We need each other. And then the inclusivity. It’s the little touches. He didn’t just say the states. He said and the tribes and the territories. He talked about rural America. He’s got money in there for rural Americans. He talked about corporations coming together.” No, *president ‘Creepy Joe’ is the very LAST thing America needs.

Anyway, Jones continued saying, “And he stuck up for the Asian-American community that’s been living a horror for the entire time. But there was nothing about it where he was taking shots at anybody. He didn’t blame the other party for not being there. He told the country that we can get this done. And it was just — the tone was different. Tangibly it’s different in terms of who he’s helping. But this is exactly what we need right now.” He added, “I think it’s a deeper kind of patriotism. There’s this kind of cheaper patriotism that separates the American people from America’s government and says, I love America’s people, I hate America’s government.”

Jones went on to say, “He said the government is us. It’s a democracy. The government is us. And he’s calling for a whole of government and whole of society approach. When he’s bragging on those competitors, ‘I’ve got two corporations that are competing, and they’re helping us. We’re working together,’ those are the kind of touches that kind of just suggest we can start helping each other.” You have to ask yourself what it might be that this guy is either smoking, snorting or shooting up, because nothing of what he’s saying makes even a lick of sense. It’s all, to use a favorite word of *president ‘Creepy Joe,’ nothing but a bunch of leftist malarkey!

For anyone still wondering why Democrats are viewed as being such blatant haters of America, Jones’ comments regarding ‘Creepy Joe’s address illustrate the reason in rather stark clarity! Especially when you stop to consider it’s been in less than 60 days that ‘Creepy Joe’ has destroyed America’s energy independence, ruined women’s sports, taken away the livelihoods of tens of thousands of hard-working Americans, invited tens of thousands of illegal immigrants into our country, and all with guaranteed immunity for willingly breaking our laws. At the rate he’s going there will not be much of America left when he’s done. How is that a form of “patriotism?”

“Deeper Patriotism?” What the Hell is that anyway? After the Democrats did the best they could to ensure the ‘Chinese Virus’ would spread across the entire country courtesy of the riots they both encouraged and supported, and then disenfranchised 75+ Million Americans courtesy of a fraudulent election, there can be no unity and no amount of patriotism, deep or otherwise, will ever make us ‘cooperate’ with them. The Democrats are a cancer, a cancer that has been killing this country for decades. And the only truly effective cure is a total rejection of their radical leftwing agenda and demagoguery and a relentless struggle and opposition to their ideas and goals.

Jones is another of those who seems to have a rather bizarre notion of what kind of behavior reflects actual patriotism and what demonstrates a clear hatred of America, with it’s the latter that is routinely spewed by almost every Democrat or Progressive butt-wipe in the country. They just don't get it. We HATE what they stand for. And we hate every corrupt, dissembling, anti-American thing they stand for, and we will not somehow be convinced into joining with them in their effort to destroy the country that we love. The true pandemic that needs to be brought to a quick and speedy end in this country is the pandemic called social progressivism and political correctness.

As I said earlier, nothing says “patriotism” quite like destroying America’s energy independence, wiping out thousands of jobs, identifying half the country as being nothing more than domestic terrorists, and telling people “just do what we tell you to do and trust the government to have your best interests at heart no matter how much damage we do to your life.” Yup, *president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden is just so damn “patriotic” that he destroyed thousands of jobs on his very first day in office. He’s so “patriotic” that he is allowing illegals to swarm into this country bringing a multitude of diseases, not the least concerning is many are positive for the ‘Chinese virus.’

Perception is the glasses through which we all view life. Obviously, Jones ‘glasses’ are rose colored in favor of a guy who has to take three days off in order to prepare for a 20 minute television speech. The same guy who steals credit from his predecessor who put into place all the pieces, regarding ridding us of the ‘Chinese virus’ that he needed. In fact, he actually criticized the former president for inaction. Jones is so overtly partisan, he’s not the least bit credible. This of course won’t prevent the Communist News Network (CNN) from using his opinion to infect the minds of those individuals stupid enough to watch the garbage that CNN puts out as news.

Jones, and those Democrat politicians who share his bizarre view of things, see more government control and less individual freedom as somehow being ‘patriotic.’ It goes without saying that Democrats have come to possess nothing in the way of morals or values. They want the nanny state, as they see it not only as way to institute ‘fairness and equality’ but also as a way to increase their odds of winning elections because of voters becoming addicted to their government ‘benefits.’ Capitalism, not Socialism’ is what made America GREAT, and it’s because of the radical leftwing agenda of the Democrat Party that this country continues to spiral out of control.

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