Wednesday, March 10, 2021


It was long time racist, short time civil rights ‘leader’ and, according to rumor, part time minister, Jimmy Clyburn, another of those members of the House who should have long ago been made to retire, who is once again claiming how blacks are somehow in need of being treated differently than everyone else.  It was during one of his routine visits to MSDNC, this time on ‘All In,’ a strange bit of programming hosted by Chris Hayes, that Jimmy stated that the filibuster rule should not apply to voting rights and civil rights. I thought it an odd thing to hear come from a Democrat since it’s Democrats who have a long history of trying to prevent blacks from voting.

Anyway, Jimmy said, “It’s not just HR1 that I’m concerned about. Remember, it has a lot to do with redistricting with financing campaigns. That’s got nothing to do with voting rights and civil rights. HR4 that we have renamed the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act is coming forward. We hope it would be ready by the fourth, the sixth of August, the anniversary of the 1965 Voting Rights Act so that we can get that out. I don’t think these things should be subjective to the filibuster. I think it is very clear, if we can make an exception to the filibuster rules for budgets, we ought to be able to make it for any other civil or voting right that exists.”

And Jimmy added, “Protected classes are treated specially, is that ought to not, the filibuster ought not to apply to benefits and other issues surrounding protective classes. So that’s what I think we should do. I’m not saying get rid of the filibuster. If the president wants to keep the filibuster, fine. Let do it for civil rights and voting rights.” Jimmy is just one of the reasons America is slowly being destroyed from the inside. The Constitution provides plenary authority over voter laws exclusively to the individual state legislatures. If voter laws become federalized, the people lose control of their government. Which, I might add, has long been the goal of Democrats.

It’s because of those like Jimmy that Congress has now become completely dysfunctional and if for no other reason than because governing is no longer the priority for so many of its members. Instead, the priority has become, at least for those on the Democrat, one of trying to conceive new and improved ways to cheat when it comes to every election. Democrats argue that all they are trying to do is to make sure that no one is disenfranchised and that every vote is counted. But I think we all understand what it is that these Democrat as truly up to and how they are attempting to bastardize that which was never meant to be under their purview.

And let’s be honest here, I think we all know that if, somehow, the roles were to be reversed and it was the Republicans who were, say, now trying to make changes to election laws that would require a federal photo ID card that one would be required to present before being allowed to cast their vote, the Democrats would throwing a hissy fit. And I dare say that old ‘Chuckie’ Schumer himself would spend a month reading the New York City phone book, if one still exists, in a massive filibuster. There is no right to cheat, nor should there be. One legal citizen, one vote in person on Election Day. Ink the fingers if we have to, to prevent extra Democrat votes.

And is it now really too much to ask to want only those people who possess a pulse, and who live in their voting district, who are not a convicted felon and are a U.S. citizen, to be allowed to vote and to only vote once? Apparently so, at least according to those like Jimmy. But you see, the Democrats would never win any elections if such ‘restrictions’ were ever put in place. Let’s face it, the ONLY Democrat voters being suppressed would be the cemetery vote, the convicted felon vote and the illegal immigrant vote, to name but a few. Democrats have absolutely zero interest in election integrity, because it creates what would be an impediment for them.

Voting is not a right, it was always meant to be a privilege in which MEN, who met the requirements, could vote. That’s how Republics such as ours are able to last. And if the ability to vote is to be extended to others, which is only fair, then it becomes all the more imperative that eligibility requirements be very strictly enforced, if for no other reason than to guarantee that only those entitled to cast a vote, are allowed to do so. But you see, that’s what Democrats, like Jimmy, routinely refer to as the disenfranchisement of certain segments of our population, when it’s really nothing of the sort.  The past few decades are evidence of this. Democracy is mob rule.

So we now have the Democrats wanting filibuster ‘exemptions’ for only those bills that they want to pass while those bills that the Republicans want to pass would continue to be subjected to the filibuster. If the Democrats do move forward with getting rid of the filibuster or decide to keep it with these “exceptions,” as suggested by Jimmy, it will prove to be just as bad for the country as would packing the Supreme Court or adding states for the sole purpose of adding Democrat senators. As I’ve said before there seems to be no interest in actually governing by either side. If we’re going to survive than it’s going to come down to the will of the people,  

And why is it that blacks are always in need of exceptions to just about everything? That is why this country is now in so much trouble. We just can’t have a rule that applies to everyone equally. We have to carve out exceptions to exceptions to the exceptions because there are too many people who just aren’t capable of following the rules, or because we think that there are classes or groups that are inherently unable to abide by a rule. No matter what the subject matter, we have to appeal to the least common denominator. We just can’t get the votes we need by making effective argument to our colleagues, so we need a participation trophy exception.

Look, what’s really being pushed here by those like Jimmy, is the rather sinister attempt to set up what would essentially be a set of Soviet-style election laws in an effort to establish what would be a permanent One-Party Marxist State which, or so we are told, would make everything just peachy-keen for America. Now for the record, one-party states tend not to result in anything other than enslavement and massive poverty and homelessness and energy shortages and blackouts and mass anarchy and violence and starvation and corruption and detentions and censorship and economic devastation and even genocide. Quite the rosy picture, right?

It was a very bright ‘Red Line’ that was crossed last November, and these people know exactly what they’ve done, which is also why they are moving so rapidly to solidify their power. And if they can do this to a duly elected sitting President, then what do you think they are going to do with you and I? But soon the bitter pill of despair and desperation and destruction and societal breakdown will be upon us, countless millions of lives will be destroyed or lost and finally these totalitarian monsters will inflict an incredible toll. And after it’s over we will never be the same again. So will America be restored one day? Maybe. But the price will be very high!

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