Thursday, May 13, 2021


Liz Cheney’s rather pathetic, and dare I say bitter, response to her removal, yesterday, from her leadership position in House speaks volumes about both her character, or lack of, and tells us much about her both as a politician as well as a person. And I think it also proves, beyond any and all doubt, that removing her was most definitely the right thing to do. You don’t like President Trump? TOO BAD! Suck it up and deal with it and do what’s best for the country! But nope, she just couldn’t bring herself do it. It was far more important for her to attack President Trump!

And so, it was during a preview of her interview with NBC’s Savannah Guthrie that aired Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that Cheney said she intends to be “one of the leaders in a fight to help to restore our party.” And she said that it was “sad” and “dangerous” that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy “is not leading with principle right now.” I find it rather odd that Cheney would choose to speak of “leading with principle,” very odd indeed. After all, she seems quite clueless in that regard. Nothing she has recently done can be said to have been based on principle.

Cheney was addressing House Republicans voting to remove her as chair of the conference when Guthrie asked, “Do you think leader McCarthy has placed his own ambitions to be speaker of the House above principle?” Cheney said, “I think that he is not leading with principle right now, and I think that it is —it’s sad.” Guthrie asked, “Are you the leader of the opposition in exile right now in the Republican Party?” Cheney said, “I intend to be the leader, one of the leaders in a fight to help to restore our party.” Only ridding ourselves of RINOs like her will “restore our party.”

And Cheney went on to say, “In a fight to bring our party back to substance and principles, and in a fight to make clear that we won’t participate in the really dangerous effort that’s underway.” Guthrie said, “A lot of people frame this as a battle for the soul of the Republican Party.” Cheney replied, “This is the opening salvo, and it’s a battle we have to win because it’s not just about the Republican Party. It’s about the country.” So after all of her antics she still expects us to believe that she cares about the country? I mean, where is there any evidence of that?    

Guthrie said, “The Trump political team is actively looking to coalesce around a primary challenger to you. What is your message to them?” Cheney said, “You know, bring it on.” Oh, you can count on that, Liz! So I can only assume that what we can likely expect to see coming from Cheney in the future will be nothing more than an attempt at revenge as she likely intends to do more to damage the party, than to restore it. And yet we’re to believe that she cares about our country? Collateral damage means little to people like Cheney, because it must always be about them.

Guthrie was able to take Cheney exactly where she wanted to take her without even having to twist into a pretzel. You can be sure that the left is high-fiving in the backrooms of every ‘fake news’ organization in America. They might be able to ride her hard for the next year and a half until she becomes all used up. And no doubt she might even take pleasure in providing aid and comfort to the most extreme leftists that America has ever seen. Instead, she should lick her wounds, apologize for her irrational grandstanding, stop personalizing her hurt, and come back to reality.

All of this political insanity on the part of these RINOs goes well beyond mere politics. It’s always been something that’s very personal for them, both the RINOs and the Democrats.  How dare this outsider, this political novice, think he can make fools out of all of them by revealing to the American people just how blatantly anti-America they truly are! And how dare he think that there wouldn’t be some form of retaliation regarding his choosing to expose what total frauds they are, have always been and continue to be? And, also, how toxic their agenda continues to be for America.

And what we’re essentially seeing play out here is ‘The Big Lie vs. The Implausible Event.’  Of course, ‘The Implausible Event’ is how two very weak and unpopular candidates, who garnered little or no enthusiasm among the base and who could barely draw enough of a crowd to fill a Port-A-Potty at their campaign rallies received almost ten million more votes than the most popular Democrat president in recent memory.  So, the simplest explanation for this ‘Implausible Event’ is that the Democrats used every means possible to manufacture the necessary margin of victory.

Look, these RINOs hate President Trump because he not only dared to take on Jeb, but he defeated him in rather spectacular fashion. Donald Trump was an outsider and he (in their eyes) humiliated the Bushes. They expected to be crowned in much the same way that Hitlery expected it, so they hate him. And what politician has rock star size crowds, sometime five a day, with those in attendance chanting “We love you?” ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden didn't get that kind of reception and neither did ‘The HO’ or any other politician. That’s why they hate him, because he’s not a member of the club!

President Trump has been relentlessly attacked and yet he is still the man most conservatives want. And that simply undoes these RINOs. They just don’t get it. Cheney claims he’s un-American but she never says how, she never says what policies of his are bad. She’s fixated on the fact that they cheated enough to keep him out, but they can do nothing about those who continue to support him. People who want our Republic to be free and not a welfare state. Look at inflation, look at our energy situation, look at the border, look at ‘Creepy Joe’ printing money like a madman!

Cheney along with any number of other never-Trumpers all have their sights set on running for President themselves in 2024. So, they are desperate to make President Trump appear unacceptable. But the reality is that no one is winning the Republican ticket without Trump voters. So why are they disparaging and betraying Trump? A distinct possibility is that they think they can run as an Independent or third party and pull in enough voters from both sides to defeat ‘Creepy Joe’ (probably ‘The Ho’) and Donald Trump similar to how ‘Slick Willy’ won with 35% of the vote because of Perot.

However, this time they seem confident in being able to syphon off enough Democrats, and other people who perhaps voted anti-Biden (not pro President Trump), in order to win. Their platform will center on supposedly bringing America back from the extremes of the left (Creepy Joe and The HO) and right (Donald Trump) to unite our country back in the middle. I say ‘supposedly’ because we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be convinced that it’s about anything other than THEIR power. It’s not conservatism or America or the Constitution as they would have us all believe.

Finally, there have been those, mostly Democrats but some RINOs, who have claimed that removing Cheney from her leadership position is nothing more than an attempt to cancel her. But she hasn’t been prevented from speaking out and/or giving her opinion. There’s been no mobs outside her home threatening her. She was democratically voted out of her leadership position. She retains her seat, until the next election, and she retains her committee assignments. Meanwhile, Marjorie Taylor Greene was canceled for speaking her opinion. Yet, where’s the outrage over that?

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