Wednesday, May 12, 2021


And so…we now have yet another RINO, this time in the person of Asa Hutchinson, crawling out from under his rock to come rushing to the defense of none other than fellow RINO Liz Cheney, and to blame Donald Trump for the dastardly deed of “dividing” the Republican Party. Personally, if “dividing” the party ends with Donald Trump on one side and dopes like Hutchinson on the other, then let me just say that I am all for it! And if President Trump IS successful in separating the RINOs from the rest of the party he will have increased considerably the survivability of the party.

Also, it’s according to rumor that Hutchinson is apparently pretty unpopular with Republicans there in his own state, and of course that would be primarily because he's a spineless, unprincipled and useless do-nothing that very few bother to listen to anymore. And it’s because of those like him that a vast majority of Republican voters remain unified behind Donald Trump. It is minority of losers like this hack and others like Cheney, Kinzinger and any number of other RINOs who are actually trying to split the party courtesy of their blatant anti-America and clearly elitist rhetoric.

While appearing Tuesday on CNN’s New Day, Hutchinson told host John Berman that House Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney should not be ousted from her leadership position and accused former President Trump of “dividing” the Republican Party. And it was Berman who said, “I pointed out in our last segment it’s the former president, Donald Trump, who’s obsessing about the last election and can’t let go of the past and not look toward the future. What would your message be to him, who the vast majority of his messages from Mar-a-Lago have been all been election lies?”

And Hutchinson responded by saying, “Whenever we do not have the president in power from our party, you have divided leadership — you have many different voices. And former President Trump is dividing our party, and so it’s important that we not unite with someone who is dividing our party. Let’s talk about those ideas, let’s talk about the future, let’s talk about the differences with the Biden administration. That’s what builds our party. And so I don’t believe Liz Cheney should be ousted for a vote of conscience.” Believe it or not Asa, she’s officially gone!!!

Anyway, Hutchinson went on to say, “I believe that we need to concentrate on more things that bring us together than to separate us, and going down and seeing former President Trump, to me, causes more division than anything else.” So Republicans need to concentrate on those things that bring us together? Is he totally oblivious to what our current *president is doing or, for that matter, the fact that congressional Democrats are now very hard at work trying to legalize the cheating that took place that allowed them to steal the 2020 presidential election? Or does he not care?  

Look, I hate to be the one to tell this pathetic old dolt, but there is NO Republican Party without Donald Trump. And he can like it or not, but that’s just the way it is and how it’s going to be. Hutchinson is just another example of all that is wrong with the Republican Party. The Republicans were nothing more than a speedbump when it came to building a border wall and putting America first, until Donald Trump came along. In the days since Ronald Reagan, it was all about what was best for the big donors, not about protecting American jobs or doing the will of conservative voters.

The Republicans, before the arrival of Donald Trump, were very much content with allowing our manufacturing jobs to leave the country and, worse, to allow the Communist Chinese to essentially buy control of the American economy. And oddly enough, it’s now these very same ‘Republicans’ who seem to be very determined in their continuing attempt to paint Donald Trump as being the bad guy here, when, in fact, the real bad guys here are…THEM! And it’s because of their lack of spine and their unwillingness to stand up to those seeking to destroy our country.  

And now, besides having to deal with dinosaurs like Hutchinson, and those like Willard, Collins, Sasse and Murkowski to name but a few, we also still have to deal with those like Flake, Kasich, Boehner, Ryan all of whom still spend much of their time accusing Donald Trump of doing those things that they themselves have done or continue to do. Before the arrival of Donald Trump, the Republican Party had been proven itself to be pretty dysfunctional. And that had nothing whatsoever to do with Donald Trump and it had everything to do with our many RINOs.

And let’s be honest, it’s not Donald Trump who is trying to divide the Republican Party, it’s just the opposite that’s true. He has done nothing more than to try to bring the party together by promoting, and/or putting into place, those policies that were, for the most part, conservative and that were most definitely ‘America First.’ It’s people like Hutchinson, and Cheney, who are the problem. They were hired by the people to do a job, only to fail miserably. And it was after Donald Trump exposed them for the frauds they so obviously are, they began an effort to destroy him. 

And President Trump didn’t force Cheney to vote to impeach on bogus, partisan political charges. Cheney did that all on her own and as a result ostracized herself from the party. The Republicans have become the party of the working class and the middle class, and Cheney has indicated she clearly had no interest in that. To say she is out of touch would be stating the obvious. RINOs couldn’t hit water if they fell out of a boat and Democrats couldn’t locate water if they were on the beach. Both sides have squandered an incredible Republic entrusted to them. Vote the bums OUT!

Oh, and here's a little tip for all of these RINOs that just might come in handy. The next time you all want to open your mouth to slander or denigrate the best Republican president since Reagan, ask yourself this: Who was, and continues to be, more attentive to the concerns of the average conservative voter; you or Donald Trump? And it’s none of these people who seem capable of understanding that Donald Trump being Donald Trump had little to do with his election to the presidency. And it also has very little to do with the level of support that he continues to enjoy.

And it was Donald Trump who just happened to be the first guy to come along, in roughly 40 years or, who was actually willing to align himself with the beliefs and major the concerns of the everyday right-of-center Americans, and then to actually govern accordingly after he won. Imagine that!!!! If any other person had been able or willing to summon the moral courage to do what Donald Trump did, then it would have been they who would be the one enjoying the support that he enjoys today. And yet there was no one willing to do that. Politics is far from being rocket science.

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