Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Imagine my surprise, shock even, upon hearing from yet another leftwing, Democrat political hack that it’s actually the Republican Party and NOT the Democrat Party that runs on hate. Now he never really explains on what he bases such a ludicrous accusation, but then he likely thinks that there is really no need since he’s a pretty well entrenched member of the ‘fake news’ media who are able to say whatever it is that they want without ever having to provide any evidence that what they say is actually, and in any way, true. And even though I should never be surprised by the lengths they are willing to go and the lies they are willing to tell, I still am.  

This time around it was some hapless dolt who’s billed as being the MSDNC ‘national affairs analyst,’ some Democrat hack by the name of John Heilemann. And this past Monday, during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Deadline” it was this supposed ‘national affairs analyst’ who made the claim that the Republican Party had become nothing more than “a big, ugly, hate machine.” Now, frankly, being a lifelong Republican myself, although at times with great difficulty, I took offense to that assessment of my party. Because it has been for as long as I can remember that the political party that has busied itself with spewing nothing but hate is the…Democrat Party.

Anyway, it was ‘anchor’ Nicolle Wallace who said, “I don’t know if you saw the tape we played in the last hour of George Will describing Republicans as feeling terror from their own voters. That feels like a copout for why Kevin McCarthy won’t deal with Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s been harassing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the halls of Congress, who is brazenly anti-Semitic. She doubled down. We didn’t play the original comments, but she said, ‘I’m anti-Semitic, and I’m staying anti-Semitic. ‘That’s the point of the doubling down. She’s essentially waving a red flag in front of Kevin McCarthy and saying, ‘Come get me.’”

And she then went on to ask, “Does he have anything in him to try to eradicate sort of this fountain of antisemitism and extremism and lunacy within his caucus?” And Heilemann responded, saying, “This is an area where you have to stand up to hate…Of course, Kevin McCarthy doesn’t have anything in him to do this because the entirety of the thing that animates now, the Republican Party. Which is to say, the thing that George Will is talking about, what is the Republican Party? It’s now its basest part of its base. The basest part of its base is animated by hate. It’s very hard to make a distinction between one kind of hate and another kind of hate.”

He went on to say, “If you’re Kevin McCarthy, you start denouncing hate. Where are you going to stop? Once you start to denounce this kind of hate and you take a stand, you’re now surrounded by all kinds of hate, and the only thing that runs the GOP is hate. It’s now a big, giant hate machine. So, of course, he can’t denounce her for this because once he denounces her for this, where are you going to stop? You have to denounce the entire party because that’s all it is. That’s all it is, a big, ugly hate machine.” This is how desperate those on the left have become in their effort to portray those of us tired of watching our country being destroyed, as the bad guys.

Wrong again! It’s hate that runs like a Tsunami from the Democrat Party and into the heart of our nation. Democrats hate hardworking American citizens, our Constitution, our nation, religion, law enforcement, Jews, Koreans, legal immigrants and the list goes on and on. Meanwhile they promote lies about conservatives being racist while keeping blacks on the Democrat big city plantations dependent on the government for everything. They don’t want them to succeed and to start businesses, own their own homes, on their own, like they were doing under President Trump. Democrats prefer blacks destitute and fully dependent. This is just more BS from a leftist hack.

This is all really just another giant steaming pile of typical Leftist PROJECTION! There’s an old saying: “If you want to know what lying Leftists are up to, just listen to what they’re saying about you, and there's your answer.” And instead of vilifying and denigrating his fellow Americans, wouldn’t it be a sign of unity and brotherhood if Heilemann kept his negative opinions, that have absolutely no basis in any sort of actual fact, to himself? When was the last time you heard anyone on MSDNC offer up anything other than vitriol for President Trump or his millions of supporters? I can't imagine trying to sleep at night with that much hate bottled up in my head.

And with all of that said, while the anti-Republican narrative that the Democrats continue to push is annoying, it's becoming tiresome and boring, as they’ve been pushing the same narrative for decades. Republicans hate black people, Republicans hate brown people, Republicans hate sick people, Republicans hate old people, Republicans hate Moslems, Republicans hate gay people. Whatever the identity group of the day happens to be, Republicans hate them. Personally, what I hate is all if the nonstop manufactured racism and the intentional division of Americans on the part of those in the Democrat Party. That’s what I do hate, as we all should.

Democrats always tell us that there are no better solutions to our problems than those they offer, and when those solutions fail, and fail rather spectacularly, as they are at this very moment, they tell us that it’s the Republicans who are to blame. Somewhere along the line Democrats decided that it was more effective to manipulate the American people than to simply offer us better options than what was being offered by Republicans. So while Donald Trump did things that made life better, and safer, for all Americans, not just a select few, Democrats, as well as more than a few RINOs, told us he was a hateful racist and a white supremacist who belonged in prison.

And what party is it that is out screaming about how awful America is? What party is screaming about how racist America is? What party is screaming about how America is so badly broken that it must now be burned to the ground so that it can then be rebuilt, by them? What party is it that is busy destroying all that America has built and done throughout the world? Well obviously, that would, of course, be none other than the Democrat Party. The entire Democrat Party is literally consumed by hate, hate of every kind, hate of everybody and hate of everything. They hate capitalism, they hate patriotism and they hate all those who refuse to get with ‘their’ program.

In the Democrat Party, character assassination has taken the place of legitimate debate, so when Republicans disagree with Democrats, Democrats insist they are motivated by hate, racism and/or bigotry. Think about it, when was the last time a Democrat defended his/her position without using hate, racism or bigotry? The Democrats have become masters of manipulation and projection, and at taking credit for the good accomplished by others while at the same time blaming others for their failures. The goal of the Democrat Party is not now, nor has it ever been, to make this country better for all who live here, for them it has always been about power.

And finally, for those who have long thought that the (D) appearing after a Democrat politician’s name actually indicated they’re a member of the Democrat Party, what that (D) can actually stand for any, or ALL, of the following: (D)egenerate, (D)eranged, (D)emented, (D)emagogic, (D)espotic, (D)espicable, (D)iabolical, (D)amnable, (D)astardly, , (D)evious, (D)emonic, (D)angerous, (D)eplorable- yes, deplorable, (D)ebauched, (D)eleterious, (D)ingy, (D)issembling, (D)etrimental, (D)isgusting, (D)ictatorial, (D)ubious, (D)uplicitous, (D)erogatory, (D)opey and (D)iaperish. Oh, and then there’s (D)ouchebag. Feel free to mix and match.

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