Thursday, May 6, 2021


Rumor has it that alarm bells are now sounding from one end of the Democrat Party to the other regarding what some have been describing as the potential blowout that may lie ahead for Democrats in 2022, one that would take from them their current majority status in the U.S. House and perhaps the Senate as well. And what is it that the party leadership sees as being their best option for avoiding such a calamity? Is it, perhaps, to move just a bit more toward the center, politically speaking, and perhaps be just bit less radical? Well, if you thought that, you would be dead wrong.

And I say that because it was during an interview on Wednesday’s “PBS NewsHour,” hosted by Judy Woodruff, that Nancy Pelosi said Democrats will have a better chance of holding the House in 2022 if they pass H.R. and S. 1 “in order to remove obstacles to participation for people to vote.” Look, even your average first grader understands that it’s a lot easier to win when you cheat. Woodruff asked Pelosi if Republicans controlling redistricting in some states and some Red states gaining seats in the House will make holding onto the House majority in 2022 more difficult for the Democrats.

Pelosi said, “Well, the elections are about campaigns, and we are ready. We are ready with our Ms: mobilization to own the ground to get out the vote with our message of unity for the people — again, so proud of what the Biden-Harris administration is putting forth — and then, of course, with the resources, the money that is needed to do this. But we would be better if we can [pass] H.R. and S. 1 in order to remove obstacles to participation for people to vote.” It’s rather laughable that Pelosi considers showing a valid ID or voting only once as being “obstacles.”

Look, Pelosi is, without a doubt, one of the most, of not THE most, vile politicians in the history of our great nation. Translation of Nancy’s idiotic comment: “Yes, in a fair election, Republicans will of course win back both the House and the Senate. But what we want is an unfair repeat of the system we put in place in four key States that proved to be so successful in allowing us steal the 2020 Presidential election. Then we will keep Congress from being a fairly elected institution and the Democrats, with the help of our friends in the ‘fake news’ media, will maintain power over the people".

HR 1 is the Democrat plan to counter: 1) Those tired of constantly being called racist. 2) Those who respect the dangers of being a policeman. 3) Those who don’t like when corporations get involved in politics. 4) Those who think that their country should have a real border. 6) Those who think one should have to show ID when voting. 7) Those who think that REAL history needs to be taught in our schools. 8) Those tired of their cities being set on fire during “mostly peaceful” protests. And, 9) Those who actually think our Constitution is FOREVER and as written. End of story!!!

And while Pelosi may be old and shriveled up, she certainly isn’t stupid, she is very well aware of the numbers. And she also knows that her only real chance for achieving any sort of a respectable victory that will allow the Democrats to maintain their majorities, is to resort to cheating. Hence the effort is now underway in both the House and the Senate to codify the very same methods of election theft that the Democrats got away with using, pretty much in plain sight, in 2020. And why shouldn’t they execute the same game plan. They know that no one will stop them.

HR1 is little more than the Democrat blueprint for nationwide voter fraud consisting of, but not limited to. same day registration, voting in the precinct of your choice with no ID required, before then moving on to another precinct to vote again. Ballot harvesting also deemed an acceptable practice. Also, there would be no verification of signatures on mail-in ballots and states MAY NOT purge voter rolls of those voters who are long deceased or voters who have moved out of state. So if you’re in favor of such questionable antics as this then I’m sure that you’re in favor of all HR1 does!

That said, HR1 likely won't pass in the Senate as long as Joe Manchin makes good on his pledge not to nuke the filibuster. But despite his claim to be some sort of a moderate he is still very much a Democrat and, as such, is not to be trusted. Cheating is the only way Democrats can hope to win, it’s how they’ve survived for so long. It's how they’ve destroyed our country. Their greed for power far outweighs their concern for America. So, at some point we’re all going to find out just where it is that Manchin’s allegiance truly lies. Will it be with his party or with his country?

What Pelosi is saying here is precisely the reason this bill cannot be allowed to pass. Why is it that anyone should view, as acceptable, a piece of legislation that so very clearly provides one political party an advantage over the other? And also, why are Democrats fighting tooth and nail to prevent audits from taking place? Why are they fighting for ballot harvesting? Why is it that being made to show an ID before voting somehow disenfranchises minority voters? Why is keeping the door propped open to allow people to vote more than once seen as being acceptable? Why? Why? Why?

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