Saturday, March 12, 2022


It’s with each passing day of this continuing charade of a *presidency that even the dimmest of dim bulbs among us must now admit that we all had it pretty damn good under President Trump. And yet there are also those among us who are nothing more than a bunch of pussies who thought that because President Trump said what was on his mind that he didn’t possess the ‘proper’ temperament to be President. And so, when presented with an alternative, even one who clearly demonstrated that he had already proceeded well around the bend, they simply chose to risk it all. And we’ve been witnessing how that turned out every single day for the last nearly 15 months.

Now granted, we know a whole lot of cheating took place but that’s not going to be the focus here. The focus here will be on the lunacy that even in one’s wildest imagination that ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden would turn out in any way, shape or form, other than how he has. A complete and utter disaster and on every single level, economically, fiscally, socially, morally and militarily. And it was just this past Friday that he once again made that painfully clear. It was when *president ‘Creepy Joe’ chose to complain about how he was “sick” of Americans blaming him for inflation instead of the coronavirus plandemic or Russian President Vlad Putin.

‘Creepy Joe’ said, “I’m sick of this stuff… The American people think the reason for inflation is the government spending more money.” And added, “Simply. Not. True.” He made his remarks at a Democrat policy retreat to Democrats in Philadelphia in a rambling speech about issues facing his *presidency. And in speaking about the latest inflation reports ‘Creepy Joe’ said, “Democrats didn’t cause this problem. Vladimir Putin did.” And perhaps, from deep within what’s left of his mind, he views himself as speaking the truth, being too clueless to realize that those who have been controlling him are the real reason for all this country has been made to face for the last year.

And it was during his speech that ‘Creepy Joe’ falsely blamed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine for causing gas prices to rise in 2022, starting in January, but again he failed to recognize the fact that gas had already increased $1.40 a gallon BEFORE Putin chose to invade. And it was in referring to Putin that ‘Creepy Joe’ said, “From the moment he put his over 150,000 troops on the Ukrainian border, the price of gasoline in January went up 75 cents.” Prices rose about eight cents per gallon in January and did not spike until March when Putin significantly escalated his war in Ukraine. And ‘Creepy Joe’ whined, “Make no mistake, inflation is largely the fault of Putin."

But it was ‘BO’s former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers who told the Harvard Gazette in an interview that government intervention in the economy is partially responsible for inflation, suggesting it was an overreaction to the coronavirus plandemic. He said, “We had an economy where income was running short by $50 billion a month because of the pandemic, and we injected $150 billion to $200 billion a month into that economy.” And it was ‘BO’s former administration czar Steve Rattner who took to social media, after the White House tried to blame Putin for inflation, to write, “This is Biden’s inflation and he needs to own it."

Well, I suppose some progress has been made. ‘Creepy Joe’ has moved on from blaming President Trump to blaming President Putin. Never mind that we had energy independence and gas at half the price with President Trump, and President Putin only started his invasion two weeks ago. Higher gas prices and inflation started day one with ‘Creepy Joe’s cancellation of the Keystone pipeline and his wild spending on radical socialist programs. He knows warped Democrat voters will believe him and they plan to cancel the rest of us with election fraud! Nothing he says or does will help because it’s all based on fraud, corruption, and wild political schemes.

So ‘Creepy Joe’ says he’s sick of the American people understanding economics and failing to fall for his continuing blame game. Perhaps he should understand that the majority of the American people are sick of him, the worst and most divisive *president in all of American history. That’s quite an accomplishment considering what every Democrat president, all the way back to Lyndon Johnson, has done to our country. ‘Creepy Joe’ is merely trying to cry his way out of a hole of his own making and his idiotic remarks are nothing more than standard Democrat finger pointing and should be taken as exactly that. He is a fraud, and he knows it.

But, let’s face it, his behavior should come as no real surprise, this is pretty much what he has done his entire political life. He’s simply run out of options, the world’s spotlight is now on him, and him alone, and he is nowhere near up to the challenges. And sadly, I have no doubt that we will see this kind of meltdown coming far more frequently to the point where he’ll likely have a stroke or some other type of incapacitating illness. Anyone being honest with themselves can very plainly see that he’s neither mentally, or physically, fit for this job. He and those propping him up are the ones responsible for creating every single one of our current problems.

And apparently ‘Creepy Joe’ is too arrogant, too stupid or simply too senile to realize that anyone can look up the facts for themselves, they know longer need to accept what he’s saying as being true. Gone are the days when he could say anything, anywhere and to anyone and people had no way to know, whether or not, if it was actually true. Creepy Joe’ was an idiot before he became senile. If inflation is all the fault of the plandemic or the big bad ‘Russian Man,’ then ‘Creepy Joe’s handlers will have to explain why U.S. inflation, relative to many other countries, got so much worse after ‘Creepy Joe’s executive orders and reckless spending went into effect.

And I must admit that after watching everything that has been made to take place in this country over the last year, I have nothing but contempt for any actual living person who exercised their constitutionally protected and God given right to vote for this weak, bumbling, stumbling, corrupt, and criminal moron who is continually wrong and destructive to the interests or benefits of the American people. ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden has been wrong on every issue in his entire political career of sucking from the teat of actual working-class Americans. He was installed as our *president, not duly elected by the American people. He is fraud in the truest sense of the word.

And in response to ‘Creepy Joe’s idiotic claim how about a little refresher: It was ‘Creepy Joe’ who lied about his college grades. ‘Creepy Joe’ lied when he was a U.S. Senator, vice president and he continues to lie as our *president. He will never take responsibility for any of the damage he has caused her at home, as well as internationally, in less than 15 months. When he cancelled the XL Keystone pipeline he caused runaway inflation in the U.S., not the ‘Chinese virus plandemic or Putin. I’m sick of watching my country bleed-out because some unelected fool, who couldn't draw 10 people in the middle of Times Square, was installed in the White House.

And once again it was on January 21, 2021 that ‘Creepy Joe’ shut down the Keystone XL pipeline. In the next 4 months, ‘Creepy Joe’ & Co. resumed ‘BO’s regulations and political attacks on our energy sector by pressuring banks not to provide capital for energy development, cut off access to Federal lands for energy exploration, cut off Federally controlled offshore waters to further energy exploration and development. And it was then that the only thing that could happen, did happen. The price of gasoline and diesel started to rise slowly at first, but the increase in prices accelerated rather rapidly after the Summer and Fall of 2021.

And on top of that inflation influencing activity, ‘Creepy Joe’ & Co. then proceeded to dump over $7 Trillion into an economy that remained stagnant after the Left’s Chinese virus’ plandemic, and began paying low wage workers more to not work, than they would normally make working. When you have a lot of money trying to buy limited goods, the price goes up, that’s Econ 101. The Russian invasion of the Ukraine accelerated the inflation rates, but those rates were going to increase anyway, only a little slower. We saw this accelerated increase in inflation last November, December and January and old Vlad had absolutely nothing to do with that.

‘Creepy Joe’ is not a leader, has never been a leader, and will never, EVER, be a leader. He was never qualified or capable of holding the office of President. The people that manipulated the system to make him *president are also not qualified to handle any of the situations of the moment. We are witnessing their failure with each passing hour. Every single time the Democrats are in charge, they screw things up and when things go horribly wrong, which they always do, they accept none of the responsibility. The only people who still actually think ‘Creepy Joe’ is doing a great job are the same morons wearing masks while driving alone in their cars.

And finally, if there is any kind of positive in any of this, it’s that ‘Creepy Joe’ has provided, and continues to provide, some great material for any upcoming Republican campaign ads, with his constant wandering away from the podium while people are asking him questions, his creepy whispering and constant lying, his getting angry and yelling, and just his general weapons-grade stupidity that’s on display every single time he opens his mouth. He needs to be featured in every ad in the country from dogcatcher to U.S. senator. If the district is more than 100 percent Democrat then Kamala ‘Headboard’ Harris can be used in a cameo.

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