Monday, March 14, 2022


Ya know, for someone who was supposed to be such a standup guy, it’s ex Attorney General Bill Barr who has turned out to be little more than your standard DC piece of shit. I mean, first he claimed to have told President Trump that his claims of massive voter fraud in 2020 were nothing more than a bunch of BS, and it’s now that he claims to have been surprised that President Trump didn’t ‘lose’ by even more votes. And I must admit that I’m more than a bit curious when it comes to just what it might be that this fat tub of RINO bases either of these idiotic statements on.

You see, it was this past Sunday during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” hosted by that leftwing-dweeb-of-a-‘journalist’ Chuckie Todd, that Barr claimed to have been “surprised” at the close results of the 2020 presidential election. Barr said, “I think he actually, at the time of the election, thought he won the election. If there was a plan to stay in office, it’s something that materialized after the election. I saw no sign of a plan before the election to stay in office regardless of the outcome.” This slob very clearly went over to the dark side a very long time ago.

Todd said, “He was sowing the seeds for four years. He accused Ted Cruz of cheating in the caucuses the first time he appeared on any sort of ballot here. Is this a pattern to practice?” And Barr responded, “It was the same thing in 2016 on both sides. I felt for a long time he was going to lose the election. I went in in April and told him I thought he was going to lose the election.” And Barr went on to say, “His personal behavior, obnoxious behavior, was turning voters away, and I felt he was going to lose. I was actually surprised it was as close as it was.” What pure political BS!!!

These idiotic comments tell us all that we really need to know about this traitor, Bill Barr! He betrayed President Trump at a critical time, and has been exposed for what he really is. ANYONE who thinks ‘Creepy Joe’ got more votes than did President Trump is beyond delusional. ‘Creepy Joe’ couldn’t draw flies while President Trump was drawing huge crowds. Barr is just another traitor to this country. This was, without a doubt, a fraudulent election and anyone involved should be tried for treason. Back in the good old days they’d all be swinging from the end of a rope.

Barr just doesn’t get it. It’s sad, really, when someone like Barr, who really is a pretty smart guy, knowingly stands up for corruption. President Trump definitely had a harsh demeanor when he encountered those who he viewed as incompetent or blatant wrongdoing. He is impulsive with his talk and offended many. Why? Because Republicans aren’t supposed to fight back. They’re simply supposed to acquiesce whenever the Democrats want to waste more of the taxpayers’ money, blatantly cheat in every election, seek to destroy our economy, and on and on.

President Trump did what he said he would do and in so doing handed America a glimpse of all that it could be by giving us the best economy of our lifetime. And he could have done so much more had those within his own party been willing to help. Barr’s man ‘Creepy Joe’ has brought it all down in less than a year. Barr, besides trying to sell a book, is likely in search of a little revenge for when President Trump dressed him down in front of some powerful people, and rightly so. How petty. Barr is one of those folks who always throw a tantrum whenever they get kicked to the curb.

And it’s those who hate President Trump that automatically give credence to those like Barr who are only too eager to criticize him. Half of those people were self-serving liars and scammers. And for Barr to so casually shoot down claims of voter fraud makes clear just which side he is very firmly on. And it’s not the side of America. All he would need to do is to look at the results of the audits that have been done to see that there is plenty of evidence. But his mind is made up. And if can simply choose to ignore it and dismiss it, then his opinion is beyond worthless.

Look at all that the Democrats have now done to this country and in such a remarkably short period of time. Fuel prices have more than doubled, inflation is at a 40-year high, Afghanistan was returned to the Taliban, Russia has resumed its effort to annex Ukraine, ‘Creepy Joe’ & Co. have brought the world to the brink of a nuclear war and this guy is whining about President Trump being petty and narcissistic. Right, and there was never a petty or narcissistic individual among the Democrats? The same party that brought us ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton, Barry ‘O’ and ‘Creepy Joe.'

And then there was everything that President Trump, and his family, was subjected to for four years, and for what?  Because he dared to defeat the most corrupt politician, at the time, ever to run for office? The Democrats were stunned that he humiliated Hitlery and were determined to gain some level of retribution. And so there was no accusation considered to cross the line and no lie undeserving of being told by themselves or their minions in the ‘fake news’ media like Chuckie Todd. And they preyed on low information voters too stupid to know they were being lied to.

“His personal behavior, obnoxious behavior,” says Backstabber Barr of President Trump. Well, give me that any day of the week over a lying, cheating, cognitively impaired America hater who sells out his country for monetary gains for him, his crack addict son and his family! But it does make you wonder why it he ever agreed to work for someone he disliked so much in the first place. Perhaps to sabotage? He wouldn’t have been the only one. If Barr had done his job, Donald Trump would be our President today, and the world would be a far better, and more peaceful, place.

Not only did President Trump’s policies bring about the best economy in decades along with lowest unemployment rates in history for blacks, Hispanics, and Asian Americans, as well as for women, his policies quickly defeated ISIS without getting us into any new quagmires. Even though it was one of the greatest periods of peace and prosperity in American history, the ‘fake news’ media convinced the sheep that we were practically living in Nazi Germany with racists behind every tree and around every corner. Think about it the next time you go to the gas station or grocery store.

Democrats, with the help of more than a few RINOs, impeached President Trump twice with absolutely nothing. They attacked him at every turn, the entire globalist elite hated him. The Vatican, the Royals, the Hollyweirdos, and the ‘fake new’ types. Everyone had it out for President Trump. And why was that? His only ‘crime’ was to put ‘America First’ and to stand against the global agenda. And it took a plandemic and massive treasonous vote stuffing to get him out so that the globalist plan could continue. If you can’t see that at this moment in time, then there’s no hope for you.

Barr was just one of very many who chose to collaborate with the Democrats to the detriment of the country. President Trump would have much better served had he picked Rudy Giuliani for Attorney General and then simply turned him loose. President Trump succeeded where so many others had failed. He made greater inroads for peace in the Middle East, made this country self-sufficient regarding its energy needs, and reversed unfair treaties and trade agreements that took advantage of America. President Trump’s leadership remains unrivaled in all of American history.

Finally, some food for thought. With just over 63 million votes in 2012 and just under 70 million in 2008, ‘BO’ became the first president to be re-elected to the office with less votes than when he was first elected. We’re told ‘Creepy Joe’ got more than 81 million votes in 2020, the most of any presidential candidate in U.S. history, from his basement. President Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. The border is open, Afghanistan has been returned to the Taliban, gas is over 4 dollars a gallon and, Putin is promising to use nukes if his plans to destroy NATO are stopped.

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