Friday, March 4, 2022


At a time when we already have no shortage of ‘clowns’ in Congress, along comes yet another, and one who apparently thinks he’s just what America needs. Yup, just what we need, another leftwing ‘clown’ who could not be more out of touch, as are the rest of the clowns, when it comes to the needs of those of us who actually work for a living. And, another who enthusiastically supports every leftwing cause from bogus ‘climate change’ to wide open borders. And just what is it with our entertainment types who are convinced that they’re just so much smarter than the rest of us?

Which brings me to ‘comedian’ Jon Leibowitz (Stewart) who recently declared that he cannot rule out a future run for high office, drawing inspiration from what he calls “the shitheads” currently in Congress. Leibowitz revealed his combination of ambition and despair when he exclaimed, “Oh, god. How do you not?” to Kara Swisher in an episode of her New York Times “Sway” podcast released this past Thursday, when asked if he ever secretly held political ambitions. He said, “How do you not when you watch all that and you’re like, oh my god, what is — this is terrible."

And it was Leibowitz who went on to say, “It’s sort of like when you get in a car and the one driver’s drunk, and you’re like, ‘Did you ever think about taking the wheel?’ You’re like, ‘Yeah, I did.’” And he also sounded one note of critical self-caution after Swisher noted President Trump and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene brought their own temperament to their roles. Leibowitz said, “It’s having the patience, like, ‘How come that person gets to still be here? Make that person leave!’” Once again making it quite clear that he is absolutely nothing without a team of writers behind him.

And, of course, it was in typical fashion that Leibowitz also seemed to go out of his way to declaim Republicans for what he alleged was their defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his invasion of neighboring Ukraine. And it was in referring to President Trump and his Republican allies that Leibowitz said, “I think for years, it’s been pretty clear that they would much rather do a deal with Putin than [House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)].” And he added, “They view Putin as a defender of Western civilization. They view him as an ideological brother."

Ideological brother? Is this moron serious? Whose son, named Hunter, was over in that very same country making business deals for dear old dad? And which political party is it that did everything that could possibly be done to cover it all up and even deny that anything of the sort was taking place? Leibowitz brings absolutely nothing new to the Democrat table. It’s the same Democrat crap-fest full of lies and distortions. He once said, “My college career was waking up late, memorizing someone else’s notes, doing bong hits, and going to soccer practice. Which tells you all you need to about him.

Age is clearly making Leibowitz more than a little forgetful. Does he not remember Hitlery’s reset attempt, the debate where ‘BO’ laughed at Romney, the infamous hot mike remark made by ‘BO’ to Medvedev about how he’d have more flexibility after the election, or the sanctions put on Russia by President Trump and removed by ‘Creepy Joe.’ And while ‘BO’ and ‘Creepy Joe’ sent blankets to Russian adversaries, President Trump sent missiles. Need I go on? After 1 year of the worst failures in U.S. history, why do loons like Leibowitz think that anyone wants to listen to them?

What a pathetic, sophomoric mentality. Personally, I’m thinking he’s likely lost his chance to impress the idiot base of the Democrat Party. Too many other idiots have come after him, I bet a lot of these morons have never seen his stupid show, which I refuse to mention. Just another deranged super-lib with far too much time on his hands and more money than sense. He’ll need to run for office along with his staff of writers because without them he can’t manage a single thought let alone an actual joke. Another idiot from Hollyweird who thinks he needs to help lead the country.

Those like Leibowitz keep talking about President Trump partnering with Vlad Putin. Wasn’t it President Trump who killed a bunch of Russian soldiers in Syria? Wasn’t it President Trump who put economic sanctions on Russia? Wasn’t it President Trump who told Germany not to buy oil from Russia because it puts money in Putin‘s pocket? Doesn’t sound like much of a partner to me. President Trump made a couple of favorable statements towards Putin publicly, and that’s all these fools can see. They can’t consider that he was trying to schmooze the guy, trying to find common ground.

He took many actions that hurt Russia, and these people just ignore them. They refuse to recognize the way the President Trump operates, it just infuriates them, because they don’t understand how he operates. President Trump did absolutely nothing that provided Russia with any level of benefit. Other than some public complements, which I’m sure you could find other politicians have done in the past. Leibowitz is as far left and clueless as ‘The Squad.’ Go ahead and run, it won’t make a difference. Leibowitz obviously has a rather high opinion of himself.

There it is once again folks. How many times in the last week have the Democrats tried to do it? I’ve lost count. And this is just another example of how the Democrats, heading to the midterm elections, are desperate in their attempts to marry Republicans to Vlad and the current conflict. Say one thing positive about a tyrant's strength or resolve, that the left can then twist and repeat ad nauseam, and of course they’re going run with it and lie their asses off. No Jonny, the Republicans don’t view Vlad as an ideological brother. So melodramatic. So, so like Jonny Leibowitz.

So, once again, it’s our fault that a Democrat, in this case ‘Creepy Joe,’ rolls over on his very first day in office and submissively wets himself in front of Putin by giving him a monopoly over European energy. Sorry but pointing out what a weak, impotent, buffoon ‘Creepy Joe’ is, does not equal “cheering for Putin.” I would love to see this professional joke reader in an actual debate setting where he’s actually forced to provide grownup answers to tough questions. He would fold up like a ‘BO’ negotiator and he knows it. That’s why he’ll never do anything more than shoot his mouth off.

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