Saturday, October 22, 2022


It never ceases to amaze me how a guy who is so very obviously missing more and just one or two marbles thinks he’s just oh so much smarter than the American people. Now clearly is smarter than a few, for instance those who insist upon voting for Democrats, but when compared to the vast majority of Americans it’s Joey who’s dumb as a post. And yet he keeps trying to convince us that because of that he has ‘accomplished’ we should have no reason to complain. In the half century of being in government the only thing that Joey B has ever done is to continually screw over the American taxpayer. He has never done one positive thing for this country.

It was during an interview on MSDNC this past Friday with some clown by the name of Jonathan Capehart that *president Joey B responded to polling data showing people trust Republicans on the economy by stating he’s not sure how accurate polls are and “a lot of what we’ve done and we’ve passed has not kicked in yet.” This guy Capehart is another of the many faux ‘journalists,’ that the network. Married to his ‘husband Nick, Capehart is billed as being a journalist and television commentator and writes for The Washington Post's PostPartisan blog. I only mention this as a way to point out that he’s another boob on MSDNC who very clearly has an agenda of his own.

And it was during this ‘interview’ that Capehart asked, “[H]ere’s a problem, I think, for you and Democrats, despite all the good economic news, low unemployment, record job creation, wage increases, Social Security cost of living adjustment to 8.7%, the highest in 40 years. And yet, poll after poll shows that the American people trust Republicans on the economy and think that Republicans should control Congress. How do you break through that?” Joey said, “I’m not sure about the polls. Because the way people conduct polls today, it’s hard. 90% of it is you get on the telephone where you have to call seven times to get somebody to answer the phone, number one."

Joey went on to say, “Number two, a lot of what we’ve done and we’ve passed has not kicked in yet. For example, we have all this money to rebuild the highways, bridges, Internet, etc., but it’s going to take time. It’s not all happening overnight. It’s not like we passed a law and all of a sudden the highways and bridges are all functioning. And it’s not like we’re in a position where we’re saying no senior — which we do — is going to have to pay more than $2,000 a year for their drug costs…it hasn’t kicked in yet. It doesn’t kick in until next year.” God help us when, “A lot of what we have done on the economy hasn’t even kicked in yet,” does kick in!

Oddly enough, it’s not a single soul on MSDNC, including this dolt Capehart, that has any interest in keeping count of the lies told by this senile old fuck or by any Democrat. But I suppose I shouldn’t be too harsh regarding Mr. Capehart, he’s simply doing what everyone else in the ‘fake news’ media is doing. They’re all ignoring the lies along with the many idiotic remarks and blatant exaggerations. They continue to try to present this guy as being anything other than what he is, a doddering old man who has absolutely no business being *president and who, if we’re being truly honest, isn’t. You will never convince me that 81 million Americans voted for this loser.

But then, what else should we expect from a truck-driving-college-professor who whooped ‘Corn Pop’s ass? His life is so incredibly dull that he has to make stuff up so it sounds even a tiny bit interesting. After all, corrupt politicians aren’t the least bit unique in Washington. Quite the contrary, they abound! Personally, I think they get some sort of perverted pleasure in making people suffer. I mean how else can you explain what they do? And members of the media, like this moron Capehart, see absolutely nothing wrong with what’s going on, to the point where they go out of there way to never challenge any Democrat even when presented with an opportunity to do so.

Joey claims that a lot of what he’s done has not kicked in yet. Meanwhile, the economy is collapsing around us, political prisoners are rotting in jail, the FBI is making political arrests and old Joey’s continues to do everything within your power to destroy the fossil fuel industry. Add to that the fact that he repeatedly lied his way through the ‘Chinese virus’ mess, he appears to be running a very dangerous proxy war in Ukraine, he has spent us into the poorhouse, has botched everything he has touched since Day 1, and anybody who dares to disagrees with him is declared an enemy democracy. What else do we have to look forward to that has yet to kick in.

Finally, there continues to be this symbiotic relationship between the left, and the Democrats in particular, and those in the ‘fake news’ media that has proven itself to be very detrimental to the country. Imagine how differently things would look in this country, and even the world, if those in the media, like Mr. Capehart, had a genuine interest in presenting the truth to the people and not some fabricated fairytale that anyone with brain knows to be a lie. Those in the media would be doing themselves a yuge favor, and would give their credibility a yuge boost, if they simply resorted to telling the truth and forced those politicians they interview to do the same.

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