Tuesday, October 4, 2022


So riddle me this, after decades of allowing themselves to be lead down the primrose path by the Democrats, are there an increasing number of blacks who are finally beginning to wake up to the dire consequences of having done so? And are they finally willing to do whatever it takes, even going so far as to vote Republican, to break the cycle of poverty that has essentially been forced upon by their beloved Democrat Party. And are enough of them finally beginning to realize that slavery does not always involves chains and plantations are not always about cotton? Or, is the data that would seem to indicate that, nothing more than a bunch of malarkey?

CNN’s ‘senior data reporter,’ whatever the Hell that is, Harry Enten said Monday on “New Day” that polling is showing a significant drop in support for Democrats among black voters. Anchor Brianna Keilar said, “New data is showing warning signs for Democrats ahead of the midterms. A key voting group that is considered reliably Democratic does not seem as blue as it once was was. CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten is joining us now. So Harry, as we move into the midterms, here you’re saying we’re seeing movement among a core Democratic group.” Enten said, “Yes, take a look here. This is black voters’ electoral preference in pre-election polling."

And this clown, Enten, went on to say, “Black voters are the core part of the Democratic Party. And as you can see here in the race for Congress, they’re still getting 74 percent support in the pre-election polling right now, but compare that to the final polling for 2020 President and 2018 Congress. Back in 2020, it was 84 percent, 85 percent in 2018. So you’re clearly seeing right here there is less support for Democratic candidates for Congress among African-Americans. You can look at the Republican column as well, and you can see that 12 percent is not exactly high, but that is actually the high watermark. It was 9 percent in 2020 and 9 percent in 2018."

And he said, “So basically, what was a 75, 76-point margin is down in the low 60s. Democrats still well ahead with African-Americans, but in a game in which you’re trying to drive up, the margin, the margin among African Americans for Democrats is clearly down.” Now don’t get me wrong here the lack of Black votes isn’t going to be what causes the Democrats to lose in November. What’s going to cause them to lose is the fact that everything they do, and I do mean EVERY SINGLE THING, hurts average Americans regardless of color, religion, sexual orientation and gender. That is what’s going to cost them in the November midterm elections!

And it would be black men who are leaving the Democrat Party, because they like President Trump. Because President Trump, by creating jobs, gave them the opportunity to prosper and a path for them to gain for themselves a little self-respect. Two things that the Democrats have worked hard to keep from them for decades. And now they’re watching how it is that the Democrats are trying to replace them with all of the illegal immigrants that are being encouraged to come to this country, and beginning to wake up and see this truth. Granted, it’s still way too early to tell if this will actually translate into support for Republicans, but it might.

Maybe, just maybe, blacks are waking up because of how a white Gavin Newsom tried to painted black Larry Elder as a “white supremacist!” Maybe they’re waking up when the mostly white New York Times sends a reporter down to Georgia to declare that Herschel Walker is no longer part of the black community because he’s running as a Republican? Maybe they're waking up because of Joey saying, “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black!” Maybe they’re waking up to how it is that the Democrat Party is openly declaring ownership of black people and pushing policies that see blacks killed in the womb by the thousands and in the streets by the hundreds?

Maybe they're finally waking up to the world of poverty, misery, theft, drug use, and murder that has been created especially for them by the very party that chose to fight a war to keep their fellow human beings as slaves. And now, here we are nearly 160 years later and it’s the same Democrat Party that vehemently supports black genocide through abortion, which disproportionately destroys black lives. Any black who votes for a Democrat is agreeing to be poor the rest of their life. Democrats do nothing to help blacks out of poverty, Democrats only want their votes. President Trump gave them hope and gave them the chance to stand on their own.

And I suspect that while more black men are beginning to see the light, black women are firmly entrenched in their bubble and will, in all likelihood, continue to vote in overwhelming numbers for whatever Democrat they can. But they need to consider how it continues to be the Democrat Party that prevents them from having a strong man in their lives and a dedicated father figure for their children. They need not continue to accept the government’s playing the role of ‘father’ and husband. But as long as the continue to vote for Democrats that can be the only result, because it’s the only result possible in the world created for them by the Democrats.

And blacks need to be asking themselves if after over 60 years of Democrat policies and trillions of dollars spent, how many Blacks are genuinely better off? Has all the ‘free stuff’ the Democrats have continued to provide improved even one life? What is it that the Democrats have done for blacks really? Other than to destroy black families; allow drugs to be easily accessible; reduce law enforcement in black neighborhoods, many of which need that help more than most, made everything more expensive for those who still have to pay for it instead of just taking everything they want; filled them with the self-destructive emotion of anger; and the list goes on.

And mark my words, it’s for the next 30 days we can expect nonstop racial fearmongering from the Democrats and those in our ‘fake news’ media. Blacks have saddled this country with Democrats for too long. In return for their taxpayer funded ‘freebies’ they’ve just about destroyed everything that’s decent in America.  BLM destroyed many cities and spread a toxic ideology throughout the country. Blacks must stop listening to the snake-oil salesmen who claim to have their best interests at heart and start exploring their options. At this point it’s like Donald Trump once said, “what have they got to lose” except perpetual bondage to a self-serving government.

Finally, many times in the past I have opined about how much different this country would look today if blacks had never been brought here in the first place. About how many innocent lives would have been spared, about how trillions of dollars would have never been spent, about how many of our cities wouldn’t be in the condition that they are today, and so very much more. But as the old saying goes, “What’s done, is done!” Blacks need to return to the Republican Party or be made to suffer by their own hand the ugly consequences that continuing to vote Democrat will surely bring to them. Blacks control their destiny and their future is within their control.

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