Saturday, October 29, 2022


Now I’m pretty sure that you would be hard-pressed to find anywhere on the planet a more arrogant, a more conceited, a more self-centered, more transparent, more useless or more narcissistic ASSHOLE than Barack Obama who, from here on out will be referred to as ‘BO’. And it’s every time that he opens his mouth that he proves all of that to be true. Here’s a guy who was president for eight years and in those eight years accomplished not one positive thing for the country he was ‘elected’ to lead. And it was in many respects that he made things very much worse.

And you see it was this past Friday that ‘BO’ criticized Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker for being a “celebrity” during a campaign rally in Georgia for Democrats. And in what I can only assume was a jab at President Trump, He said, “It seems to me he’s a celebrity who wants to be a politician. And we’ve seen how that goes!” Yup by golly we have, energy independence, a booming economy, real wage growth, a rebuilt military, peace in the Middle East, yup, I say America was in pretty darn good shape. Definitely better that what had proceeded during the eight years prior, when it was this ASSHOLE who was in the White House. But I digress.

Anyway, ‘BO’ made his idiotic remarks when speaking at a rally for Raphael Warnock and Stacey Abrams. ‘BO’ continued by saying, “Some of you may not remember, but Herschel Walker was a heck of a football player,” calling him “one of the best running backs of all time.” Then he asked, “But here’s a question, does that make him the best person to represent you in the US Senate?” ‘BO’ said, “Does that make him equipped to weigh in on the critical decisions about our economy and our foreign policy and our future?” Ok, so it’s important to make sure that Mr. Walker is well equipped to deal with such issues, but not the stroke victim in Pennsylvania?

‘BO’ then proceeded to cast doubt on whether Walker was intelligent or experienced enough to serve as a senator. ‘BO’ said, “There is very little evidence that he has taken any interest, bothered to learn anything about, or displayed any kind of inclination toward public service or volunteer work or helping people in any way.” And then went on to say, “At least we don’t really know about it and that does make you suspect.” ‘BO’s appearance in Georgia comes as Democrats are increasingly worried about their chances in Georgia since recent polls now show that Walker is pulling even or slightly ahead of Warnock. So, of course, in swoops ‘BO’.

‘BO’ argued that Republicans did not fight for issues that Georgia voters cared about. He said, “Too many Republicans are interested in two things: Owning the libs and getting Donald Trump’s approval.” And he said, “They’re not interested in solving problems they’re interested in making you angry and finding somebody to blame.” He also criticized Republicans for always trying to cut more taxes. ‘BO’ said, “If there was an asteroid headed toward Earth, they would all get in a room and say, ‘You know what we need? Tax cuts for the wealthy.” ‘BO’ was sounding like nothing more than the same old broken record repeating the same old garbage over and over again.

‘BO’ acknowledged that crime was up around the country but said that Democrats were better on the issue than Republicans. He claimed, “Who will fight to keep you and your family safe?” And he asked, “The Republican politicians who want to flood our streets with more guns?” And, of course, ‘BO’ also spent a moment acknowledging the attack on Paul Pelosi early Friday morning, criticizing political violence. He said, “Some in office, or aspire to office, work to stir up a division to make folks as angry and afraid of each other for their own advantage.” And he went on to say, “And all of this has been amped up, hyped up 24/7 on social media."

I found it pretty amazing that ‘BO’ told Georgia voters that they should vote for Democrats because Republicans, “are not interested in solving problems.” Georgians should consider how many of the problems they face today are a direct result of Democrat policies over the last two years. Policies affecting what’s going on in their schools, their daughters’ athletics, policies affecting their grocery bills, their gas and energy costs, to the borders their Nation used to have to protect their children’s future and jobs, to taking away the Second Amendment rights promised to every sing American. Polls would seem to indicate that Georgians is not falling for Democrat BS!!

‘BO’ comments reveal, even more than anything that he has said previously, that he is nothing more than a very small, petty man. It seems to me that Herschel Walker means what he says, admits his mistakes and is acting with good intentions. In contrast everything that ‘BO’ does, has done, or will likely continue to do, is a triangulated cynical maneuver designed to benefit no one but ‘’BO’. Ok, so maybe ‘BO’ is right, and Walker isn’t a politician, and maybe that isn’t as terrible a thing that ‘BO’ implies it is. Mr. Walker does come across as being someone I can trust. And he is definitely the guy I would be voting for if I was to live in Georgia.

And ‘BO’ speaks of Walker being a “celebrity” as if it’s a bad thing and yet it’s he who seems to take great pleasure in hanging out with stupid, empty-headed celebrities. But then perhaps it’s only those celebrities who are only too happy to throw a lot of their money in the direction of Democrats and their radical leftwing policies, and are not running for office trying to prevent Democrats from destroying our country. And lest we forget, it was ‘BO’ who turned his back on Chicago and it’s minority communities, uttering not a word on the slaughters every weekend. He was nothing but a two-bit soapbox orator now living large on his millions in Martha’s Vineyard.

What a small pathetic POS this weakling was as president. He embarrassed this country by bowing to dictators and apologizing for Americas success all over the world. This huckster started the divisive tone in politics. He had his hit list like all leftists do and proceeded to use government agencies against those enemies, real or imagined. Herschel Walker is more of a man than is loser ‘BO’. What has ‘BO’ done to help or serve anyone since he left office? That would, of course, be nothing. He’s been far too busy ‘writing’ books and making crappy shows for Netflix. Oh, and of course hitting the campaign trail for candidates the likes of Warnock and Abrams.

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