Wednesday, May 10, 2023


So just who the Hell is George Conway and why should I give a flying f*ck what he thinks, or does not think, about Donald Trump. By the looks of him he was likely the fat little toad who got beat up for his lunch money all the way through college. We’re told he’s a “moderate republican,” and we ALL know what that means. Which would explain his hatred of President Trump. And while we may not know for certain that he’s in the pocket of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), what we do know is that Mr. Conway is a proud member of the pedo-enabling Never-Trump group, ‘The Lincoln Project.’ And yet, he still feels qualified to lecture us on the evils of President Trump.

And it was during an appearance this past Tuesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that Conway said that he believes supporters of President Trump can’t admit that he could be guilty of sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll because then they would “have to admit they’ve been essentially endorsing and enabling a monster.” So why is it that this sleaze ball rates a platform from which to spew this garbage? Those that openly oppose President Trump have cried ‘wolf’ so many times that no one is listening any more, and it’s become a public joke. And it was Cooper who asked, “Do you think the verdict plays a role in how he does in the campaign for the nomination?"

Conway said, “Like everything else involving Donald Trump, it cuts both ways. I think to the people who support him, they will simply dismiss it as a conspiracy led by the litigation, or me, or you, or CNN, or Jean Carroll, or Jean Carroll’s lawyers. Another attempt to get Donald Trump. And they never really ask themself how is it possible for any one person to get into this many scrapes and have that many people say the same thing about him, about his dishonesty and sexual predation, and never ask, is there something to this? They can’t bring themselves to do that. If they do that then they have to admit they’ve been essentially endorsing and enabling a monster."

Oddly, President Trump’s accuser doesn’t recall when or where the incident occurred. Clinton’s and Joey’s accusers do recall and have evidence. But it doesn’t matter. Democrat rapists are a protected species. The whole thing is a fake story enabled by a corrupt judicial system in New York City. Unlike the true story where Joey finger raped a woman in the hallway. What the liars are saying about President Trump amounts to a preconceived notion and why the accusations all seem alike is because they’re all calculated to advance that notion! President Trump should be owed some level of compensation for the many bald-faced lies that have been told about him!

The jury did not find that Donald Trump raped this woman. The jury didn’t believe her BS story. But, because it was a New York jury and they hate Donald Trump, they are going to force him to write her a check for $5 Million dollars because he “defamed” her when he said she was lying, and the jury agreed! Conway pushed this entire fraudulent lawsuit by some white-trash bimbo from an alleged incident from 30 years ago. Conway nothing but a parasite shyster. We’re told that Donald Trump is a monster while Joey, who showered with his daughter, and crackhead son, Hunter, who screwed his dead brother's wife and screwed America for decades, are Saints!

In the four years of President Trump’s presidency the only monsters I saw, certainly by far the worst and most prevalent, were all on the left. And it’s not Joey & Co. that has since all but destroyed America, and damaged much of the world to boot at the same time. The left’s obsession with ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ shows absolutely no sign of letting up. And what Democrats fail to realize, and likely never will, is that even with all of President Trump’s faults and, granted, there are a few, the Democrats having set about to ruin this country are nothing short of treasonous and are 100 times worse in the eyes of the American people than President Trump could ever be.

Given the age of this so-called sexual encounter and the fact that no one was told about it then, I highly doubt if these allegations ever occurred. It’s hard to defend when there’s no date and time so many years later. So the message here is if you are male and Republican, the Democrats will investigate decades of your sexual history and offer to make media stars out of the alleged ‘victims.’ It’s essentially open season on Republicans while creeps like Clinton and Joey get a pass. Democrat sheep voted for their guy because they hated the other guy, and their guy is now the disaster the other guy told them their guy would be. Typical of Democrats and their sheep.

Clearly Conway and those like him, support Joey’s crime organization. Embezzlement, fraud, corruption, a rigged election, and that’s just the stuff that can be mentioned in polite conversation, talk about enabling a monster. He would rather have war, rampant inflation, and open borders, than peace and prosperity. When have we ever had it as good as we did during President Trump’s time in office? Haters of President Trump, like Conway, HOPE that if they pile on the bogus accusations his supporters will think there is something to it, but we are too smart for that. Evil is so easy to spot these days. They always paint those who they hate with their own evil.

Look, people will think whatever they WANT to think! To Democrats, those who hate this country and want to see it destroyed, President Trump may be a “monster” for no other reason than because he believes in American exceptionalism, Democrats most definitely do no. Following that same logic, Joey is a “monster” because of his radical leftwing beliefs. I HATE to think that that’s how people view one another! It would seem to me that Democrats feel that anyone who opposes their point of view has no redeeming value at all. Democrats used to claim the moral high ground suggesting they were tolerant of many viewpoints. That’s clearly no longer the case.

The Democrats are enabling a senile old man who is completely out of it cognitively. He is destroying our country and has a decades long record of criminal activity. The question that no one seems to want to ask the Democrats, because they’d have to answer in the affirmative is, “Were you doing better off when Donald Trump was President than you are today?” The answer, if one is being truthful, a big ‘IF’ today, would have to be, “YES!” Conway can only be suffering the effects of End Stage TDS. No, Mr. Conway, President Trump is not a monster. He is a quite ordinary human being who was a better than average president. The only monster is in your brain, sir.

And I must admit that I’m rather amazed that they still can’t seem to figure out why it was that we voted for Donald Trump, the answer is so obvious. People were tired of being lied to, of promises made and then promptly broken once they had accomplished their intended goal. And once we elected him, instead of forgetting about us, he made good on many of the promises that he had made to us, with little or no help from many of those in his own party. We liked low unemployment, low gas prices, no new wars, our booming economy, secure borders, our enemies in check and bona fide Middle East peace talks. They can’t bring themselves to admit such things.

And finally, if this is how the Republican establishment plans on convincing President Trump’s supporters to abandon him, this is the wrong way to go about it. President Trump brought Independent voters into the Republican Party, and people like Conway are not only pushing them away but also pushing away long time Republican voters with his vile hate. Every single stunt that these people have conjured up over the course of the last eight years has flopped because they are all so transparent, the people all saw right through them. And still, they keep trying, despite the fact that he has been out of office for 28 months. And still they keep swinging and missing.

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