Friday, May 26, 2023


You know, just once I wish our Republican politicians would work as hard to keep this country from being destroyed as Democrat politicians do in their effort to do just the opposite. But it’s every time that Republicans are presented with just such an opportunity, they do nothing but piss it away. For example, instead of choosing to unite in their support of President Trump and to present a united front against the Democrats, we have a bunch of competing egos who all think that they are actually able to do a better job than President Trump, when none could ever hope to.

What do you suppose would happen if all the Republicans now running for president decided to do what all the Democrats running for president did back in 2020. Because it was then that every one of them chose to unite behind the only guy they thought could win. And win he did, albeit with a considerable number of political shenanigans and with more than a few fraudulent votes. But he did ‘win,’ allowing them to declare their mission accomplished. You see, they all focused on one thing, that being the defeat of President Trump. They chose to do what was best for their party.

And unfortunately for the rest of us, because they all chose to get behind Joey, they have been able to make a great deal of progress on their agenda that has as its goal the end of America as we know it. Now as we approach the presidential election of 2024 imagine if the Republicans, instead of doing everything they can to fragment the party, chose to unite behind the only guy who really has any chance of winning in 2024? Wouldn’t it be great if they were to put what’s actually best for the country above what is best for each of them. What chance would the Democrats have?

And to be honest, words cannot describe the level of disappointment I have in my governor, Ron DeSantis. I really thought that he was one who could be counted on to put the survival of the country above his ego. That he could find it in himself to stand with President Trump for the sake of the country. But such was not the case. I wasn’t really surprised by Scott, Haley, Christie and Hutchinson, they’re all nothing more than RINOs anyway and want nothing more than to do all they can to splinter the party and make it easier for Joey, or some other Democrat, to win in 2024.

If only the Republicans could be a bit more like the Democrats, to play the game a bit more like they do, and to act as one when it comes to advancing our agenda and our vision for the country. But nope, we always have to be dragged down by competing egos while the other team simply waltzes across the finish line. We know the Democrats are out to destroy this country, we see it every day, and yet our side seems unable to find it within themselves to put the survival of the country above their next potential election victory. Clearly their priorities are not our priorities.

Out of all those who have decided to run, and all of those who have said they may run, the only candidate, and I mean the ONLY candidate, that I truly do trust is Donald Trump. The other wannabes make we want to puke, including my governor. Not one of these people, other than President Trump, are running because of their love of this country. And I will vote for no one if President Trump is not on the ballot. Because there would be no point. Our country is circling the drain and none of the other candidates are in any way prepared to do what needs to be done to stop it.

And any American who chooses to vote for any candidate other than President Trump is nothing more than an accomplice in America’s destruction. And it’s what we’ve all been watching take place over the last 29 months that should form the only encouragement one needs to cast their vote for President Trump. The fours years that he was in the White House made it very clear that the American dream was not dead but was very much alive and well. And what we have seen taking place ever since then is nothing more than a never-ending attempt to forever snuff that dream out.

There is only one way to salvage this country, and that is to present a united front against those who are so desperate to destroy it. We need to unite as one behind the one man who has proven he is up to the task, because he’s done it. And if he was not the one, why the concerted effort to destroy him, an effort that continues to this day. And sadly, it’s many on our side who have demonstrated a great willingness to join in that same effort to destroy the man. All in an effort to prevent him from running and to clear the field for those who claim to be better alternatives to President Trump.

So, since it’s become painfully obvious that we can’t rely on any of these presidential wannabes to do what’s necessary, I’m afraid that’s going to be left to we the people to come riding to the rescue of our country and do what it is that we all know needs to be done. If they can’t bring themselves to put the country above their individual political careers, then we’ll just need to make sure that they don’t have a career. And if they can’t unite behind President Trump, then we the people are going to have to. We are going to have to do what they refuse to, save our country!!!

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