Wednesday, May 24, 2023


To say the least, I am more than just a little disappointed in Ron DeSantis. His decision to do is more about himself than about the country, where as with President Trump it’s more about the country. This is President Trump’s Republican Party, and one cannot defeat President Trump without destroying the Republican Party and handing power to the Democrats in the process. Come 2024 if President Trump is not on the ballot, I will not be voting. And that, my friends, you can take to the bank! I’m tired of hearing what people are going to do only to watch as they do nothing once elected.

President Trump is the right choice to save America from its socialist decline! He knows we can’t legislate or regulate our way out of our national debt, inflation and moral decline. He believes we can grow our way out with prosperity, he’s done it before. He has the vision and the experience to restore our national prosperity! He believes in the traditional values that made America Great. He loves America and wants ALL Americans to prosper. No one else can deal with Russia or China or Mexico the way President Trump can! Millions of us are with him and America First in 2024!

DeSantis somehow thinks he’s ready for the big stage, but he isn’t. Not yet. He’s had it relatively easy here in Florida with super majorities in both houses of the Florida legislature. He’s pretty much had his way, and he’s been able to do things that have convinced many, both in and outside of Florida, that he’s a younger version of President Trump. But make no mistake, he is not. And so it is many of those in the ‘fake news’ media as well as those in the RINO contingent of the party who will chose to support DeSantis over President Trump. Doesn’t anyone actually wonder why?

But love him or hate him, President Trump is what our country needs at this particular time, not some second-stringer, but someone who’s not afraid and someone who can’t be bought. President Trump has all the right enemies, while DeSantis has all the wrong friends. I really don't understand Americans, they keep falling for presidential wannabes like DeSantis, Scott, Haley and whomever else. Our country is being made to circling the drain, the American dream is dying, and these politicians have no idea how to revive it. The only one who sees things as they are is President Trump.

Many die-hard Republicans voted for any Bush Republican. Many voted for Hitlery in 2016 when voters rejected Jeb. Many also voted for Joey in 2020, they apparently didn't care that Donald Trump saved the Republican party in 2016. If not for Trump running in 2016, Republican party would now be quite dead. President Trump rules. DeSantis was reelected for another term and now he has apparently chosen to forsaken the voters in Florida to run for president. What a self-serving fool. He actually believes what he’s been told. That he can be president, even beat Trump.

The Republican Party was brought to the edge by the likes of those named Bush, McCain and Romney, just to name a few. And it’s DeSantis who is able to count many of these very same people among his supporters. And for me that officially disqualifies him from running for the top job. We’ve been down that road before, and in today’s environment there is simply no longer any room for error. DeSantis is a career politician who has many friends in Washington. Trusting him as my governor is one thing, trusting him as my president is something else altogether. I just don't trust him.

If DeSantis had chosen to announce that he would be supporting President Trump in 2024, he would most certainly get my vote in 2028. But as he chosen to go down a different path and announce that he’s a candidate in 2024. He will never get my vote, regardless of the office he seeks. I live in Florida, and I voted for DeSantis twice. However, I see no reason for him to run for president. Also, I am not pleased with the fact that in the last election some very questionable big money men backed him with millions. Globalists don’t like Trump, including those men who backed DeSantis.

And his second term only started four and a half months ago, and as I said I will not vote for him to be my president. And it is my fervent hope that he loses to President Trump. And once the state legislature passed a law allowing him to run without giving up his governor seat, he was all set. A real man would’ve made the decision when he didn’t have a safety net. So maybe he’s not so sure he can beat President Trump. So why run? Why not simply endorse President Trump? Especially when you considered that DeSantis likely wouldn’t even be governor were it not for Trump’s endorsement.

Clearly, he doesn’t care if Florida voters get shortchanged, he just wants to make sure he holds on to power if he is unsuccessful in his attempt to take down President Trump. That's the move of a scumbag and a coward, and I am going to thoroughly enjoy watching President Trump hang that fact around his neck. Sadly, I had expected so much more from DeSantis, again I’ve been played for a fool by someone I had trusted. Never again, Ron, NEVER again. I simply do not want another Bush, and DeSantis would be another Bush. And there is simply far too much at stake for that.

While I do think that DeSantis has potential, now is not his time. He’s a second term governor thanks to President Trump and now he wants to backstab the guy? If DeSantis takes even one cheap shot at President Trump, I will never vote for him again. It shows you his character, or lack of. That’s just not my kind of leader. He has been playing coy and elusive for months, instead of just coming out and saying it. I won’t vote for him again as he has tied himself to Paul Ryan and RINO Republicans. And he turned on Trump who got him across the finish line against crack-head Andrew Gillum.

DeSantis once went on Tucker Carlson and called the Ukraine conflict a “territorial dispute” that wasn’t a U.S. national security priority. And it was the very next day that he did a full 180 after Lindsey Graham and the other RINO warmongers attacked him. He immediately started parroting their talking points. On the national stage DeSantis is just another uniparty Bushie who will do what he s told by our permanent unelected ‘government.’ There’s only one man who can stop the slide towards a nuclear war, and it most certainly isn’t Bush 2.0, but something tried and true!

DeSantis seems to have an issue with finishing what he starts. He quit Congress to run for governor. He wanted President Trump’s endorsement for governor, and he got it. He wanted Florida voters to give him four more years as governor, and they did, in rather spectacular fashion. He’s barely into his second term as governor and now he wants to bail on Florida so he can run for president. As far as I’m concerned, DeSantis owes Florida four more years as governor. He has plenty of time to run for president, he should endorse President Trump and be ready to take the baton come 2028.

DeSantis once said that if President Trump chose to run, he would not. Fast-forward about a year and DeSantis is now so eager to become the president that he’s willing to throw President Trump under the bus. Clearly, he is not yet ready to become president. He does not have the means, money or impact of what President Trump can do. He should be helping President Trump in every way he can. President Trump can take our nation back, but those within his own party seem to be doing everything they can to stop him. And DeSantis has shown that he’s willing to assist them.

DeSantis is clearly not the grassroots choice, what he is is the ‘Big Club’s choice. That alone should make anyone reconsider going with DeSantis. And that would be for the very simply reason that it’s because anything that the ‘Big Club’ is in favor of, you will not enjoy what comes afterward. There is one and only one person who can pull America back from the ‘Deep State’ created abyss. And you can bet your bottom dollar the Democrats know who that one person is. They have been fighting him for seven years now. Without President Trump at the helm our ship of state is sunk.

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