Sunday, December 24, 2023


There is not a bigger defender of, or a more vocal provider of political cover for, *president Joey than those who, together, form that which the rest of us commonly refer to as, the ‘fake news’ media. Very rarely is there ever a negative word heard from these supposed ‘journalists,’ more often than not that’s because they’re far too busy telling us what a Nazi, what a racist, what a crook or what a misogynist President Trump is. And still there are those within the Democrat Party who complain about how it is that those in the ‘fake news’ media go about their reporting of *president Joey’s many ‘successes.’ Chief among these complainers is perennial racist, James Clyburn.

It was during an appearance on Saturday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “The Saturday Show,” that Clyburn, another Biden 2024 Campaign Co-Chair, complained that “Joe Biden’s campaign is suffering, not because…the media have it wrong, I just think that it’s a bit incomplete with its reporting.” And he said that no one is reporting that Joey got most of his student loan plan through despite the full plan actually being struck down by the Supreme Court. Clyburn said, “I think Joe Biden’s campaign is suffering, not because it has been — the media have it wrong, I just think that it’s a bit incomplete with its reporting. Take, for instance, student loan debt relief."

He said, “One part of what President Biden tried to do was challenged by Republican attorneys general all over the country and this right-wing Supreme Court agreed with them, and stopped him from doing it. But then he took another route, and he has now forgiven $132 billion in student loan debt for 3.4 million people. Nobody’s reporting that. They only reported the fact that he could not get done one part of what he was trying to do, but he has done 75 to 80 percent of that. Now, that’s not a high passing grade, but that’s a passing grade.” And that Clyburn could make such an idiotic claim with a straight face tells us much about Clyburn, the Democrats and the media.

He added, “I think that if you were to look upon this campaign as just being a contest between President Biden and former President Trump, that, to me, is a pretty good scenario.” That statement alone makes crystal clear just how detached from reality that Clyburn really. And it was later during this same exchange that Clyburn predicted that strong Democratic turnout in South Carolina will be a “bellwether” for the rest of the country. Yup, ignorant Americans voting for corrupt Democrat politicians, the source for all of America's problems. To continue to vote for those like Clyburn means you get nothing in the end. And the fools have not a clue, or they simply don’t care.

Anyone who has spent even the briefest of time watching those in the ‘fake news’ media, is well aware that their number one priority is not now the presenting of accurate news and information but is instead doing everything they can to continually prop up, and to offer all manner of praise for, the most incompetent, incoherent, corrupt *president in all of American history. In short, those in the ‘fake news’ media are doing little more than blowing smoke. Clearly, Clyburn is doing little more than talking out his ass. The truth is, Joey’s campaign is suffering because the American people are suffering. We can’t take another four years of this socialist crap!!!

Clyburn is your basic idiot, he became a member of the House not because of his intelligence, not because of his character but because of the color of his skin. His constituents are as dumb as he is to consistently vote for this moron who has done nothing for them. He’s simply being the good house ‘servant’ to the Democrats. When they want to shame the media into doing the DNC’s bidding, they drag out Clyburn and he’ll say what we want them to hear. It’s the ‘fake news’ media that’s the ONLY thing keeping Joey afloat. If they actually told the truth Joey would never have been elected in the first place. And dare I say, no Democrat would ever be elected.

When Clyburn accuses the media of “incomplete media reporting,” I very much doubt what he’s talking about is the purposeful omission of appropriate adjectives such as what a liar, cheat, hustler and con man our *president truly is. Frankly, you would think that he would be very grateful for that “incomplete reporting.” After all, those in the media said nothing about how Joey’s student loan is illegal. They’ve said nothing about how the real inflation rate is 18 percent. And, of course, they’ve said nothing about the real numbers of Joey’s illegals that have flooded across the border or how his administration has been flying them to locations all across the country.

I swear, sometimes I think these leftwing morons actually believe the bullshit they continually spew! There’s no way the entire lot of them would repeat the same thing over and over again knowing damn well that reality is so completely different. But, no, not one has acknowledged that Joey’s policies are the direct cause of our dire straits. What this phony race hustler really means is that the media isn’t sufficiently gaslighting the people when it comes to Joey’s many failures. He shouldn’t worry, though, half the country will still vote and cheat for the senile, corrupt, feckless, incompetent fool no matter what. Clyburn is another poster boy for term limits.

Clyburn is nothing more than another useless politician who spouts nothing but nonsense. Despite his act, he really isn’t very smart. The only thing that is preventing Joey from tanking completely is the fact that those in the ‘fake news’ media doesn’t like to report anything factual about the Biden Clan. If only we had real ‘journalism’ in this country, but that hasn’t been the case for decades. If those in the ‘fake news’ media actually reported on what was actually happening both Joey and his family members would be rotting in prison. But because Joey is a Democrat, he can rest assured that his many secrets are very safe with those in the ‘fake news’ media.

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