Saturday, December 2, 2023


Do these people not know how ludicrous they sound, or do they simply not care? And do they really think we’re stupid enough to actually believe them when they claim President Trump is somehow a threat to our Republic? After having watched him for four years as president just what was it that he did that would anyone to make such an accusation? His accusers never really say. But by comparison, what has taken place in this country for the last three years can be said to clearly threaten our existence as a free and sovereign nation. It’s obvious to most that between the two men, President Trump and Joey, who it is that poses the greatest threat to our country.

Which brings me to Liz Cheney, RINO and ex member of Congress. It was during a recent preview clip that will apparently air on “CBS Sunday Morning” that Cheney claimed that if President Trump is elected in 2024, it would be the end of the U.S. republic form of government because we would be “sleepwalking into dictatorship.” On the contrary, it’s only by reelecting President Trump that we can ensure such a scenario does not become a reality! That’s because it’s Democrats, who are pounding on the door of a “dictatorship!” She, along with the rest of the leftists, are terrified that by electing Trump their continued selling out of our country will come to an end.

Anyway, it’s a partial transcript of what is sure to be a bizarre longer conversation that follows:

JOHN DICKERSON: You say, Donald Trump, if he is re-elected, it will be the end of the Republic. What do you mean?

CHENEY:  He’s told us what he will do. It’s very easy to see the steps that he will take. People who say, ‘Well, if he’s elected, it’s not that dangerous because we have all of these checks and balances,’ don’t fully understand the extent to which the Republicans in Congress today have been co-opted. One of the things that we see happening today is a sort of a sleepwalking into dictatorship in the United States.

Again, with the hysterical “dictator” nonsense. Donald Trump was President for four years, and there was no attempt made to move toward a “dictatorship.” Cheney must have missed the memo that said it’s the Democrats who want to promote a pure “democracy” and put an end to representative government, aka our republic. She drank the Democrat Kool-Aid a long time ago. Republicans used to be the party of the rich, but that certainly is no longer the case, not with President Trump leading the party. That’s another reason why RINOs, like Cheney, seem to have aligned themselves with the Democrats to take down President Trump in the most public way possible.

Unless you’re someone like Cheney, it’s difficult to think of a single thing that President Trump did that was anything like a dictator. Everything he did was all about defending the Constitution and the laws of the United States. And it was those like Cheney who fought him every step of way and did nothing but lie about him and to work every day to undermine America. It’s courtesy of our current president that we are in a dictatorship. He spies on citizens, he tries to imprison his political opponent, he weaponized every three letter agency to go after ordinary citizens, he has political prisoners locked up for years for trespassing, is beyond corrupt, and on and on.

And oh, by the way, does anyone remember the rather tyrannical speech that Joey gave while in Philadelphia where he screeched about the many evils of ultra MAGA? Anyone who remembers that speech will also remember it as being beyond spooky. The use of red lights and having members of the military standing in the background was over the top. Going back in history, the world has seen other dictators do the very same thing and most of those in the ‘fake news’ media said not a word. If President Trump had dared to have done such a thing, we would be reminded daily, which it be. But Joey is exempt. And too many people are blind to his mental decline.

Democrats would love nothing more than to have dictatorial powers here in America, as long as it was a Democrat dictator who went along with their leftist agenda. Last time I checked big government's unbridled power through the deep state alphabet agencies like the FBI, ATF, DOJ, DHS, IRS, DOE, EPA and more, are the greatest threats to this constitutional republic ever devised. And it was Cheney who perpetrated the criminal taxpayer funded attack on President Trump via the January 6 committee. Criminal because of the process and use of a hoax to initiate it. Not to mention the fact they manufactured evidence and destroyed all their records afterward.

For those of us who remain ‘rational’ what she continues to claim is irrelevant. However, to the Trump haters and the America haters, whatever she says becomes their reality, their hope and their future. ‘We The People,’ who still love America, must find solace in knowing that the one universal principle that is undeniable is this, “You reap what you sow.” It’s the haters of President Trump who are malicious, manipulative, deceitful and unkind. There will be punishment, whether in this life or the next, for the immense damage and harm that they have caused, and continue to cause, to those people whom they hate and to the nation and world they reject.

I’m sure we all remember how it was that President Trump went crazy after he was elected, quickly setting to work to censor his opponents, to jail of all of his political enemies as well as to prosecute his predecessor. And I’m sure we also remember how it was that he was complicit in starting wars, how he left billions of dollars of weapons in the hands of our enemies, regularly called half the country a national threat, took bribes from Communist China, implemented a 2-tier justice system, opened the border to anyone and everyone who wanted entry. Oh wait a minute, I have him mixed up with the guy who cheated his way into being his successor.

Well, at least Cheney got one thing right that no Democrat has, or ever will, that we are a Republic, not a democracy. As for how her miniscule brain thinks one person in a Republic can crown themselves dictator, I have no clue. So, electing President Trump is the end of democracy and of our republic? What a bunch of malarkey! What they really mean is an end to the elites running everything, pushing their bogus ‘climate change,’ and the push-back on their stupid woke crap in our military, and the weaponization of government agencies. That is the reality of Cheney and her cohorts. I wish she would just shut up and go away. No one cares what she has to say.

Actually, what Cheney is talking about here, the bringing about the end of our republic, was ushered in back November 2008 when the man who promised to bring about a “fundamental transformation of the United States,” was ‘elected.’ It was then that we began our “sleepwalking into dictatorship.” The only interruption in that dream came during the four years that President Trump was in the White House. He was never supposed to be elected, Hitlery was to take the torch from ‘BO’ and to finish the mission. But the American people instead had a momentary fit of reason and chose Donald Trump as their president, halting the left’s dream of conquest.

And for that, President Trump must be held accountable and must be made to pay and to pay dearly. And so we now have those on the left, Cheney included, trying to pin every rotten thing they are guilty of onto President Trump. And the fact that President Trump’s polling numbers seem totally unaffected by their accusations, they have become increasingly unhinged to the point where the claims made against President Trump have become all the more outrageous and, dare I say, even more unbelievable. But that hasn’t kept them, or their many allies in the ‘fake news’ media, from spending the majority of their time doing their best to malign President Trump.

Finally, Cheney, like most of her ilk, has a rather upside-down view of the world. A dictator pays no attention to the laws, in fact he sees himself, or herself, as being above the law and able to ignore those laws that are viewed as being an obstacle. On the contrary, a true president works to do what’s best for his country and those who live in it. He works to make his country less reliant on enemies to meet energy requirements, he works to make it easier for all citizens to be able to provide for, and to protect, their loved ones. He demands respect from enemies and allies alike. And he works to ensure his country is safe. Thus is the difference between a president and a dictator.

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