Saturday, December 16, 2023


If nothing else, when it comes to our contingent of RINOs in the Republican Party you have to admit that, if nothing else, they are persistent. Especially when it comes to their continuing attempts at trying to convince anyone stupid enough to listen to them, and to trust them, that it is one of their own that would be a far better choice in 2024 than President Trump. I’m sure than most everyone is well aware that Chris Sununu, RINO from New Hampshire, has endorsed Nikki Haley for president. Which makes me wonder if these RINOs might be in cahoots with the Democrats in their effort to keep President Trump off the ballot, so Joey can easily win re-election.

And it was Sununu, during an appearance this past Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” hosted by Trump hater Neil Cavuto, who boldly declared that Haley is going to be the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nominee. Fox is just embarrassing, it’s as if the network is actually trying to be a laughingstock. If Sununu didn’t have an influential father, he would be stocking shelves down at the local grocery. And if he had the support and the power that he thinks he has, he would run himself. RINO son of a RINO. It really should come as no surprise that Haley’s the choice of the neocons and globalists. I can only assume that Sununu must also still believe in Santa Claus.

Sununu said, “It’s the connection she has with voters. When she’s in New Hampshire, and she’s doing the town halls and all that, she’s not just telling you where she is. She does that. But she’s allowing folks to ask questions. She’s earning trust. And that’s why her numbers were soaring before I even got involved because folks are galvanizing around that. And then you have the international experience, which none of them have. What she did on the U.N., understanding that these international issues are more important today than ever before, and having that type of expertise. And frankly, it’s a little bit of the ‘live free or die’ thing, right?"

He said, “We want someone who truly believes in not big government solutions, and there’s a little bit of that with the other two.” He added, “We’re 110 percent behind Nikki. I think she’s going to be the nominee. I think New Hampshire is going to be the reset point. Most of the country right now is saying, well, we think Trump is probably going to be the guy, so we’ll just vote for him. They think it’s a fait accompli. It’s not. And as soon as they know that, I think people are going to say hey, wait, we have a binary choice.” In what alternate universe is this going to happen? The arrogance of these people thinking themselves capable of telling us who OUR nominee will be.

He’s delusional and simply projecting his wishful thinking. He fails to realize that every time the Left, or the RINOs, go after President Trump, they only expand and/or strengthen his supporters. These people are so out of touch they think they can say whatever fantasy is in their feeble little minds and we are all going to say, “Oh wow guess I’m voting for Haley.” Haley is a job killer. She will open the flood gates for foreign workers to steal all our jobs. She’d be worse than Joey. Christie? Sununu? How clueless are these guys? Not only would I not follow them politically, I also wouldn’t follow them anywhere. Thinking, self-reliant, people don’t care what they think.

The RINOs are now as insanely desperate as the Democrats have shown themselves to be. Hanging on to every fantasy, like saying, “Yes, we are trailing by four touchdowns, we have one minute and thirty seconds left on the clock. All we need is a touchdown next play, then an onside kick, then a successful Hail Mary, then an onside kick and then another Hail Mary. Good thing Nikki Haley is our quarterback and kicker!” They are smelling the rotting corpse of the uni-party wealth producing machine and they really, really, don’t like it. Personally, I’m voting for President Trump whether he's on the ballot or not. Haley doesn’t give a rat’s ass about us or our country.

Yup, all we need is another RINO establishment pick. They, the RINOs, have been talking about her for the last ten years for that name recognition. That would be a good way to lose the general election. A female Romney is exactly what she is, and that’s the last thing we need at this particular point in time. Haley has proved she is NOT a conservative. She sure doesn’t represent conservative women. Not with her views on trans, abortion, and the military industrial complex. She is a RINO and backstabber!!! She wasn’t loyal to President Trump. Why should we think that she would be loyal to the American people? Haley only wins in Sununu’s wet dream.

There are now factions within our government that should deeply concern all of us. They’re out of control, on both sides. The last election was rigged/stolen by our own government working hand in hand with corporate America and the military. That is now a fact. Parts of the Republican Party are now telling us who they will pick for us. We don’t get a say and we all know why when we see whose money is being spent. Something is very wrong. This is not the America that so many of us grew up in. The cancer has now metastasized. If we wanted the surveillance state, endless wars, high taxes, grooming our children in schools, and open borders, we’d vote Democrat.

And I’m pretty sure that most of us will remember how it was that Jeb was going to mop up the floor with Donald Trump back in 2016, per the establishment pontificators, like Sununu. Jeb spent 145 million dollars and ended up getting three primary votes. If the establishment succeeds in getting ‘business as usual’ Haley nominated, it will be the final nail in the coffin of the Republican Party. The Democrats are heading the country over a cliff and Haley is only Democrat-lite who will just slow the train headed in the same direction. I’ve never seen a party so intent upon dismantling its own candidate. And it has to make you wonder why.

Haley’s political ‘career’ consists of two items: 1) She was governor of South Carolina for six years; 2) She was Ambassador to the U.N. under President Trump for two years and was less than impressive in both positions. And yet she thinks she’s qualified to be president? And to add to that she originally campaigned as a Tea Party candidate and to no one’s surprise flipped the script. Haley wants to raise the age to receive social security to 70. She also wants everyone who uses the internet to get a digital ID that has to be used every time you go online and she thinks that America should get involved in more wars around the world. She belongs nowhere near the White House.

How easily this guy can sit there and lie with a straight face. I see no difference between Sununu and any Democrat, they all hate President Trump, hate this country and hate the people who made this country great. You know, all of those evil white folks that Joey claims are the greatest threat to this country. People that Joey calls “domestic terrorists” and “white supremacists.” No one enlisting in the military? Shouldn’t have called all those white guys racist, homophobic, transphobic, and, don’t domestic terrorists. If you are seen as the greatest threat to this country, why would you sign up to fight for this country? You know that deck is stacked against you.

Clearly the word has now gone out from the RINOs to the ‘fake news’ media, including Fox News, to push Haley. But it just ain’t working. They claim her figures are “soaring,” but in this case soaring equates to her being at 11 percent in the polls compared to President Trump’s 60+ percent. Looking at it from another angle, if all the other Republican candidates dropped out, and all their current supporters switched to Haley, she would STILL be polling at less than half of what President Trump is. And yet those like Sununu would have us believe that she is somehow going to pull off an electoral miracle. I, for one, will definitely not be voting for her.

And finally, where President Trump is beholden to no one, Haley is already bought and paid for before she gets anywhere near the White House. A Haley presidency would simply ensure a smooth transfer of the country into Deep State control, with the lives and financial straits of everyday citizens accelerating in a downward spiral. Compare that to a third term for President Trump, where we would see the country being pulled up by its bootstraps, its economy once again made to soar, and more specifically its hard-pressed citizens would see their financial straitjacket removed because of lower inflation allowing them to again experience a life worth living.

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