Friday, December 22, 2023


Now I will be the first to admit that there is more than enough sleaze in our nation’s capital to go around, on both sides of the political aisle. But it’s the more toxic form of the aforementioned sleaze that is very clearly on the left, those who support the Democrat Party and are even within the party itself. Their win at all costs, ends justify the means, attitude, while it has done great damage to this country it has also prevented the Democrats from being relegated to the dustbin of American history. It has also managed to allow them to thrive, much to the regret of those who actually love this country. Because it’s the mission of these people to destroy our country.

But be that as it may, these people of the left, these Democrats, have been very successful in their effort to convince a certain segment of our population that far from wanting to destroy our country, their only goal, their only desire, is to make it better for all. More fair, more equitable, yada, yada, yada. And it’s in so doing that they constantly paint those on the other side of being all that they, the left, the Democrats, truly are. And where they once were content to operate behind closed doors and keep their true mission close to their chest, for fear of their goal being discovered, it’s these days that they operate in full view for all to see.

And one of the more sinister of these many players is a guy by the name of Andrew Weissmann. Mr. Weissmann is billed as being an attorney and professor. But he really is so very much more. Weissmann was the lead prosecutor for former special counsel Robert Mueller bogus investigation into the just as bogus Russia hoax. He is a virulent hater of President Trump who has said that he believed it is “inconceivable” that President Trump will not be charged in special counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents probe. Weissman also seems convinced that President Trump will likely receive “significant” jail for his involvement in the supposed “insurrection."

This past Thursday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline” Weismann muttered more of his leftist drivel arguing that Americans died in the Civil War, so leaders “who engaged in insurrection,” like the Colorado Supreme Court found President Trump did, can not run for office.  said, “This is not new. It is true that this provision of the Constitution is new to lots of people because we’ve never been in a situation where you would have somebody running for office who engaged in insurrection or a rebellion. What’s remarkable to me is that the story isn’t really, the unanimous finding in the Colorado case because you had no one dissenting on the issue of did he do it."

He continued, “No one was saying, oh, no, this was insufficient proof. There were lots of procedural issues, and I don’t mean to minimize them, that the dissent raised, but there was a district court finding and there was a majority opinion with no dissents on the fact that the leading contender for the Republican nomination had done what we had a civil war about. And the reason for this amendment was because after the Civil War, people said, if you have engaged in this kind of conduct you cannot be any longer the president, the vice president, or any federal position. So this is historically really important in terms of what many people died for in this country."

Weissmann added, “I mean this is the largest loss of life in America at the time was over the Civil War and why we have this amendment. So people should take it seriously. It’s important for the Supreme Court to hear it and make a decision and people should be behind that.” The left is showing an extreme pathological fear of President Trump. They are showing mass psychosis insanity over President Trump. They have been propagandized, by those like Weismann, to believe that President Trump will seek to round them up, put them in chains, or worse. We need to ban these leftists, limit their ability to spew their lies. They are dangerous people.

Weissmann is nothing more than just another too slick for his good, piece of shit scumbag who will say anything he feels he needs to. Granted, I may not be an attorney myself but that doesn’t mean that I’m not allowed to wonder how it was that he got his job as an assistant U.S. attorney, because it would seem that it was obviously not based on intellect or an understanding of the law. The Colorado Supreme Court didn’t find President Trump guilty of insurrection. He was not tried or even accused of insurrection. What they did do was to unilaterally declare him guilty of insurrection, and the last time I checked that’s not how our justice system is supposed to work.

These Democrat elites really do feel they have the right to herd you and decide on your behalf who you may vote for. And now Democrats in four States, including Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Massachusetts will only put ‘Pedo’ Joe on the Democrat ballot with no opposition allowed. What Democrats are trying in Colorado is just an extension of what they have already done to those in their own party. Many Democrats know they will have to sit out one election cycle or vote for someone else if they are ever to have a voice in their own party again. Because if Joe, wins, these elites of the Democrat Party will continue to tell them to sit down and shut up.

It's difficult to accept that people like Weissman can be so detached from the reality of the present, as well as our history. President Trump questioned whether his election loss was because of voter fraud, something I, and half the country, still believe is a plausible explanation. He was simply trying to follow what he believed to be a legitimate process for raising that question in Congress. He didn't ask anyone to break down doors or windows. That is all quite different from taking up arms in a war against the Union in which over 600,000 soldiers were killed. So, are they detached from reality, or do they actually believe the garbage they’re trying to sell us?

All the Left has is projection. They are calling for a civil war themselves as they melt down about President Trump’s rising poll numbers. Make no mistake, they want war. Communists crave bloody revolution. War is a fever that affects the brain, and the Left is rabid with it. Weismann is a proven liar who delights in using/abusing the law to ruin people that he doesn’t like to advance his own rather sketchy personal reputation as a take-no-prisoners prosecutor and litigator. For him, the facts are, at best, optional, and then only when convenient. That’s exactly what fascists do. When they know they can’t win at the ballot box, they seek to destroy their opponents.

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