Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Every once and a while I'll hear something or read something that leaves me scratching my head. Something that makes the point much better than I could ever hope to, that we here in America have finally lost our freakin minds. The most recent example of that something that captured my attention comes to us, of course, by way of one of our so-called institutions of ‘higher learning.’ To be specific, from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and its Department of Public Safety. Apparently the odd assortment of individuals responsible for this department have now updated an online statement advising female students to consider a variety of rather unusual actions if they are ever find themselves being attacked. These 'unusual actions' which they now recommend include, vomiting, urinating and to claim that they are menstruating.

And what may be nothing more than a coincidence, I’m sure, this supposed 'advisory' was updated this past Monday evening, just hours after the Colorado state House of Representatives, which is controlled by Democrats, passed a package of gun control bills. Bills that include one that would actually make it illegal for people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on the campuses of public universities. However, the bills still must go on to the state Senate and then to the governor for signature. Some of the other more interesting pieces of advice that are now offered in this updated ‘advisory' are ones, I suppose, that many would find familiar, from running away without looking back to "yelling, hitting or biting" your attacker. Seriously folks, only some liberal could come up with such idiotic nonsense.

But there were two suggestions that, I think it fair to say, can be described as being a little unorthodox to say the least, and that are already causing quite the stir on social media. And they are: "Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating," and/or "Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone." These, ah, rather less-conventional methods for fighting off a would-be rapist are apparently now a standard part of ‘Rape Aggression Defense Systems,’ an actual class that the school's public safety department promotes as a means for female students to boost their self-defense skills. Come on ladies, is this really what you want to be as your primary means of self-defense, puking or peeing? Talk about embarrassing. Imagine being force to shout, "Stop, or I'll pee on you!"

What I do find as being more than just a little curious though, is the fact that the site providing these useful little pointers to the women on campus, was updated at 6:30 p.m. Monday which suggests that the move may have been motivated by the Colorado House's passage on Monday of HB 1226. That’s the specific bill which would effectively ban all people, including concealed-weapons permit holders, from carrying guns on the campuses of the state's public universities. The House passed the bill on Monday by a vote of 34-31, but not before it became the center of a major controversy when Democrat state Rep. Joe Salazar made comments during Friday's debate arguing that students should not have access to guns to protect themselves from being raped. I don't think I'd be allowing my daughter to attend any school in Colorado.

"It’s why we have call boxes, it’s why we have safe zones, it’s why we have the whistles," Salazar said, according to KDVR News. This moron went on to say, "Because you just don’t know who you’re gonna be shooting at. And you don’t know if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop -- pop around at somebody." The comments drew the ire of a number of conservative pundits, as well as several Republican Colorado lawmakers who were offended by the insinuation that would-be rape victims should rely on rape whistles and safe zones rather than arm themselves against potential attackers. Yup ladies, just run into one of those 'safe zones!'

Salazar did eventually apologize, sort of, for anything that he might have said that anyone may have taken offense to, but he didn't back down from his basic premise that guns are not needed to protect women from attacks on the campuses of Colorado's public universities. "I’m sorry if I offended anyone. That was absolutely not my intention," Salazar said. Adding, "We were having a public policy debate on whether or not guns makes people safer on campus. I don’t believe they do. That was the point I was trying to make. If anyone thinks I’m not sensitive to the dangers women face, they’re wrong. I am a husband and father of two beautiful girls, and I’ve spent the last decade defending women’s rights as a civil rights attorney. Again, I’m deeply sorry if I offended anyone with my comments." What a Democrat dope!

"Updated message from February 18, 2013 at 6:30pm from the Department of Public Safety:

The ten points of information below were used in a context supplemented with additional information during the in-class training covered in the Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) class. The R.A.D. class is offered free of charge as a public service to women who are part of the greater UCCS community. Rape Aggression Defense Systems (RAD Systems) is a hands-on, women only self defense and risk reduction education program designed to teach women realistic ways to defend and protect oneself from sexual and abductive assaults. RAD is an international organization of certified law enforcement instructors. For more information regarding the RAD class, classes scheduled for the spring semester, or any other crime prevention programs, please visit the following pages:

What To Do If You Are Attacked:

These tips are designed to help you protect yourself on campus, in town, at your home, or while you travel. These are preventative tips and are designed to instruct you in crime prevention tactics.

1. Be realistic about your ability to protect yourself.
2. Your instinct may be to scream, go ahead! It may startle your attacker and give you an opportunity to run away.
3. Kick off your shoes if you have time and can't run in them.
4. Don't take time to look back; just get away.
5. If your life is in danger, passive resistance may be your best defense.
6. Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating.
7. Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.
8. Yelling, hitting or biting may give you a chance to escape, do it!
9. Understand that some actions on your part might lead to more harm.
10. Remember, every emergency situation is different. Only you can decide which action is most appropriate."

With it being Democrats who came up with these idiotic, and potentially dangerous bills, I can only assume that this is what women must actually want. Because, after all, as we all know, most women have the rather peculiar tendency of voting for Democrats, and on a pretty regular basis. Therefore I can also only assume that most women, if they were to ever find themselves being attacked, would much rather have as being their last resort the ability to simply puke or pee on their would be attacker. That, and again I can only assume, must be highly preferable to being able to pull out a gun and proceeding to then blow the guy's b@lls off! Is that right ladies? Would you really rather it be a full bladder instead of a full clip that's your last line of defense in just such a situation? Is this really what we as Americans have now been reduced to? A bunch of puking and peeing wussies?

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