Thursday, February 21, 2013


Personally, I've never really been a big believer in reincarnation, it's always been my belief that we all get just one go around in the old fun factory called life. But I admit I have been giving it some thought lately, and have decided that, just in case, I'd like to put in my request now for who I'd like to come back as. Because when I come back I want to come back as, a Negro. I mean let's face it, who else is it that has a better racket going for themselves than these folks do? And when you've got guys like Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton and Jesse "The Extortionist" Jackson on your side, doing their best to make sure that racket keeps going, how can you possibly go wrong? Of course, they fully expect to get a piece of the action as well. However, they do see, to be similar in nature to those blacks who sold their brothers into slavery.
Let's face it, those in the black community are rarely, if ever, made to be responsible for anything that they do, they can be dumb as posts and are still able to get into college over someone more academically qualified, and all for free to boot! And for no other reason than because they're black. At the end of their little stint in college they're then handed a diploma, whether it has been earned or not, because to do otherwise risks being called racist. Then with diploma in hand they venture out into the world where they are then able to either garner for themselves a job that they are nowhere near qualified to hold or they, with the aid of quotas, simply go work for the government. And once they're hired it's damn near impossible to fire them. Because to do so you always run the risk of being sued for discrimination.
And as we all know most of these folks, or at least a pretty significant percentage, don't have to bother with paying income tax, and yet they always manage to be on the receiving end of, on average, at least 4 to 6 thousand dollars that they somehow 'get back' from the government every year. I've always wondered how it is one can get something back without having paid anything in. And they think the fact that they're able to do that is hysterical.  It's then with that money in hand that they promptly go out and spend it on nothing useful, but on things like a big screen TV or that $1000 pair of sneakers they've been wanting. And it's also these folks who are the same ones who collect a check every month from the government for doing absolutely nothing, which they can then can go out and spend on their favorite drug, booze or tittie bar of choice. I mean, how great is that? Just sayin!.
And while the guys have it great in that they can feel free to spread their seed around, making babies all over the place with no fear of ever being forced to cough up such things as child support, I have to say that the women have it pretty good too. Because with each kid they can manage to pop out without a dad, the government gladly steps in and quite cheerfully hands over to her more of what she sees as being free money. And, also, it's these folks who have struck on a rather creative way of obtaining those things which they can't actually afford to buy. All they need to do is to assemble a few of their closest friends and do a little rioting and looting. And if they happen to be interviewed by some enterprising 'journalist' regarding the reason for their riot, all they gots to say is that them store owners are racists.
So yup, I've now decided. If reincarnation is a real possibility then it's a Negro that I now wish to come back as. But let me be specific here, that's if, and only if, I can come back as a Negro here in America. If I'm going to be made to come back somewhere else than I'd rather either not come back at all or come back as just another white guy. Because let's face it, in what other country are blacks provided with as many opportunities to mooch off those who actually go out and work and who pay taxes? Now before anybody starts coming unglued on me and calling me a racist, what part of anything that I've said here isn't true? For instance, look me in the eye, if you could, and tell me that when you go to a new doctor for the first time, and say he happens to be black, don’t you wonder where it was in his class that he finished? Just askin...

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