Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Seems like every time I turn around these days, there’s more ‘good’ news to be heard about the train wreck known as, Obamacare.  And things recently hit right here at home when I recently received my letter informing me that I would no longer be able to keep the health insurance that I’ve had for the last 12 years. And now, apparently, the Republicans were recently handed some fresh ammunition to use and that should add some credibility to their claims that Obamacare is in fact endangering our economy and hurting millions more workers.

This fresh ammunition of which I speak that has now been handed to the Republicans comes to them courtesy of yet another new report, this one having been released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. It according to this report that we now find out that 11 million small business employees could actually see their premiums rise under Obamacare. And in response to this report, Speaker Boehner said in a statement released on Monday, "This is another punch in the gut for Americans already struggling in the president's economy."

According to the Wall Street Journal, the report, which was released just last Friday, said higher rates could result from the healthcare law's requirement that premiums cannot be based on age, making them higher for younger workers and lower for older ones. The report concluded that about 65 percent of all small businesses, covering 11 million people, would see an increase in insurance premiums, compared to about 35 percent of employers who would see a decrease for plans, covering 6 million people. So who’s surprised to hear this?

Boehner went on to say in his statement, "It's clear why the administration sought to delay and de-emphasize the release of this report. It undermines the central promise of the president's healthcare law: affordable coverage." Adding, "These 11 million people who will see their premiums spike are 11 million more reasons to repeal this law and start over with common sense reform that will make care more affordable, not more costly." We need to move beyond merely talking about repeal, this report bolsters the case for complete repeal.

From conception to passage to its being signed into law, Obamacare is a disaster that is wholly owned by the Democrats. And in the crafting of its over 2000 pages and the political scheming that followed, and was essentially required, for its passage, throughout the entire process it was made very clear that Republican input was something that was neither necessary, or even desired. There is not one thing that the Democrats told us about Obamacare that was true. Not one! And it does absolutely nothing that the Democrats said that it would do.

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