Thursday, October 30, 2014


You know, some guys simply aren’t cut out to be Commander-in-Chief. And it’s a shame that there isn’t some way to make it a Cabinet position should it ever come about that the guy elected as president just isn’t up to the task, as in the case of our current president, Barry "Almighty". Barry has demonstrated more times than I care to count that he has no interest in, nor does he have the aptitude for, being our Commander-in-Chief. I thank God, that I retired before this incompetent boob assumed the position of being my boss.

And just one of those things that makes it so glaringly obvious that Barry simply is not someone worthy of such an awesome responsibility, is the fact that as U.S. Marines withdraw from Operation Enduring Freedom (the Afghanistan war), a database on the number of casualties in that conflict shows that 418 Marines gave their lives and that 92% of those casualties, or 385 deaths, occurred on Barry’s watch. And it is Barry, and Barry alone, who bears the blame. His reckless disregard for those in uniform is beneath contempt.

But let’s face it, it’s rarely, if ever, that liberals, let alone blatant socialists, make good Commanders-in Chief. Seriously, who can remember the last time we had a Democrat who was able to handle the task with any level of skill or exhibited any level of concern for those under his command? Certainly not ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton, and most definitely not Jimmy Carter, who, before Barry happened along, was quite possibly the most inept individual ever required to fill the position. I served during his tenure, I was thrilled when Reagan came along.

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