Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Before we get too far ahead of ourselves when it comes to the Republicans gaining control of the Senate and possibly to even increase its number in the House, we may need to remind ourselves that it’s all for nothing if those whom we elect can’t bring themselves to look at what so obviously is the bigger picture. And that bigger picture is, of course, doing all that we can to make sure that we put ourselves in the best possible position to then be able to win the White House in 2016.

Because without that, 2014 will end up being not much more than a speed bump on the road on which the Democrats will travel on as they work to ensure that it is one of their own who is ultimately successful in taking over from Barry as he finally departs the Oval Office. And should we succeed in taking control of Congress after these midterms, in the two years that follow there will be very little room for error. Priorities must be clear. And they must not only be set, but met.

Once our members are all in place, come January, we must very quickly set about gaining the trust of the American people. And unlike Barry, we should not focus only one those who we know for certain voted for us. We must present our case to all of the people, pointing out that while there are many tough decisions that lie ahead, they must be made, and just because they are tough, and may cause pain for some, we should not shy away from making them.

And where Barry and his merry band of Democrats have spent much time, money and effort in the attempt to divide the people, it is the Republicans who MUST focus on bringing all people together, stressing that we are all on the same team, and if we allow America fail then we will all fail along with it and there will be no one who will remain unaffected. But at the same time it must be stressed that each and every one of us will have a role to play if our country is to survive.

More people than ever before in our history are, today dependent in one form or another and to some degree or another dependent upon government. And that, quite simply, is going to have to change. It’s something that we simply cannot afford to allow to continue. But having said that, we must at the same time make it very clear that while we vigorously oppose government handouts, what we are not opposed to is the government providing a hand up to those genuinely in need.

So while I am most definitely keeping my fingers crossed that the Republicans will be fortunate enough to assume complete control of Congress, I am, at the same time, also keeping my fingers crossed that they will come to have the wisdom to use that new found power appropriately. And a direct route to the people must be devised as we can no longer rely on the media to get our message out. They must be seen as being the enemy and as such be circumvented whenever possible.

Knowing what needs to be done is really relatively simple, the difficult part comes in having the will to do that which we all know must be done. But we also must possess the means to get our message out because the people must hear from us what it is that we stand for, not from those who have a vested interest in our failure. The Democrat Party and those who now comprise what was once referred to as the ‘mainstream media,’ today essentially operate as one. And they will act in unison to undermine our efforts.

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