Thursday, October 9, 2014


Well the latest round of bogus jobs numbers as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), was released last Friday, Oct. 3, and, as is usually the case, we were once again provided with what was nothing short of a pure work of fiction. And as was expected it was once again pointed out that the unemployment rate for black Americans in September was more than double that of white Americans. And yet, what is it exactly that we’re supposed to take away from that ‘fact’, that the only reason blacks are unemployed is because, employers are all racists?

According to the BLS the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for white Americans, age 16 and over, in September was 5.1%, which, we’re told, is down slightly from 5.3% in August. Now anyone who actually believes this is either a gullible moron, a very devoted Democrat, or is employed by the state-controlled media complex. Because there is no way on God’s green Earth that these numbers can be said to accurately reflect what the true employment situation in this country. This is the perfect example of the numbers have been politically corrupted.

And it is also according to the government that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans, age 16 and over, in September was 11.0%, also down slightly from 11.4% in August. The unemployment rate for blacks has not fallen below 11% since August 2008, and it reached a high of 16.9% in March 2010. And these numbers are just as bogus as the numbers for whites. Which begs the question, at which point does having a job become more important to black than does having a black guy in the White House? Apparently never!

We’re also told that for white Americans, the unemployment rate has not been below 5% since May 2008, and it hit a high of 9.2% in October 2009. Ok, let’s be serious for a minute, shall we. The real unemployment rate for this country is well into the double-digits. And the unemployment for blacks very likely is considerably higher than it is for whites. But the actual rate for both blacks and whites is nowhere near what we’re being told that it is by our government. The numbers can no longer be used to gauge how many folks have a job.

Also, and again according to that ‘reliable information provided by the BLS, we’re told that the unemployment rate for the month of September for Hispanic or Latino Americans was 6.9%, also seasonally adjusted, age 16 and over. And we’re told that the last time that rate was below 6.9% was in February 2008, when it was 6.3%. But again, these numbers can be trusted no more than can the numbers we’re told supposedly represent the unemployment rate for blacks and whites. But none of these numbers mean anything, they’re fiction.

And I’ll tell ya something else, if I were a betting man, which I most definitely am not, I’d be willing to bet that come the end of October, miracle of miracles will once again take place when we again will be expected to believe that the unemployment once again has managed to fall even lower. Now call me cynical if you wish but I’m pretty certain that if that does in fact occur, it will have much more to with the election that comes a mere four days later than it has anything to do with the fact that more Americans have suddenly become employed.

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