Monday, December 15, 2014


I dare say that, these days, there are very few conservatives who would take any political advice from Democrats, and especially from slimy pieces of human excrement like old Chuckie Schumer.  But that hasn’t stopped old Chuckie from continuing to operate under the rather misguided perception of his that there are those of us on the right who, secretly, really do care about what he thinks about things.  One of his favorite claims in the recent past is how it is that if the Republicans fail to tackle immigration ‘reform’ they will prevent themselves from winning the White House for decades.  But I beg to differ.

But it is his latest foray into the arena of offering up political advice that I wish to focus on here as it stems from the recent passage of the latest spending bill.  You see, it’s according to old Chuckie that the Senate's recent fight over passage of the nation's new $1.1 Trillion spending bill, or that which was once referred to as being a budget, exposed what he referred to as being an significant rift between differing factions of the Republican Party and showed the "huge differences" in the party as it heads to taking over its majority role in just a few weeks, much to Chuckie’s disappointment.

But be that as it may, it was during his recent appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” with, that soon to be retiring heifer who has spent more time up Barry’s ass than even Juan Williams, Candy Crowly, that old Chuckie said, "The big news today was the open fight between [incoming Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell and [Texas Sen.] Ted Cruz."  He then went on to say, "On the floor of the Senate, we saw the soul of the Republican Party being debated."  But I would argue what we saw taking place was an example Sen. Cruz doing what he was elected to do, nothing more and nothing less!

Chuckie chose to describe events as there being on one side, Sen. Cruz who was "pushing his so-called Constitutional point of order, which risks shutting down the government."  Chuckie continued his description of events saying, "Five feet away from him was Mitch McConnell imploring senators to vote the other way and the vote was, unfortunately, 50/50 on the Republican side."  To Chuckie’s way of thinking, and apparently to McConnell’s as well, the worst thing that could possibly happen would be to have the government shutdown, as if such a thing were to happen the world would come to an end.

Chuckie said that makes him worry "a great deal."  He believes half the Republican senators are still willing to risk another government shutdown.  While I understand Chuckie’s concern, I continue to have a difficult time trying to understand why it is that so many Republicans seem to be in agreement with him.  It wasn’t all that long ago, politically speaking, when last the government shut down occurred, and what were the consequences Republicans were made to pay in this last election?  Nine pickups in the Senate and a House majority the size if which hasn’t been seen since the days of Calvin Coolidge.

Democrats like old Chuckie spend a great deal of time trying to convince those of us outside the beltway that a shutdown is always a bad thing, while at the same time they hope that we won’t take notice of the fact that the last supposed government shutdown had very little impact on the daily lives of a vast majority of the American people. Yet Chuckie claimed, "the chasm in the Republican Party is huge," and will become worse as the race for the 2016 nomination gets closer, because there will be presidential candidates in the Senate "pulling things to the right."

Chuckie also made mention of the fact that he is concerned about the Tea Party's influence, because "when they're in the majority, the Tea Party will feel its oats. We want to work with Republicans to help the middle class but I'm worried the tea party will pull them much too far over."  It’s here that Chuckie is little more than just blowing smoke.  Because if we’ve learned anything over the course of the last six years, it’s that the Democrats have very little, if any, interest in working with anybody, and it would be nice if McConnell in the Senate and Boehner in the House would finally realize that.

Chuckie did mention, almost in passing, that there are some differences among Democrats, but he claimed they are "small compared to the huge chasm of Republicans."  He mentioned that Nancy Pelosi fought against the new budget bill, disagreeing with Barry.  He said, "I think that what happened in the House, I thought Nancy Pelosi handled it extremely well."  Chuckie went on to say, "She knew the government couldn't be shut down. But she also knew that she had to show that Democrats are needed, and so she provided a veto proof, a veto-sustainable group to say no."

In looking ahead to 2016, Chuckie said he hasn't dared to ask presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton if she's running, but he thinks that she is.  "I'll bet she'll be a great candidate, I'll bet she'll win by a large majority and Democrats can help the middle class whose incomes have been declining in 15 years, in a united way.”  First off, his claim that Hitlery is a uniter is almost as hilarious as claiming that Barry has brought us all together.  If Americans were actually untied, a Democrat could never win.  Democrats win by dividing us, by doing all that they can to set us fighting with one another

Where I agree with Chuckie, and I can’t even believe I’m saying that, is that there will be a battle for control of the Republican Party much like what took place in the Democrat Party with the socialists gaining control.  If in the Republican Party it’s the McConnell/ Boehner wing of the party that is victorious, well then, those of us fighting to get our country back will be left with but one alternative.  And as much as I have never been in favor of such a thing, we will be forced to strike out with an effort to bring about a third party.  And it is that that Chuckie and his fellow Democrats are really hoping for.

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