Friday, December 12, 2014


Let me be perfectly blunt here, if I may. John Boehner has been an unmitigated disaster as Speaker of the House. The conduct that we have continued to see from Boehner, going all the way back to 2011 when he first became Speaker, has been less than impressive, and the time has now come to do something about it. The convening of the next Congress, come January, will bring with it an opportunity to rid ourselves of Boehner, and we should take full advantage of that opportunity.

And what irritates me to no end about this guy is the fact that the federal debt has now been allowed to increase by a staggering $3.8 Trillion in the brief 3.8 years that have passed since Boehner cut his first spending deal with Senate Democrats and Barry "Almighty". That works out to $32,938.38 for every household in the United States, including those taking federal welfare benefits, and $42,783.20 for every full-time year-round private-sector worker in the United States.

In fact, the $42,783.20 that the federal government has borrowed per full-time year-round private-sector worker since Boehner cut his first federal spending deal exceeds the $41,916 that according to the Census Bureau was the median annual earnings of full-time year-round private-sector wage and salary workers in 2013. He is no more qualified to have his job than is Barry "Almighty" qualified to have his! For such a thing to have taken place on Boehner’s watch is unconscionable!

Boehner became speaker in January 2011, after the Republicans, thanks to the Tea Party, won a majority of the House of Representatives in the midterm elections of 2010. And I suppose we should have learned something from that election, since none of the promises we were made then were kept either. At that time, the government was operating under a continuing resolution that expired on March 4, 2011. Before that CR expired, Boehner cut a spending deal to fund the government after it expired.

Ever since March 4, 2011, all federal spending has been authorized by laws passed by the Republican-controlled House that Boehner leads. At the close of business on March 4, 2011, the federal debt was $14,182,627,184,881.03, according to the Treasury. At the close of business on Dec. 9, 2014, it was $17,997,912,502,715.74. From March 11, 2011 through Dec. 9, 2014, the debt increased $3,815,285,317,834.71. And as I said, 1,376 days—or 3.8 years—transpired between March 4, 2011 and Dec. 11, 2014.

The $3.8 Trillion in new debt that the federal government has accumulated under the spending deals approved by a Republican-controlled House of Representatives over the past 3.8 years equals $2,772,736,422.84 in new debt per day. It also equals $32,938.38 in new debt for each of the 115,831,000 households the Census Bureau says were in the United States as of September, and $42,783.29 for each of the 89,177,000 full-time year-round private-sector workers that the Census Bureau says were in the United States in 2013.

Ok, so it’s too late to correct this most recent example of Boehner’s ‘leadership’, but the point must be made, in the strongest way possible, that if Boehner is allowed to remain as Speaker, it will be we the voters, not the big time donors, who will no longer support the party. Even if it means that we will be forced to endure, at least potentially, decades of Democrat Party rule. We must hold to account the architect of this vote last night, and we must make it known that our line in the sand is the removal of John Boehner as Speaker of the House. Cross it at your peril!

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