Thursday, March 5, 2015


Let’s face it, Barry “Almighty” is far from being the ONLY Democrat who hates America and all, or nearly all, of the institutions that have made her great.  And what sense of patriotism, if any, that there may exist there on the left is a rather strange and perverted one to say the least.  Because instead of seeking ways to make sure that America remains a strong force for good, Democrats, including our president, seem to expend a great deal of time and effort in seeking out new ways to weaken her.  But why is it, exactly, that Progressives and Democrats are so vehement in their hatred of America?  They are quite literally consumed by it.

That Progressives and Democrats want to change America is, I suppose, no great secret to any of us. And it would seem that these days they are far more willing to crawl out from the shadows and to boast, much more openly than they used to, about how it is that they would like to change America.  They have even come to base entire political campaigns on the premise of changing it for what they claim would be the better. I’m sure we all recall how it was on the verge of the 2008 election how it was that we heard Barry declare that we were then on the verge of “fundamentally transforming” the United States of America.

But consider this, why is it that anyone would want to change, or to “fundamentally transform”, anything unless they were to be, for whatever reason, extremely unhappy with it?  After all, if you’re happy with your job, do you go about trying to change it?  If you love your dog, would you ever consider trading him, or her, in for a different one?  Or, if you’re a guy, and you had a classic car, since your high school days, that you really loved, would you be looking to trade it for a newer model, for any reason?  I just don’t think so.  Am I wrong?  You don’t try to drastically change those things which you love, unless the purpose of such changes is to genuinely enhance.

Now getting back to America, I think it has now become pretty much of a given that our children will never hear it from their public school teachers or read about it in any of their history books, nor are we likely to see anywhere in the state-controlled media, how it is that the United States of America, in its short 200 year history, has done more good for more people than every country in the entire world, combined. America began as a haven for those seeking religious freedom and fought a war to preserve that freedom.  America fought a war to end slavery and won.  Sadly even today slavery still continues in many parts of the world.

And lest we all forget, it was the Democrat Party that was very determined, to say the least, in its support of slavery and it was the Republicans who were just as determined in their opposition to it.  And it is yet another very dark period in Democrat Party’s history, that soon after the Civil War, it was defeated Democrats who formed the Ku Klux Klan.  Strange how white Americans today are still blamed for the slavery of a hundred and fifty years ago, yet are never thanked for sacrificing their lives in order to bring it to an end.  And stranger still is the fact that the party of slavery, Jim Crow and segregation has earned the allegiance of blacks today.

America won two World Wars, and put an end to Hitler’s socialist Nazi party.  America stemmed the tide of communism, a socio-economic system supported by a majority of modern-day Democrats, and it provided safety for thousands of Vietnamese refugees who would have been murdered by the communists of North Vietnam.  For centuries, America has given freedom and hope to the oppressed; hope and joy to the suffering; and liberty and opportunity to people of all races and nationalities. The proof of her greatness can be found every day in the millions of immigrants who continue to flock to her shores seeking the freedom that America offers.

Yet Progressives and Democrats seek to change America. Doesn’t that make you just a tad bit suspicious?  Indeed, Progressives and Democrats want not just to change America, but to “fundamentally transform” it.  And they seek to do so under an ideology that has killed more people in the last one hundred years than have died in all the wars in the history of the world combined: Socialism.  Socialism under Hitler murdered millions and set the entire world at war.  Socialism under Stalin murdered upwards of forty million people. Socialism under Mao murdered over sixty million people.  Socialism under Castro continues to murder people today. 

Everywhere socialism goes, it kills, and yet Socialism is what Progressives and Democrats want for America.  Doesn’t THAT make you a tad bit suspicious?  Just what could cause so many people to despise a country so great as America?  Have you ever seen a man get rejected by a beautiful woman?  At first, he criticizes her, looking for whatever flaws he can find, then he despises her, and eventually he hates her. Why? Because he can’t have her. He feels unworthy of the woman who rejected him and projects his hate onto her and others. His future attempts at seduction become a means of revenge, a perverted attempt to escape his own self-loathing.

Progressives and Democrats are no different in their hatred of America. America was born a religious, God-loving country and, for the most part, it remains so today. But, you see, Progressives and Democrats, on the other hand, have rejected God and embraced lives of sin. They support and encourage abortion, racism, intolerance, promiscuity, homosexuality, government theft, and a host of other ills, and then project the guilt and self-hatred they feel for embracing these sins onto a hatred of America and its religious heritage. Because Progressives and Democrats falsely believe that God has rejected them, they respond by rejecting God.

America has always offered opportunity and economic freedom to anyone who was willing to take a risk and to work hard. Progressives and Democrats have risked once or twice in their lives, failed miserably, and are now terrified at the prospect of competing with other risk-takers. Their fear leads to a sense of entitlement that extends to food stamps, housing allowances, “free” health care, and personal and corporate welfare. The stronger their self-hatred, the stronger they feel they are above hard work. They hate America, because it reminds them of their own failures to provide for themselves and their families.

America stands for strength, independence, honor, and compassion.  Progressives and Democrats are so frightened by life and have developed such a dependence on government for survival that they have lost all of these qualities.  No self-respecting man can call himself a man if he’s beholden to government entitlements for his survival. Progressive and Democrat men know this and they hate themselves for it.  No self-respecting woman can call herself a woman if she rejects the honor and compassion of motherhood by embracing abortion and feminism. Progressive and Democrat women know this and they hate themselves for it.

Progressives and Democrats hate America, because it reminds them of all the positive qualities of strength, self-reliance, and kindness that they lack the courage to develop in themselves. Like rebellious children who must depend on their parents for survival, but hate their parents because of it, Progressives and Democrats live in a state of suspended adolescence, forever running from the responsibility of motherhood, fatherhood, and limited government.  They hate America, because they hate themselves.  Which brings us back to socialism, that which those on the left are so desperate to inflict upon the rest of us. 

The bottom line here is that Progressives and Democrats have a history of embracing socialism.  They do so because it represents everything they long for: the complete eradication of the individual. And if you support Progressivism or the Democrat Party, then you also support socialism, there’s just no way around it.  And if you support socialism, then, by definition, you also support the socialism of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and many others.  So I guess the question of the day would be: Is that something you can live with?  To my way of thinking it takes a rather twisted and demented mind to support the forcing of such an ill on our once prosperous nation. 

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