Tuesday, March 24, 2015


After being made to witness what I think have been the devastating results brought about from this country having now been dragged further and further to left over the course of the last 6 years, things like the dramatic increase in the number of Americans who have now been forced onto food stamps, the 92 million Americans that are no longer in the nation’s workforce, a massive increase in the national debt and the staggering number of Americans who now find themselves reliant upon some form of government ‘assistance’, to say nothing of the rather limp-wristed attempt at foreign policy, how is it that anyone in their right mind could actually bring themselves to vote for anyone who so proudly proclaims that the direction in which our country is now headed, is the right direction to be headed in, and one in which they too would work make sure that it remains headed? 

Enter Marty O'Malley, former governor of the People’s Republic of Maryland, and someone who is now beginning to sound more and more as if he might soon announce that he intends to become a candidate for president in 2016.  Now keep in mind that Marty is a man who did such a terrific job while serving in that position that the people of his state thought 8 years of a Democrat being governor was quite enough, and when provided with the opportunity to do so, chose to elect a Republican to lead their state.  Marty has appeared desperate of late in an attempt to position himself as an alternative to presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Hitlery Clinton.  On the stump in Iowa, Marty is giving voice to progressive themes popular among energized supporters of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Warren, meanwhile, has repeatedly insisted that she will not seek the presidency.

In campaign appearances, as well as in an op-ed published in the Des Moines Register, Marty promised that, if elected, he would move to dismantle large banks, tighten regulation of Wall Street, expand Social Security benefits, and guarantee women receive equal pay.  In other words, what he promises is what we always here from pro-government, progressive Democrats, that being, of course, the continued growth of a government that has already grown far too big, far too powerful and that has forced itself way too far into the private lives of the American people.  Marty claims, "What people are longing for is an understanding of how our economy got to the point where wealth and power are so concentrated in ways it never was before." he said.  I would argue that what people are longing for is a government content to operate from within the confines as outlined in our Constitution.

And in what I’m guessing was a rather transparent attempt to woo supporters from the bat-shit crazy Liz Warren, aka the far-left-kook-fringe, Marty proudly pointed to his progressive record as governor. You see it was during his administration from 2007 to 2015 that same-sex marriage was legalized, gun-control tightened, the death penalty repealed, minimum wage increased, and the plight of migrants eased.  All the priorities of the hardcore left in this country.  Marty has also said that he backs a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.  So in other words, what we could expect from a Marty O’Malley presidency is essentially is more of the same misery that we have been forced to experience during the last 6 years under Barry.  I can’t help but wonder if having been made to live through this most recent attempt to turn this country into Europe is something most Americans would want to continue.

A recent Quinnipiac University poll of likely Iowa Democrat caucus participants, showed that while Hitlery had 61 percent support, and Warren pulled 19 percent, 84 percent of those surveyed were not sufficiently familiar with O'Malley to form an opinion.  Warren enthusiasts in Iowa appear willing to hear Marty's message while not giving up altogether on the Massachusetts senator.  Mike Carberry, a Johnson County supervisor and Warren supporter said O'Malley could become an option if Warren stays out of the race. He liked O'Malley's Wall Street-bashing op-ed. "That was a brilliant move," Carberry said.  And he added, "I read it. I loved it, and I re-posted it on Facebook. To me, that's a good sign." For the moment, however, Carberry still hopes Warren will run. "I know she's said she wouldn't run, but at first she said she wouldn't run for Senate either," Carberry noted. "So we'll see."

My faith in the American people to act responsibly is not what it once was.  Granted they seemed to have come to their senses in 2014, but with our Republicans in Congress now seeming to be unwilling to do those things promised in order to get themselves elected, things don’t bode well for whoever the Republican candidate may be in 2016.  And if people come to feel that they are not able to trust the Republicans, well then, it becomes all the more likely that they will end up siding with the likes of Marty or worse, Hitlery.  While those on the left are busy exalting the virtues of progressivism, we must work just as hard to make the case against what is being promised by those who wish to assume the reins of power from Barry.  Promises that if allowed to be kept will accomplish nothing more than to make matters far worse, both here and abroad.  Our country now hangs by a thread.

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