Saturday, March 7, 2015


You don’t have to be some sort a genius to recognize the fact that race relations in this country today, are pretty much at an all-time low.  And neither do any of us need some new poll that points that out, or that things have continued to worsen over the course of the presidency of Barry “Almighty”, the first half-black man ever to be elected to the White House.  But be that as it may, we do now have a CNN poll that finds that 39 percent believe relations between blacks and whites have gotten worse, not better, since Barry took office in January 2009.  Just 15 percent say relations have improved. In an interesting finding, 45 percent of whites think relations have worsened while just 26 percent of blacks think so.

What I’ve noticed over the course of the last 6 years, and you can call me crazy, is the fact with the election of a black, or half-black, president what has since appeared to be a growing number of blacks have come to feel that they are now to be considered as being above the law, and, to even to greater extent than in the past, have come to consider that the rules simply no longer apply to them.  And the fact that they are black is to be their ‘get-out-of-jail-free card.  And Barry, along with his boy Eric “The Racist” Holder, has done nothing to even imply anything else.  It’s like, blacks consider themselves to be somehow immune to the consequences which would normally be the natural result of their actions.  And in many respects they are right.

Case in point, Ferguson, Mo.  Despite a very obviously flawed Department of Justice report regarding the Ferguson police department, and the idiotic remarks that Barry made based on that report while on some hokey radio show, after so many people of Ferguson lost their businesses, their livelihoods and their futures, not one Negro went to jail, even though their faces were plastered all over our televisions for weeks.  As well, the father of Michael Brown, the dead black thug at the center of it all, has yet been made to face any jail time for inciting violence.  And he probably never will.  And yet Barry has the gall to focus on the actions of a police officer guilty of nothing more than trying to save his own life.  It’s disgusting and it very un-presidential.

Like I said, it was while on the hokey radio show of some guy by the name of Joe Madison, that Barry was heard to say, "I don't think that is typical of what happens across the country, but it's not an isolated incident.”  He then went on to say, "I think that there are circumstances in which trust between communities and law enforcement have broken down, and individuals or entire departments may not have the training or the accountability to make sure that they're protecting and serving all people and not just some."  He called civil rights "an unfinished project."  It’s only an “unfinished project” because of blacks are not yet finished milking it for all they think they can get from it.

And then in a speech at, South Carolina’s, Benedict College on Friday, Barry claimed, "We may never know exactly what happened" the day white police officer Darren Wilson shot black teenager Michael Brown.  Oh really?  Attorney General Eric ‘The Racist’ Holder found that witness stories greatly varied, but in clearing Wilson of any wrongdoing, the report said there was no truth to the account that Brown had his hands up when shot.  Barry said, "If there is uncertainty about what happened, then you can’t just charge him anyway just because what happened was tragic.  That was the decision that was made."  And yet, Barry charged that the racial discrimination from police in Ferguson, Missouri, was "oppressive and abusive."

We’re told, and Barry obviously whole-heartedly supports the premise that, the Justice Department investigation found patterns of racial profiling, bigotry and profit-driven law enforcement and court practices within the Ferguson Police Department. And despite the fact that Eric Holder is himself, and very obviously so, a racist, we’re still all supposed to believe that this racially biased report paints an accurate picture of the Ferguson police department.  Holder, who accompanied Barry on the trip, told reporters the federal government will "use all the power that we have to change the situation there," including possibly dismantling the police force. "If that's what's necessary we're prepared to do that," Holder threatened.

And in what was something that really came as no surprise, questioner at the college town hall meeting held at the historically black college asked Barry why Holder had filed no charges against Wilson.  Barry replied that the standard for federal charges is very high and the officer is entitled to due process like anyone else.  Although Barry said he didn't think what happened in Ferguson was typical of the rest of the country, he was quick to add that it wasn't a totally isolated incident, either.  He called for communities to work together to address tensions between police and residents without succumbing to cynical attitudes that say "this is never going to change, because everybody's racist."  How blacks simply behave themselves?

The moral of the Ferguson story is a relatively obvious one.  Regardless of Barry says, if you don’t rob a convenience store, don’t threaten store clerks and do what a police officer tells you to, don’t struggle for a policeman’s gun and, regardless of skin color, the chances of you ending up being shot dead are really pretty remote.  And yet when we have someone who, because of their own actions, winds up dead, we’re supposed to believe that the only reason that that person is dead is because was black and the police officer was white.  Therefore, I’m one of those who are of the opinion that race relations in this country, have most definitely taken a turn for the worse.  And I don’t see things getting better any time soon. 

Because I tell you what, until the day comes when blacks, or at least enough of them, manage to come to their senses and realize that the political party to which they have so blindly aligned themselves with for decades is the very same party that was responsible for slavery, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan and segregation, not much is going to change in any number of areas, only one of which is that racism continues in this country.  Racism that far more often comes from blacks and directed at whites, than the other way around.  Until blacks come to see themselves as having to abide by the same rules as the rest of us, and come to possess at least some desire to be self-sufficient and not merely a parasite on the rest of us, things will remain the same.       

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