Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Well folks, if the Census Bureau is right, it would appear that us white folks are now busy breeding, or not breeding, ourselves right out of existence or at least out of what will be the majority up at least up until the year 2044.  You see, it’s according to Census Bureau data that by 2044 more than half of all adults in America will belong to one minority group or another.  And I’m here to tell ya the day that that comes to pass, America will have officially come to the end of its run.  Now you can say what you want about white males, but who is it in this country that starts most of the successful small businesses?  Who is it that has the brains to do it and to make a business work?  Granted, not every white guy has what it takes to make a business work, a lot more whites can make it work than non-whites.  It’s just a fact of life!  

And who is it, in this country, other than your average white guy, that still has anything that would even remotely resemble a solid work ethic?  The fact is that a very substantial percentage of our various minorities would much rather sit back and collect their various government freebies than to trudge off to work every morning.  Work is a dirty four-letter word.  So what do you suppose will happen to this country when it’s only a ‘minority’ of its citizens who are actually willing to work?  What do you suppose might happen to all of those ‘government freebies?’ Because on the day that we have a majority of people in this country who feel they shouldn’t have to work, and would rather not work, yet still feel entitled to possess all of those things enjoyed by people who do work, everything comes to a halt, for absolutely everybody.

The report, "Projections of the Size and Composition of the U.S. Population: 2014 to 2060," released this past Tuesday, examines the total population, native and foreign-born, and concludes that the United States will "become a plurality nation" by 2044. While the non-Hispanic white population will still be the largest, no racial or ethnic group is likely to have more than a 50 percent share of the total population.  And I’ll tell ya something else, such news does not bode well for this country being able to remain prosperous very far into the future.  Now I suppose there’s not anything that can be done to alter that which seems to now be a foregone conclusion.  And it’s bound to have an effect politically, as well.  Because who it that these minorities vote for?  Democrats, that who.  And we know Democrats hate this country.  

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