Tuesday, September 5, 2017


For anyone with a brain, which would of course eliminates 99.9 percent of all those who identify as Democrats, the reason that Donald Trump is president today, and Hitlery is not, is really a relatively simple one.  And despite all the cries to the contrary, it doesn’t involve the Russians, Wikileaks, or even Hitlery’s obviously illegal email server.  But for those who are still in search of a reason will need look no further than Ray Buckley, New Hampshire’s Democrat Party Chairman, who, just this past Sunday, referred to rural, disaffected voters as being both “white supremacists” and “extremists.”  Apparently Mr. Buckley’s comment was made in response to WMUR9 telling its viewers that ‘Look Ahead America’, an organization that reaches out to “disaffected, patriotic Americans” may be heading to New Hampshire.

And it was Mr. Matt Braynard, the executive director of this particular group, who said “New Hampshire’s going to be, probably, the state we advance to next.”  And he then went on to say, “We’ve identified maybe 15,000 inactive voters who we would consider disaffected, patriotic Americans.  And potentially 100,000 or more unregistered adults we’re going to reach out to.”  Braynard went on to explain, “We’re applying to identify patriotic Americans who’ve become disaffected and cynical, so we can engage them on issues relevant to them, get them registered, get them educated and turn them out to vote.”  Now as you might well expect, the local Democrat Party was none too pleased to get such news, since most of those aforementioned unregistered voters may very well end up voting Republican.

And it was in response to that that New Hampshire Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley made it very plainly known that he was none too pleased with the development, going so far as to make the rather ignorant claim that the disaffected voters ‘Look Ahead America’ will likely be working with are little more than “extremists” and “white supremacists.”  Buckley said, “The organizing and activating of these extremists, these white supremacists, really could have a detrimental effect on the entire culture of New Hampshire.”  And he then proceeded to double down on calling these Americans “white supremacists” in a tweet on Sunday night, slamming the Koch Brothers and former Governor John Sununu for bringing Look Ahead to New Hampshire.  Sounds to me like it’s this guy, Buckley, who’s the true extremist!

I classify myself as a disaffected voter and am a Trump supporter and a Republican.  What I most certainly am NOT is a racist nor am I someone who could even remotely be considered a white supremacist. One would think that after Hitlery called half of the country "deplorables" and shortly thereafter lost the election, that the Democrat Party just MIGHT have learned a lesson from all of their name calling. But, I am pleased as punch that they have not, looking better for 2018 all the time as the Democrats are making the same exact mistakes all over again.  I think someone once said that was the definition of insanity.  It seems the Democrat Party is trying to insult Americans into voting for them.  Now there is indeed a winning tactic that will guarantee a victory every time.  And it won’t be their fault when they lose.

The truth of the matter is that it's damn near impossible to lose a drag race to someone whose car is stuck in reverse.  Hitlery's entire campaign was a continual repeat of 6 steps forward and 9 steps back, and ever since then that’s what has become the ‘standard operating procedure’ on the part of the entire Democrat Party!  And then along comes this Buckley nitwit reviving Hitlery’s strategy and earning the justified contempt of potential voters.  Which begs the question, when was the last time anybody heard the Democrats offering up what could, in any way, be called an uplifting/positive message or a detailed agenda/vision for the future of the country that did not include taking money from others via increased taxes or cutting benefits to increase the size of the welfare state in the hope of increasing their base?

It’s the same old broken record.  Exactly the same kind of crap that we’ve heard before from the Democrats.  Remember?  If you didn’t vote for Obummer or if you chose to disagree with his policies then you were a racist.  If you didn't vote for Hitlery, then you were called a sexist.  And if you happen to be disgusted by Bruce Jenner's ‘transformation’ then you're a homophobe.  And, of course, if you supported, or still do support, Donald Trump then you're automatically assumed to be a ‘white supremacist.’  And lastly, if you believe in free speech, then you're considered to be nothing more than a member of the Ku Klux Klan.  Because that’s where we are now as a country thanks to the Democrat Party, its minions in the state-controlled media, our so-called institutions of ‘higher learning’ and those like George Soros. 

Because it’s these days that anyone with a little commonsense is also seen as being a little bit racist.  Being white these days is seen as a bad thing.  What we need to do is to take care of our own.  I fear for my children and my grandchildren.  The time has come for commonsense to again rule the day.  I’m sick of being called names because I only care about doing what's right and am not in favor of rewarding bad behavior.  And I don't feel sorry for anybody who can't, or won’t, help themselves.  Go back to your own country and make it great.  Act like an American and stop trying to break it down.  We need to get corrupt politicians out of office.  I know good honest African Americans and legal immigrants. They want the same thing that most white Americans want.  Peace and quiet.  Safe streets and good schools.  And to be left alone.

Folks need to stop listening to the many lying propagandists in our state-controlled media who do nothing more than to repeat the same leftist crap over and over for what seems like forever. The Russia hack story is a false smokescreen put up by those who were so sure that Hitlery had the election in the bag.  I hope they keep it up with their insane strategy.  Has it already been close to a year since she did the “basket of deplorables” line?  Still to this day, every time she crawls out from under her rock to tweet she's pounced on by proud, but still angry, ‘deplorables’ who waste precious little time chasing her back under the same rock from which she crawled out from under.  No other politician that I'm aware of has ever won so much widespread condemnation as has Hitlery.  Like it or not, that will be her lasting legacy.

And still, if you listen to Democrats today, anyone who does not share their statist worldview, who doesn't actively participate in their groupthink and parrot their anti-America narrative is said to be a Racist, a Nazi, a Fascist, or a White Supremacist.  Their insulting disrespect and contempt for their fellow Americans is a telling indicator of who the real purveyors of hate truly are.  We conservatives are tired of having to defend the FACT that we are not Nazis nor are we white supremacists. The constant lies from the left are not changing our determination to eliminate every Socialist/Marxist/Communists from any position of power.  We want to see America led by moral, logical, considerate, sane people.  Calling people who disagree with you "White Supremacists" when they aren't any such thing, now that's a ‘winning’ strategy.

Let’s face it, when was the last time anyone in our stellar state-controlled media offered up a message that did not include the words: Racists, White Nationalists, White Supremacists, Privileged, Homophobes, Nativists, Populists, Anti-Immigrant, Bigots, Xenophobes, Fascists, Imperialists, Sexists, Misogynists, Islamophobics, Anti-Semitic, Transphobic, Nazis, Brown Shirts, KKK Members, Deplorable, Irredeemable?  When have you ever heard any Democrat say that they wanted to put the country and the American people first?  When have you ever heard any Democrat speak out against the illegal aliens who have raped/murdered our citizens rather than speaking about the sanctuary cities they have established to protect violent gang members, pedophiles, rapists, murderers from prosecution/deportation?  That would be NEVER!   

And when was the last time you saw Democrats reach out to all of the vile, hateful, racist groups found on the left in a genuine effort to put an end to all of the divisiveness instead of doing little more than to fan the flames of chaos and violence?  It’s the Democrats who continue to sow the seeds of hatred and division, cheered on by those in the “fake news” media, that has resulted in the deaths of so many innocents.  ‘You can't put the genie back in the bottle’ thus they can never again claim to be the party of tolerance, acceptance, inclusiveness, diversity or to be the champions of the poor/middle class, working families, or Americans in general.  They have destroyed themselves, their party, and hopefully any hope of ever leading this nation again.  They have proven that they are not worthy of our trust!

"Fake News” outlets purposely report lies/half-truths from so called “anonymous sources” in an attempt to damage the President and to stoke the flames of anarchy.  They are holding the country hostage threatening to burn it to the ground lest we cede control to them.  They seek a one party country (their party) but their only remaining path to power is through the destruction of our sovereignty via the legalization of millions of illegals/"refugees" regardless of the danger/financial cost to our own citizens.  They fight harder for the protection/care of criminal illegal aliens and potentially dangerous “refugees” than they have ever fought for our own citizens, the very people they claim to champion.  How many more innocent people need to die before we admit that the Democrats pose the greatest threat to the nation and our citizens?

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