Sunday, September 10, 2017


While I can understand completely why someone less intelligent and/or under-informed, regardless of race or social status, is able to vote Democrat with pretty much a clear conscience and absolutely no hesitation, I am still always amazed how those who I view as being pretty intelligent and reasonably well-informed can support those whom you would think they would be able see right through.  After all, while Democrats were once the party of white racists it’s these days that they're the party of anti-white racism, and keeping the poor controlled and manipulated under the thumb of government assistance, regardless of color. They've become the party of power at all costs, so long as those costs are borne by others. 

And those politicians who proudly wear the moniker of ‘Democrat’ have become more extreme in their views with each new election.  And it has become increasingly difficult to determine who is the most extreme among them since there now seems to be underway a contest, of sorts, among Democrats to see who can make the most outrageous claims about those who dare to disagree with them or about our president.  And these days nothing seems to be seen as crossing the line.  For instance, this past Wednesday at a House Financial Services Committee hearing on lone-wolf and small-scale terrorist attacks, ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters went off on a rant about white nationalists and other people who she 'claimed' are seeking her demise.

It was in starting another one of her classic rants, ‘Mad Maxine’ said, “I’m worried about these domestic attacks. As a matter of fact, I was forced to focus on it a little bit yesterday when in my office in Los Angeles one of the people opening the mail opened an envelope, and a bunch of powder fell out with a note about me dying and killing Hillary Clinton and on and on and on. This is getting more frequent, and I know that we have privacy concerns and information sharing and all that.”  She continued, “But I’m wondering what can we do to get a handle, a fix on these lone killers, and not simply just say we throw our hands up and we can’t really do anything because of privacy concerns.”  As is usually the case, the old girl wasn’t making much sense.

But still she went on to say, “And I’m wondering particularly in our financial institutes and banks if questionnaires that do not invade privacy but simply ask questions about what the intentions are for the uses of certain money under certain circumstances. And these people can say whatever they want to, and they can respond in whatever way they want to, but if resources are used to go and commit killings they will have lied on the questionnaire and perhaps that can trigger some kind of actions to begin to prevent this kind of domestic terrorism.”  So this is her solution to solve the problem of domestic terrorism?  Seriously?  Who but a leftwing-hack-of-a-Democrat politician would come up with an idiotic idea like this?

She added, “I think we should focus on domestic terrorism also.  So I would like to ask again, given all that you have said about how difficult it is and about privacy concerns, do you have any thoughts about what can we do to begin to deal with the KKK, the white nationalists, the extremists, the alt-right?  They’re on the Internet; they’re Breitbart.  If you look at the YouTube, you see how much they want to kill me and others. What can we do?”  As is usually the case when it comes to those of her rabid political persuasion, you’ll notice that she was rather selective in the groups she identified as being in need of being ‘dealt with.’  There was no mention of Antifa or ‘Black Lives Matter.’  The reason being is that such groups are of ‘the left.’

Maxine knows no one’s out to kill her.  But what we do want to do is to “expose” her, and there’s a big difference.  But that said, Ms. Waters, with her IQ being much lower than her shoe size, her grade school vocabulary together with what is her own unique, and rather toxic, brand of racism, she’s doing a far better job at exposing herself than any of us on the right ever could.  Black racism is alive and well in these United States and on constant display by people like Jessie ‘The Extortionist’ Jackson, Al ‘Not So’ Sharpton, Whoopi ‘Black Kow’ Goldberg and the Grand Wizard of Black Racism, ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters herself to name but a few.  So keep talking, Maxine!  You prove just how ignorant you are every time you open your big fat mouth.

‘Mad Maxine’ is proof how the ‘civil rights’ movement got co-opted by the Marxist-Socialists and essentially lead to the black “liberation” (read as “supremacist”) movement.  Democrats, like Waters, favor keeping blacks in the slums that are basically “sanctuary” communities of crime.  They've become so crime-infested that they’re safe for no one!  And yet you never hear her address the rampant everyday violence and murder committed against blacks, the destroying of black lives, black families and black kids committed by a group of people who are the most protected in America, other blacks. A virtual protected species, free to destroy with excuses provided for and taken for granted as being just the way things are gonna be.

What we need to start doing is to begin forcing our political ‘leaders’ to disclose the source of every penny they have received in the past, currently receive and will ever receive while in their government position.  As a public figure, they should have no expectation of privacy in that regard.  As a private citizen, what I do with my money is no one’s business but my own.  ‘Mad Maxine’ is a crazy, paranoid and sorry excuse for a human being who has not a clue what the citizens of this country are like, as evidenced by her generalization that conservatives are all KKK white supremacist domestic terrorists.  She's trying to draw attention away from the left leaning Antifa terrorists and shift the blame to those who don't agree with her.

Propaganda in the form of ‘fake news’ is being beamed at us every day and from every direction.  I don't know why anyone would want America to fail, but the Democrats do.  President Trump, while I have not agreed with everything that he has done, does seem to be focused on making the country better.  Mainly on law and order and on the Constitution that has kept this country the beacon of freedom since it first came into being.  And a mere 240 years later and Democrats, like Waters, want to take it down the socialist/globalist road.  They are determined in their efforts to force upon us a political/economic system that has never bought about anything other than abject misery and inescapable poverty except for those in power. 

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