Friday, September 15, 2017


It appears that we must now resign ourselves to the fact that we’re going to have to get used to having failed presidential nominee Hitlery around for at least the foreseeable future.  She said as much in a recent interview with Rachel Madcow over on MS(LSD).  She made it pretty clear that she has no intention of leaving politics nor the public eye, although she did say that she won’t be running for elected office again.  And frankly I’m not all that sure who it is that’s more disheartened at hearing such news.  Those of us on the right, or the Democrats.  Because there are quite a few in her party who are more than ready to see her go away.

It was just this past Thursday that Hitlery issued a warning, of sorts, that she intends on going nowhere when she said, “I’m not going to leave politics even though I’m not going to be a candidate.”  Madcow asked Hitlery, whose new book “What Happened” debuted on Tuesday, whether she now wants out of her public life.  Madcow said, “Obviously you have a career in public service behind you.”  And then she went on to ask, “You have a life as a public intellectual, now particularly with this book and the way that you’ve tried to approach this.  What do you what do you want in terms of your public life from here on out?”

Hitlery said she wants to help the next generation of candidates that has become inspired by activism against President Trump.  She said, “I’ve started a group, which I write about, called Onward Together aimed at supporting a lot of the new, young grassroots groups that have sprung up since the election.”  And, she said, “There’s a really tremendous amount of energy out there … I mean, all of the great work that we have seen since the election, my organization Onward Together will be supporting.” Hitlery launched ‘Onward Together’, a play on her campaign slogan “Stronger Together”, in May using some of the unused funds from her campaign.

And then Hitlery went on to say, “We will also support candidates and we will look for opportunities to try to not only support candidates in individual elections but  — if there’s groups that are fighting the suppression of voting, for example, we will come in and help them as well. So on the political agenda, I’m going to be very active on that.”  It would seem to me that the worst fear Democrats have would be to have Hitlery hanging around and sucking up cash donations that would otherwise be going to bona fide Democrat candidates.  As far as I’m concerned this is good news.  So the more Hitlery remains active in politics, the more we’re going to win.

During the early months of her campaign she basically hid from those in the media, to the point where she had to be shamed into finally giving what was referred to as a press conference.  Now, as a political two-time loser her desire remains to inflict upon America a death of a thousand cuts.  In other words, she is starting this “new group” into which she will likely funnel what she is surely hoping will be huge donations which she will likely then use to enrich herself under the guise of “helping” other people. Why does this feel like déjà vu all over again?  Oh yeah, ‘Onward Together’ equals the Clinton Foundation 2.0.  

It always seem to me, as someone looking in from the other side, that when the time comes and those on the left become completely useless, pointless and/or unnecessary they are then forever referred to, by others on the left, as ‘intellectuals!’  Of course, she isn’t going away.  This woman lives for power and sycophantic praise.  So long as there is even one demented fan with a camera or a microphone, she’s happy.  If there is one thing that she shares with he who was our last president, it is the thrill she receives from the sound of her own voice.  The very same voice that sounds to so many others remarkably like fingernails scrapping across a chalkboard. 

No, Hitlery isn’t going to simply go away.  If she were to retire quietly, all she would have left are her prescription meds, her alcohol and ‘Slick Willy’, and what kind of life is that?  Hitlery is like a piece of gum, or, better yet, the dog shit that gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe that you just can't scrape off.  The swamp that was protecting her will grow increasingly annoyed at her refusal to stop stabbing their oozing and open wound.  She's far too arrogant to understand that now that she’s less than useful and/or no longer able to threaten lethal political retribution, she will lose her heretofore breathtaking immunity.  And it can’t happen too soon.

This bitter old woman intends to go on attacking the country that rejected her bid for president for as long as she can.  Resist is her call, find wrong in every corner of a country that gives everyone the opportunity to succeed.  The country isn’t perfect and her people are not perfect, but we are still a country of, by and for the people.  Hitlery had her chance.  The Clintons chose to profit from public office, to the detriment of the country they were supposed to serve while in public office.  Sadly a great many are willing, like lemmings, to follow this woman over the cliff.  Many will do it to their own destruction, while the Clintons profit.

Hitlery has always been exceptionally good at lying.  Her sour grapes are absolutely epic!  The real reason Hitlery lost is because she was a dismal candidate with no message other than “it's my turn, and I'm a woman who will be Obama 2.0, so elect me”.  And let’s not forget that she doesn't give a rip about national security (certified incompetent by the FBI no less), lies every time she opens her mouth, allows our Ambassadors and heroes to get killed, blames everyone and everything else for her own failures, and is utterly corrupt through and through.  And when asked if she did enough on her own to lose the election, her reply was “well, no!” 

So riddle me this, why is it that any reasonably intelligent Democrat candidate, of which we know there are very few, would ever purposely seek out this two-time loser for advice on anything even remotely connected to winning an election?  Now with that said, what she does have to offer, which might be helpful to some, is advice regarding how ‘NOT’ to run a political campaign, especially since her last campaign was a textbook example of how not to do so.  Other than that there are few things on which she could offer any actual useful advice unless one is, of course, seeking advice on how best to sell out one’s country for fun and profit. 

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