Thursday, October 5, 2017


I wish I could laugh every time I heard some imbecilic Democrat, or leftwing media flunky, accuse President Trump of being a racist.  But I can’t, because it was for eight long years that we had a couple of bona fide racists occupying the White House without a word ever being said.  And it would seem to be a trait they not only possessed before arriving at the White House, but also carried on after leaving.  And nothing makes this more painfully clear than some recent comments made by ex-first lady, Moochelle Obummer, with her making the recent claim that it’s the Republican Party’s lack of diversity that makes Americans distrust the political process.

It all came about during an on-stage interview at the ‘Pennsylvania Conference for Women’ on Tuesday that the ex-first lady made the statement that when she attended the State of the Union address she would notice the Republican side was “all men, all white,” and that was why she argued many people of color “don’t trust politics.”  Moochelle said, “We should be working actively to mix it up, so we’re getting a real broad range of perspectives on every issue. Shoot, I would see that in Congress.”  She explained, “At the State of the Union address … when you are in the room what you can see is this real dichotomy. It’s a feeling of color almost.”

But ever determined to leave no doubt that she is anything other than the absolute worst kind of racist, Moochelle went on to say, “On one side of the room is literally gray and white. Literally, that is the color palette on one side of the room. On the other side of the room, there are yellows and blues and whites and greens.  Physically, there’s a difference in color, in the tone, because on one side all men, all white, on the other side some woman, some people of color.”  And she added, “I look at that, and I go, no wonder. No wonder we struggle, no wonder people don’t trust politics. We’re not even noticing what these rooms look like.”

And so, according to Moochelle, “If people haven’t had the experience of being other and out, and you are trying to fix the problem of those folks, it’s hard to come up with the right answer when you haven’t lived it.”  This coming from someone of whom I think it far to say is incapable of learning, and it’s only because her racist ideology gets in the way.  And I would argue that she would be doing herself a ‘yuge’ favor if she were to simply shut up and be thought of as a racist instead of opening her mouth and removing all doubt that she is.  Sadly, it remains pretty undeniable that Moochelle and Barry are essentially cut from the same, ugly, racist cloth.

And it should come as no surprise that it was at the same conference that Moochelle made sure to leave herself plenty of time to criticize President Trump’s message to young Americans as much worse than that of her husband’s.  She said, “Many of the young people today, they only know Barack Obama as their president and what that standard felt like and what kind of messages were being talked about… They grew up only under hope and possibility and options and opportunity and creating more space.”  And she argued, “I think they will feel some of what’s happening now as intrinsically not what they were taught.”

Now that might be a legitimate beef if slaves were still made to be working the fields here in America.  But since we haven’t had slaves, a least in the generally accepted sense, for over 150 years, it's really kind of a cop out.  When will enough time have finally passed that we can finally put it behind us?  If everyone just took responsibility for themselves and their kids and focused on working hard, getting educated, and staying out of trouble, Voila!, we would have a great country.  But that said, slavery, in a sense, does still exist in 2017 America.  And it’s called the Democrat Party.  And there remains those willing to throw their fellow blacks under the bus.

Democrats give blacks little more than crumbs every month to live on, and sadly blacks seem to be more than happy to take whatever ‘free’ crumbs come their way.  It’s the plantation mentality all over again with Barry, and the wife, being little more than a glorified overseers.  Barry got 99 percent of blacks to vote for him and then proceeded to leave them far worse off than they were either time they voted for him.  And yet blacks in America could not have been happier than to have a black man in the White House.  Such behavior gives an entirely new meaning to being ignorant.  And yet it’s Moochelle who has the nerve to accuse the Republicans of being racist.   

Let’s face it, it doesn’t take a genius to recognize the fact that Moochelle is really nothing more than a lifelong racist.  You’ve just have to have been paying attention.  It was revealed pretty early on in Barry's 2008 campaign just how racist she truly is. Then she was sent away to “charm school” over the summer of 2008 and Hitlery's operatives would later teach her how to fool people.  But still, if you spent any amount of time watching her during her years in the White house, her deep-seated racist tendencies were something that she couldn’t control all the time.  She’d let something slip and would therefore offer a glimpse into how she really felt.

And I've said it before that LBJ, and the Democrat created ‘Great Society’ welfare system essentially hamstrung the Black community, and pretty much as a whole.  Between the breakdown of the black family unit, and I mean the traditional family with two adults who parent and contribute to the success of the family, and a ballooning social welfare system which resulted in creating an entitlement mentality, the black community as a whole was hamstrung.  Then add in the propaganda from the state-controlled media and Hollyweird, and it all becomes just so very sad.  But I will say, those who have taken the opportunity to get out, flourish and succeed.

And yet according to those like Moochelle the continuing plight of the black community has nothing whatsoever to do with the unwillingness of most blacks to take on some level of responsibility for how their lives turn out, or the fact that far too many are quite content to take whatever the Democrat Party is willing to steer their way in exchange for their vote.  And as I have said before, perhaps if blacks in this country chose to behave in a more appropriate, and dare I say adult, manner perhaps they would tend to bring less attention to themselves and therefore would have less to complain about when doing anything “while black.”

But if blacks insist upon following the lead, in the manner they have for decades, of such pathetic racists as Moochelle, and her even more overtly racist hubby, I can pretty much guarantee that they will see very little, if any, improvement in things as they go through life.  Now they can continue to fall for the incendiary rhetoric spewed by Moochelle and the other race pimps, or they can come to the conclusion that to continue to do so takes them nowhere but down a dead end street.  But no one can make the decision for them.  Either they want to join the rest of us who want nothing more than to be self-sufficient and left alone, or they don’t.

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