Saturday, October 13, 2018


Demonstrating once again that he is little more than a common racist and hate-filled buffoon constantly standing by, and ever at the ready, to receive his next set of marching orders passed down from on high, aka his masters in the Democrat Party, Juan Williams did exactly as he was told to do this past Friday on Fox News Channel’s “The Five,” as the panel discussed the recent Oval Office meeting between President Donald Trump and hip-hop star Kanye West.

And it was during the previously mentioned ‘discussion’ on the subject of the president and West, that FOX News’ favorite racist, and left wing lunatic said, “Here is what he said, ‘Oh I put on this hat, and it gives me superpowers. I really want a father figure.’ And then he’s separated by the desk. He has to get up and walk around. Trump doesn’t even get up to hug the guy. He is there hugging Trump like he is holding on, he is trying to get something out of this.” 

Williams continued, “You hear this man say stuff like, ‘Trump is on a hero’s journey.’ Maybe he’s on a folly. I don’t know. But it all looked like was some guy ranting. I am you know, personally offended by the kind of profanity he brought there. I don’t understand how anybody tolerated it.”  He added, “I don’t get this; when you have people like Common, Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar doing things with President Obama, the right wing went nuts.”  I think that might be a bit of an overstatement.

Anyway, Williams went on to say, “They said these guys are rappers, some of them associate with thugs and gangsters. Hey, what about this guy? All of a sudden the man who insulted Republicans, the man who has nothing to say other than his hat gives him superpower, is a Republican hero? This is ridiculous. It’s absurd. And Don Lemon—amen! This is someone who is a shameful example of behavior in the presence of a powerful white man.”  With Williams it’s ALWAYS about race.

What’s really going on here is that Williams is simply being the good House Negro, and doing the best he can to keep as many of his fellow blacks as he can convinced that what’s best for them is to remain right where they are, the field slaves of the Democrat Party and on the Plantation of his rich, White masters.  So he’s doing his best to downplay the fact that it’s the Republicans who are once again coming to the rescue of those field slaves, but this time with ballots, not bullets.

I’d like to think that the day will come when Blacks will free themselves from the racist Democrat Party, the party that fought for slavery, created the KKK after the Civil War and brought Jim Crow laws and segregation into being.  Democrats continue to denigrate Blacks and treat like children.  I will never know nor understand how Blacks willingly walked back to their former slave masters and spit on the Party that gave them freedom and have always stood up for them.

It now seems as those who the left uses to keep the slaves on the plantation have come out in force.  The left is getting clobbered and can be said to be in full panic mode.  Hopefully November will see them finally destroyed. The Hispanics are quiet with the great economy as they, for the most part, like to have jobs and the demonstrations and bully tactics remind them of the hell holes they came from.  So losing black voters is a death sentence for the left at this juncture.

To be honest, Williams is really nothing more than another hate filled, anti-WHITE liberal Negro who, for whatever the reason, has decided to become one of those useful idiots on the left who claims to want the best for blacks in America but who continually sides with the one political party who only benefits from keeping blacks in America both poor and ignorant.  But I can’t help but wonder why he does it.  Is he on the Democrat Party payroll, or simply to guest himself on the guest list.   

And so he obviously remains one of the more vocal members of a rather sick group of individuals who think that it’s okay to attack a black man when his opinion dares to differ from what come to seen as the black Democrat hive mentality.  West took that hive, sliced it open, to show Blacks in America what is really happening and what lengths the left goes to, to keep blacks in line.  And look at what they, including Williams, did to him.  Look at how they vilified him. That is the left.

Williams shows his ignorance every time he opens his mouth in an attempt to justify the increasingly violent behavior being exhibited by those on the left while openly criticizing President Trump.  He’s nothing more than a member of the ‘resistance.’   He rarely, if ever, makes any sense, and sounds like the racist moron that he is.  I think FOX keeps him on board just to prove their unbiased position in reporting news, but all he does is push viewers to stop tuning in.

You don't have to have a degree in political science to see that what really frightens Williams and his party masters is that West’s admiration for President Trump could prove to be infectious within the black community and, as we all know, the Democrat Party would have a rather difficult time winning elections were it not for their still rather firm grip on their black voting bloc. So they do what they do best, destroy the threat by innuendo, slander, ridicule and intimidation.

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