Friday, October 5, 2018


I was once told that there’s an old adage among those in Hollyweird that says any publicity, is good publicity.  And so I can only assume that in trying to regain for herself some of the notoriety that she may once have enjoyed, Molly Ringwald has displayed the same typical kind of behavior that we have come to expect from all manner of Hollyweird has-beens whenever trying to remind folks that they aren’t yet dead.  And so it was recently that ‘actress’ Molly Ringwald decided that the best way of reminding people that she is still very much alive was to take to Twitter and boldly proclaim that to her the Republican Party is now the “rape party.”

And like so many of her Hollyweird peers, Ringwald has apparently seen fit to become yet another Twitter warrior and it was on this past Thursday that the ‘Sixteen Candles’ actress raced to her Twitter account and proceeded to pass judgment on the Republican Party.  She tweeted, “It’s no longer the Republican Party to me. It’s the Rape Party.”  Proving once again that we have yet another deeply insecure has-been who most certainly possesses not even the most basic understanding of the actual definition of rape!  But as I said, to these leftist creatures of low self-worth and even lower self-esteem, any publicity is seen as good publicity!

Perhaps Miss Ringwald should spend some of her, what now be a near endless amount of, free time re-watching Sixteen Candles.   Because, as you may remember it is in this flick which was then marketed to teens, that the drunken and incapacitated high schooler, Caroline, wakes up with Farmer Ted and it’s implied that the boy had nonconsensual sex with her.  And it was many of her 80’s films that essentially celebrated teen drinking, sexual promiscuity, and drug use.  And indeed, even the actress herself recently noted that some of her past films are morally suspect.  Having children of her own apparently gave her a “different perspective.”

And if she thought that she would find a safe space on Twitter, she has been disabused of that notion with the hundreds of replies to her tweet taking her to task for her ignorant name calling.  But let’s face it, she is another of those people who get paid ridiculous wages, or used to, to play make-believe and then somehow feel the need to share their political ‘wisdom’ with the people who actually work for a living and are subject to their brand of leftist politics on a much more direct level.  People like her are somehow able to view themselves as being more than a little superior to the rest of us when it’s just the opposite that’s so true.

And it also seems that perhaps Ringwald needs to be reminded of the fact that her side of the political aisle has its own “rape party” problems.  And with ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton as its ringleader, the Democrats have such stellar persons as Democrat mega-donor Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, Teddy Kennedy, Keith Ellison, Daniel Inouye, and a whole host of other lesser-known Democrats such as Donny Ray Williams, Brock Adams, Mel Reynolds, Fred Richmond, and many others, all having rape accusations (and in some cases convictions) hanging over them.  And it’s Teddy who’s the ONLY politician with a confirmed kill in the ‘war on women.’

But Ringwald is hardly alone with her dip into hardcore, left-wing politics during this continuing leftwing saga known as the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.  Actor John Leguizamo had a Twitter meltdown this week, saying that the Republican Party is filled with “sexual assaulters” and “pedophiles.”  And then, of course, there was one of the hosts of ABC’s ‘The View’, Joy’less’ Behar, also recently said that the Republican message to boys is that they are allowed to be “gropers” if they grow up to be powerful.  So just how much of a mental degenerate must one be in order to tolerate the antics by those who host this example of pure hate?

For whatever the reason these Hollyweird “entertainers“ continue to think that because they speak on issues of the day as overzealous militant MSM mouthpieces, it somehow entitles them unearned and unjustified intellectual privileges over the rest of us. An obvious insecurity issue that makes them feel all warm and fuzzy because they can turn to any militant liberal and proclaim, “look how noble it is for me to include your causes in my important life! I have your loyalty and support from here on out!”  There is a reason why most of these ‘stars’ of yesterday are today’s has-beens! After all, wasn’t it like 1986 when we last heard from Ms. Ringwald?

All of these glorified evil, communist ‘feminists’ who glorified vile behavior in order to corrupt generations of children, and normalize promiscuity, hate, envy, and adultery to corrupt all of our children, laud Democrats, the party of KKK, slavery, pedophilia, irrational ‘radical egalitarian’ where little boys can be mutilated and poisoned into becoming ‘girls’ and objects for homosexual predation.  Frankly, this is how burned out Hollyweird has-beens polish up their résumés. Hurl a Molotov cocktail of slurs at the other side to ‘prove’ you're part of the leftist cabal and voila, more consideration for bit parts in bad movies and shows.

I’ve long held the belief that a prerequisite for becoming a successful entertainer, of any kind, is possessing an extremely low IQ, as well as EQ, an over-inflated sense of importance, a high self-worth, high insecurity, and, of course, being able to read well what others have written for you in your effort to pretend to be someone other than who you really are.  And I have long believed that those who make a living in the ‘entertainment’ industry are some of the most useless individuals that you will find anywhere on the planet.  Think about it, what benefit is it that they provide to their fellow man?  They provide nothing in the effort to make society better.  Nothing!

What Ms. Ford and her low life Democrat handlers attempted to perpetrate against an innocent man, is despicable. Women who backed this false accuser have done great damage to the credibility of the women’s movement. Americans were forced to tolerate this circus only because of the Democrats’ hatred of President Trump.  And bringing false witness will surely reap anger, from God and the voters who believe in Him, come election time.  While those like Weiner, Weinstein, Cosby, Clinton, and others are busy serial raping hundreds of women, this nitwit covers up their crimes and defames a man who would help end the Democrat perversion.

And let’s face it, it’s become pretty common knowledge, over the course of the last few decades, that it’s the Democrat Party that can be called home for perverts of virtually every stripe and all manner of creepy degenerates.  There is no one in the Democrat Party, and I mean NO ONE, of whom it can be said possesses the moral authority to pass judgement on Judge Kavanaugh.  And by using alleged incidents proven to be either false or unable to be corroborated for purposes of slandering a decent man for nothing other than the most pure of political purposes demonstrates very clearly what it is that the modern day Democrat Party has become.

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