Friday, October 1, 2021


Damn straight I’m pissed, can you tell? Look, I’ve said it before, and I’ll continue to say it until I can finally get more Americans to understand that the threat those who we refer to as RINOs continue to pose to the survival of our country is far greater than even that posed by the Democrats. And it’s those Americans who insist upon electing, or re-electing, these scumbags to Congress who have got to come to their senses, because by continuing to do so they are only making it possible for these RINOs to then assist the Democrats in what is, and has been, their continuing effort to destroy this country. This is something that we simply can no longer afford to do.  

And what is it this time that these RINOs have done that proves what I say is true? Well, we just had a total of 49 House and Senate RINOs who, instead of standing by the constituents, chose to help Democrats spend billions in American taxpayer money on welfare, driver’s licenses, housing costs, and more, on Afghans brought to the United States as part of *president ‘Creepy Joe’s massive resettlement operation. So, when was the last time anyone can remember that we had any number of Democrats joining with Republicans in passing legislation the purpose of which was to make America safer or stronger economically or militarily? Of course, that would be NEVER!

On Thursday, 34 House RINOs and 15 Senate RINOs voted with the Democrats to approve $6.4 Billion in taxpayer money for the roughly 95,000 Afghans that ‘Creepy Joe’ hopes to bring to the U.S. over the next 12 months, and that’s a population that’s nine times larger than Jackson, Wyoming’s resident population. These RINO lawmakers backed the funding provisions despite overwhelming opposition to Afghan resettlement from Republican and Republican-leaning voters. Polls show that 63 percent of Republican voters oppose the Afghan resettlement. Already, 40,800 Afghans are being temporarily housed at eight U.S. military bases in six states.

The funding for ‘Creepy Joe’s resettlement operation was slipped into a government funding bill and will give public benefits like welfare, housing assistance, medical coverage, and even state-issued driver’s licenses to tens of thousands of newly-arrived Afghans. Specifically, the provision giving IDs and driver’s licenses allow Afghans to skirt vital national security requirements put in place after the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks. The funding bill leaves Biden’s resettlement operation open for future waves of Afghans by extending such resettlement to September 2022 and beyond for the relatives of Afghans who get resettled in American communities.

Refugee contractors, funded by taxpayer money to resettle refugees, will be awarded $1.7 billion to “provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services, including wrap-around services during temporary housing and after resettlement, housing assistance, medical assistance, legal assistance, and case management assistance.” Refugee resettlement costs taxpayers nearly $9 Billion every five years. Over the course of a lifetime, taxpayers pay about $133,000 per refugee and within five years of resettlement, roughly 16 percent will need taxpayer-funded housing assistance. Over the last 20 years, nearly a million refugees have been resettled in the country.

I honestly believe that over half of those in the Republican Party today are nothing more than undercover operatives working for the Democrat Party. Election integrity is dead because of RINOs, not Democrats. These RINO members of Congress have zero loyalty to the Constitution or to their supporters. Notice how these treasonous RINOs just can’t wait to assist their communist colleagues across the aisle. These disgusting people have ditched any and all pretense of being genuine conservatives and have now gone completely to the dark side. We continue to trust them at our own peril. It is now long overdue to cut these people loose and to send them packing!

Remember back, when ‘BO’ was president and how it was then that the Republicans cried, “Give us the House and we can work for you.” So, we have them the House and what did we get? Stabbed in the back. Then they said, “Give us the Senate, we really need the Senate to actually fight for you.” So we gave them the Senate, and again we got stabbed in the back. Then they cried, “Give us the White House, and we can fight for you.” So we did, but we gave them a White House with Donald Trump, a man who did fight for us. And what was it that our band of gutless RINOs did then? They spent four years siding with the Democrats and working against President Trump.

We have continually watched our cadre of weak, cowardly and complicit RINOs over the decades as they continued to demonstrate a willingness, and dare I say even an eagerness, to work against the Constitution and to work with the Democrats in their effort to expand governmental power. And it’s any Republican that chooses to work with any Democrat, on anything right now, who should be considered as nothing but a traitor to the party, and to his country, and needs to be called out for it. These RINOs are not only not representing their party, they are certainly not representing their voters. And in so doing they seem to be almost daring us to do something about it.

Americans need to make a conscious effort to get rid of as many of these traitorous scumbags as possible in coming elections. After all, what’s the point of keeping them around when they continue to make it very clear that they have virtually no interest in serving the people, and only in serving themselves. Meanwhile, American taxpayers continue to get crushed by inflation, taxation and over regulation. This is another big slap in the face to struggling and homeless veterans and other American citizens who are left to fend for themselves without government help and housing assistance. What a disgrace. Our government is very badly BROKEN and totally misguided.

Our government no longer serves the interests of the American people. We put these hacks in office to represent us, and what do they do? They stab us in the back every chance they get. We have Americans living in the streets, with no money, no healthcare, no driver’s license, and no food. Our elderly are suffering from poverty. And these corrupt morons walk right over their own and allow illegal immigrants into our country and lavish them with all manner of benefits paid for with our hard-earned tax dollars. Hopefully it’s this latest act of treachery that will cause people to act if any of these 49 RINOs are their representatives in Congress. They need to act!

And where is it that I can get some free housing, free medical care, free food or free assistance? Oh, that’s right, I’m one of those who are now too busy working so the government can then take more of my money in order to help pay for all of this ‘free’ crap given to those people who have absolutely no business being here. When will the American people realize that this government of theirs is serving the global interests ahead of the welfare of Americans? The future will come, and it doesn’t care if you’re prepared for it or not. America the pain is coming, and it is essentially self-inflected due to our own complacency. We will have allowed it to happen.

The enemy is now inside the fence, and it is our government. They intentionally botched Afghanistan, then loaded unknown numbers of Afghans, 97 percent of whom were unvetted, onto planes while leaving Americans behind. Now we have 49 RINOs voting to use our tax money to support them. Why does our government not help bona fide citizens of this country? Many people are losing their jobs over this farce of a vaccine and not able to collect unemployment. Where is anyone standing up for them? These RINOs, and their Democrat allies, want to take even more money from us when they already overspend and misuse trillions of dollars. Enough is enough!

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