Saturday, October 9, 2021


To ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden, every scumbag, POS Democrat and ‘fake news’ media hack, let me tell you something. There is no way, no matter how many threats, any amount of coercion and/or bullying, that I am going to allow myself to be convinced that it’s in my best interest that I permit myself to be injected with some ‘vaccine’ that, in reality, is not a ‘vaccine’ at all. I don’t take life advice from people who have done nothing but lie to me or to try to bully me. And, if recent polling data can be considered as being anywhere accurate, I am not alone in that regard.

Because, you see, apparently it’s a now quarter of the American people who have now indicated that they are either not getting the ‘vaccine’ for the ‘Chinese virus,’ or they are not sure that they will, and a majority of those who remain unvaccinated say they will not get the shot under any circumstances. That’s according to a Yahoo! News/YouGov survey released earlier this week. And it was this survey that was taken October 1-4, 2021, among 1,640 U.S. adults, which asked respondents to describe their “personal situation” regarding the various ‘vaccines’ for the ‘Chinese virus.'

It was 64 percent who said they are fully vaccinated, while 6 percent said they are in the process of getting vaccinated and 5 percent said they are planning to get vaccinated. However, a quarter of Americans expressed hesitancy, and of those 15 percent said they will not get vaccinated and another 10 percent said they are “not sure” about getting vaccinated. The survey asked the unvaccinated, specifically, if they plan to get the shot. And 60 percent said they do not plan to do so, and one quarter said they are “not sure.” Only 15 percent said they plan to get the shot.

The survey also asked unvaccinated respondents to name the “most important reason” for not getting vaccinated. And it was a plurality, 40 percent, that said they “don’t trust the COVID-19 vaccines.” It was another 10 percent who said that they already had the virus and are therefore not worried about getting it again. And it was 8 percent who cited breakthrough cases among the vaccinated, and the same percentage who said they are not worried about catching the virus. And, it was 5 percent who cited their reason as not having easy access to getting a vaccination.

The survey shows that, over the months, the percentage of Americans who are refusing to get vaccinated has generally remained unchanged, despite the administration’s vaccine blitz. An Economist/YouGov survey released in August indicated that unvaccinated Americans will not be easily persuaded to get the jab, not by mandates or pleas from elected officials. And then, as now, the main reason for that boils down to trust. Trust in those who are busy telling us all that we must be vaccinated and trust in this ‘vaccine’ to do what is it that they say it does.

And I wonder, have the 64 percent who are already been vaccinated seen the new study (of over half a million people) that shows that the ‘vaccines’ only last for four months, and that this is why boosters are necessary. And are they also aware that natural immunity is 13-15 times more effective than vaccine immunity, AND that ‘vaccines’ reduce natural immunity by 35 percent? Do they also know that over 15,000 have died and 705,000 have been injured by these ‘vaccines.’ Are they aware that 60-70 percent of those currently being hospitalized and dying, are fully vaccinated?

People are not being vaccinated, but they most certain are being injected with something, it’s just not a ‘vaccine.’ ‘Vaccines’ are designed to prevent illnesses. I took many different types while in the military. Whether for small pox, anthrax, yellow fever, cholera, malaria or something else, they were all genuine vaccines. But he government is now lying about this latest ‘vaccine’ because there are still too many Americans who are scared and don’t understand virology and how it works. Masks are useless. Don’t get this jab, because you may live to regret doing so.

The politicians, and their supposed experts like Fauci, really do need to stop referring to it as a ‘vaccine’ because that’s not what it is. And that they’re ignoring the fact that those who have had the virus have immunity yet are still trying to force them to get ‘vaccinated’ tells you everything you need to know. Get the ‘vaccine’ then wear the mask and stay away from the unvaccinated. None of it makes any sense and that’s why they’re not trusted to be telling us the truth. Americans need to wake up to the fact that if this was about public health they would have sealed the border long ago.

And if this were a real pandemic, our ‘leaders’ would not have to work so hard to convince people of it. If you’re firing nurses in the midst of a “public health crisis,” it’s obviously not a public health crisis. If this is such a deadly disease, they would not allow thousands of illegal immigrants to cross our border before then shipping them all across the country. Only a moron would believe that the government actually cares about our health and medical wellbeing. Why would I ever willingly allow myself to be given a fraudulent ‘vaccine’ that politicians seem so desperate for me to get?

And how do you approve something for use on the general public when you have quite literally have no idea what, if any, long term effects there might be or what potential side-effects may exist? And why is it that members of Congress, and their staffs, are able to escape being forced to take this ‘vaccine?’ And why are the thousands of illegal immigrants now being allowed to flood across our southern border and into our country by ‘Creepy Joe’ & Co. not required to be vaccinated, or even to be tested, and American citizen must be made to submit to being vaccinated?

The Democrats and they many allies in the ‘fake news’ media have now hit rock bottom and the balance of the unvaccinated will not be persuaded to change they’re status. They’ve drawn a red line in the sand and will not budge. Why is any of this such a surprise, or even news? Before they stole this election, both ‘Creepy Joe’ and ‘Headboard Harris’ said they wouldn’t get the ‘vaccine’ created under President Trump because that didn’t trust him. And now we’re now supposed to trust them when they’re telling everyone they must get the ‘vaccine’ they initially refused?

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