Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Today in 2021 it’s absolutely ludicrous for anyone to continue to make the claim that there are those within the Democrat Party who can be described, in any way, as a ‘moderate.’ Of course, we have the same issue with ‘moderates’ in the Republican Party as well, we call them RINOs. But that’s a discussion for another time. But on the topic of ‘moderate’ Democrats, where once there were quite a few in the party who could rightfully be called ‘moderate,’ today there are those who only pretend. Oh sure, they’ll appear to hang tough for a while, but it’s usually only long enough to convince the folks back home that they’re not just another leftwing crazy. But in the end, they ALWAYS cave, because deep inside they are just another leftwing crazy.

Which brings me to Joe Manchin, senator from West Virginia, and the man that may yet be the savior of the filibuster. It would seem that Joe has a big decision to make, one that will prove exactly just what kind of man he truly is. And since he has chosen to cave on so may other occasions, I’m not holding out much hope that he won’t do so again and side with his party instead of siding with his supporters, and his country. You see, according to a poll released by Honest Election Project on Tuesday old Joe’s political future could very well hinge on his “continued defense of the filibuster.” A majority of Manchin’s supporters are against ending the filibuster, something far-left Democrats are now very keen on and have been pressuring Manchin to support.

And so, it’s according to this poll that 56 percent of West Virginians (including 59 percent of Manchin supporters) would be less likely to support him for reelection if he chooses to vote to eliminate, or to weaken, the filibuster. Fifty-six percent of West Virginians (including 67 percent of Manchin supporters) also agree with Manchin that the filibuster is a “critical tool to protecting” democracy. Sixty-three percent of those polled (including 70 percent of Manchin supporters) agree with Manchin that weakening the filibuster worsens “political dysfunction” and fuels “hateful rhetoric and violence.” But does Manchin believe what he’s saying to the degree necessary to stand up to those within his party seeking to do away with it? That’s the question.

And the poll report states that “Joe Manchin’s political future may hinge on his continued defense of the filibuster. Leftwing activists and dark money special interests are pressuring Manchin to renege on his pledge to protect the filibuster. But in West Virginia, the filibuster is more popular than Joe Manchin.” And the report makes note of the fact that Manchin is underwater in West Virginia with an approval rating of 36 percent and a disapproval rating of 55 percent. West Virginians are also largely against the federal takeover of elections, with 73 percent of those polled (including 79 percent of Manchin supporters) disagreeing with the statement that the federal government should dictate West Virginia’s voting laws.

Those numbers spell trouble for Manchin, who has positioned himself as a co-sponsor of the “Freedom to Vote Act,” which is arguably nothing other than a watered-down version of the “For the People Act,” which sought to federalize elections. And according to the Wall Street Journal, “Calling this bill slimmed down, though, is like touting your healthy choices after you order a Diet Coke with four Big Macs. The revised text is 592 pages, and it wraps up many of the same ideas that made H.R.1 a nonstarter.” And according to the poll report, most West Virginians reject the major provisions of Manchin’s proposed legislation. For example, 78 percent of West Virginians and 87 percent of Manchin supporters are in favor voter ID laws.

But also, as was noted in the report, “Manchin’s bill eliminates photo ID requirements nationwide, while continuing to allow states like California to use no voter ID at all.”  And it was 83 percent of West Virginians and 87 percent of Manchin supporters who also oppose using taxpayers’ dollars to finance campaigns, something that his legislation would facilitate through something called a “Democracy Credit” program. Ultimately, Manchin is being pulled in two directions. His supporters seemingly want their elected leader to maintain moderate positions on the hot button issues. Meanwhile the rest of his party simply wants him to comply with their more radical agenda. So, the question that remains is which side is it that he will come down on?

Manchin could guarantee re-election by simply switching to the Republican Party. Republicans would pledge their metaphorical firstborns to Manchin via blanket political endorsements. The problem is that Manchin is a far leftist at heart who’s spent his entire political life camouflaging those views to stay in office. His political extremism prevents him from becoming a Republican. The Democrats are now giving their far-left impulses free rein, Manchin included. For Manchin, this is his second opportunity, after Obamacare, to be part of not just one, but a grab bag of massive new Federal entitlement programs. The guy isn’t expressing any real doubt about them, he’s just putting on a show of reluctance to salvage some hope of re-election.

To put it simply, Manchin needs to grow a pair and start doing what it is that he was sent to the Senate to do, which is to represent West Virginians. And he needs to tell Chuckie that his obligation, his allegiance, is to the people of West Virginia, not to the Democrat Party. After all, he’s there to represent the people of his state, that’s why the chose to vote for him. That’s why voters want to know the positions held on the important issues by those they vote for. The Democrats are pulling out all the stops in their effort to push forward with a truckload of radical agenda items that most Americans oppose. In the evenly split, Senate Manchin will have the opportunity to prove which side he is on, the side of the Democrat Party or the side of America.

Finally, there is not a doubt in my military mind that Manchin will once again cave and abide by his typical habit of speaking rationally and yet choosing to move the Socialist agenda over the top at the last minute. Frankly, I don’t see how West Virginians can have any self-respect after sending this fraud back to the Senate every chance they get. Manchin will likely sell out again as he always does. Manchin is a Democrat through and through and he will sell America out to keep his own status. This man cannot be trusted, he’s no different than any other Democrat. He talks smooth but he’s full of BS. And the fact that Manchin is actually having such a tough time with this should tell his voters all that they really need to know about him.

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