Wednesday, April 19, 2023


It’s a sad day when anyone with a brain is willing to waste any amount of time watching ABC’s ‘The View’ for any reason other than to get a good laugh. Because to purposely watch it for any other reason would require the viewer to possess that which is clearly a special kind of stupid. And that would only be because the show’s star players themselves possess a very special kind of stupid. How else can you explain the endless stream of pointless BS that spews from the mouth of these hapless hags? And just when you think they’ve uttered the most insane thing ever that damn if one of them don’t come up with something that is even more outrageously insane.

Take for instance the most recent utterance heard from one Caryn Elaine Johnson, aka Whoopi Goldberg, aka ‘The Black Know!’ It was just this past Monday that Johnson/Goldberg once again chose to expose to the show’s viewing audience just how ignorant she truly is. You see, it was then that she told her co-hosts that she was tired of the self-righteous attitude of those who believe abortion is actually the taking of a life. Johnson/Goldberg said, “The Republican Party is ramping up its battle against abortion rights. The Supreme Court is reviewing the ruling of a conservative federal judge in Texas who banned the so-called abortion pill."

And Johnson/Goldberg went on to say, “Governor Ron DeSantis just made Florida the latest state to impose severe restrictions to abortion access.” And she added, “This is my question. I want to know, particularly this judge. I want to know, what’s your background, sir? Have you worked for the FDA? Do you have a science background? Do you know anything about how many different drugs work on many different people? It’s not just one drug for one thing. What is your background? I’m kind of getting tired of everybody’s self-righteousness about what they believe. I believe that I’m entitled to speak to my doctor and not be guided by you."

She said, “This is not the state’s right. This is not anybody’s right but mine, according to America. This is my right. I respect your feeling that abortion is taking of a life. I respect that you feel like that. I need you to respect that I have a different opinion. I need you to respect that my doctor and I will figure out what’s right for us and move forward. That’s what the FDA is for. That’s why we have it.” It never ceases to amaze me how it is that the father of the unborn child could be totally ignored in the consideration as to whether or not the child should be born. But these baby killers are so narcissistic they have no respect for life, only their own orgasms!

Those who are so eager to kill babies, and to help others kill babies, deserve no respect. They have no conscience, and they have no souls. Johnson/Goldberg demands respect of her ‘opinion’ while at the same time she condemns all others as being “self-righteous?” In short, she’s nuts. But then perhaps, just perhaps, it’s a good thing that those on the Left who love abortions don’t reproduce more of their kind. Those like Johnson/Goldberg live in a delusional self-righteous echo chamber claiming ‘diversity, diversity, diversity’ while accepting only one thought process…theirs! You’re considered to be open-minded only as long as you agree with them.

Disagreement with another human being about the worth of human life is understandable, and, to a point, does merit respect. Disagreement with God, the Creator of human life, is another matter altogether. Johnson/Goldberg is taking the position that it’s merely one human versus another human, and that there is no higher power with an opinion of His own. This is the position of the ‘real’ self-righteous person, Johnson/Goldberg. It’s not an inanimate object inside a woman's body. It didn’t just pop up in there one day out of nowhere. It is a life, you can’t deny that. She proves herself dumber and dumber each and every time she opens her mouth.

And I can’t help but to be more than a little curious. I mean, what might be Johnson/Goldberg’s “background?” What are HER supposed “qualifications?” I mean, besides the fact that she is nothing more than a has-been actress who was in a couple of mildly successful movies and as a supporting character on one cult television show, and had to resort to retreating to ‘The View’ in order to prevent herself from fading away into obscurity. But then, I don’t really suppose that there are many roles these days for a 300 pound angry black ‘woman.’ She is so self-deluded. It is unfortunate that so many choose to listen to, and even to believe, what a fool like this says.

As usual, Johnson/Goldberg gets it all exactly backward. Taking a human life is the ultimate in self-righteous behavior. Sure, she’s entitled to her own opinion but not to her own facts. The FACT is that the American College of Pediatrics says that life begins at conception. Those are scientists saying that. So if Johnson/Goldberg admits to being a science-denying self-righteous egotist, she can have her opinion on baby murder. The entire purpose of abortion is to end a life. And it is 99% of the time that it is for an act of irresponsible selfishness without conscience. What could possibly be more self-righteous than believing you have the right to kill a totally innocent baby?

You can respect the differing opinion of someone about a favorite ice cream or even the best football team. You don’t respect someone’s immorality as just a ‘different opinion.’ We are talking about the non-negotiable morality of taking a human life, not ice cream. It’s not about opinion, it is about giving a baby the same opportunity to live as she was given. She needs to reread her statement about who is self-righteous!  Abortion is murder, that is a fact. And it doesn't matter whether the baby is two weeks or nine months, it is still a human. A baby’s value isn’t determined by its size, level of development, environment, or level of dependency.

These Hollyweird types are not known for their intelligence and their opinions hold the same degree of accuracy and worthwhileness as does a park bench. Anyone that pays attention to what they say is more stupid than they are. And it’s as surely as life ends when the heart stops beating, that it begins when the heart starts beating. Abortion IS the taking of a life when that little heart stops beating all because the mother was too irresponsible to use birth control. Self-righteousness comes from those who think they have the right to take another life and then lecture those who disagree. It’s called ABORTION for the simple reason that something is being ABORTED.

And finally, Johnson/Goldberg ignores the science that she knows is true and unchallenged. The baby in the womb is a unique human being from the moment of conception. Before two months of growth is complete, the baby has a working brain and heart. The terms blastocyst, embryo and fetus are stages of growth of the baby, not something other than a baby. And being dependent upon the mother does not make the baby any less fully human than someone needing some sort of medical life support. Sadly, reprobates like Johnson/Goldberg cannot be expected to use logic, science or possess any spiritual wisdom or understanding.

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