Saturday, April 22, 2023


So I ask you, is there a bigger jerkoff in all the world than that great harbinger of doom and gloom, that predictor of more things that have never come to pass, and all because of bogus ‘climate change,’ than that flaming asshole, John Kerry-Heinz? This guy must think we’re all pretty stupid. I mean, have you heard this scumbag’s most recent idea? You see, he now wants to raise the cost of oil and gas in order to make green energy ‘appear’ to be more competitive. So instead of working to bring down the cost of so-called ‘green energy,’ this douchebag, like all your typical Democrats, prefers, instead, to take the easy way out by simply raising the cost of oil and gas.

While that’s certainly no problem for him, the rest of us haven’t had the opportunity to marry some rich old widow like he did. And what continues to make absolutely no sense is the fact that here we are sitting atop more oil than is in all of the Middle East and people like Kerry-Heinz are telling us that, for the sake of the planet, we must leave it all in the ground. Just another indicator that makes it clear that Kerry-Heinz is nothing more than a fraud. And another of those ‘good for thee, but not for me’ kind of Democrats who couldn’t care less about those less fortunate than himself who have now been robbed, by Joey, of little disposable income they may have had.

So anyway, it was during an appearance on Friday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” that Kerry-Heinz made the idiotic claim that wind and solar power will become “far more price competitive than oil and gas” if oil and gas companies see their costs rise because they “have to spend huge amounts of money for carbon capture and storage and utilization.” Kerry-Heinz said, “I would say to you, Andrea, that, frankly, I’m surprised, pleasantly, on the positive side, by the amount of things that are just taking hold. We see remarkable progress on batteries and battery storage.” Once again Kerry-Heinz is merely blowing smoke. In short, he’s a LIAR!!!

This dolt went on to say, “We’re seeing the price of wind and solar coming down still, even as the technology is getting better, and it’s going to be far more price competitive than oil and gas if they have to spend huge amounts of money for carbon capture and storage and utilization. We don’t know the answer to some of those questions now. The marketplace is chasing solutions, but that is creating jobs, it’s creating economic opportunity, and it’s already producing some changes that are happening — like electric vehicles — much faster than we anticipated.” Like all megarich elites, Kerry-Heinz neither understands nor cares about the little people.

Earlier in the same interview, Kerry-Heinz stated that “I think that we are on the right track, as long as the emissions begin to be abated, they begin to be captured. And that is the key for the oil and gas industry.” So, according to Kerry-Heinz, if we artificially support green energy, it will then become economically viable. Is that an oxymoron or just plain moronic? Look, the only virtues of ‘green energy’ is that it transforms multi-billionaires like Kerry-Heinz into multi-trillionaires. It’s all nothing more than one massive get rich scheme that will not do a single thing to prevent the Earth’s climate from changing, nor will the burning of more fossil fuels.

Kerry-Heinz either lacks a basic understanding, or he just doesn’t give a flying fuck, about the issues that people are having to deal regarding the level of ‘inflation’ that, because of policies that Joey B. has put in place, is now running rampant. But still, the fact that this guy is a moron doesn’t really scare me. What does scare me is the number of people who are stupid enough to take him seriously. And it’s just when you thought he couldn’t make a more idiotic comment, damn if he doesn’t manage to do just that and to actually out do himself yet again! Nothing that he has ever said would come to pass because of ‘climate change,’ has actually come to pass. He is a LIAR!!!

So the most powerful governments on Earth couldn’t keep a virus from spreading, and yet we’re supposed believe that they can change the Earth’s temperature if only we’re willing to pay more. This whole ‘climate change’ theory is nothing other than a scam perpetuated by the wealthiest of the wealthy to further enrich themselves and to use as a political wedge. Hell, if you raised the price of food so high no one could afford to eat, I suppose eating bugs would likely be made more attractive as well. Might that be what we see next? And might I just add that making gas more expensive still isn’t going to enable anyone to buy a $60,000 electric vehicle.

Kerry-Heinz has repeatedly shown himself to be a continuing example of everything that’s presently wrong with America. He, along with seemingly everyone else in leadership positions in this regime, neither offers, nor promotes, anything that betters life of anyone but themselves. He’s insane. He advocates raising prices when people are already living paycheck to paycheck. Delusional, Kerry-Heinz, and the unelected scum trying to rule the world, are destroying everything in their way! If you’re one who buys Kerry-Heinz’s BS and are ok with him not living by the same rules that he wants for you, then I can only say you’re hopeless and I got nothing for you.

When you look at the face of the green energy man-made climate change cult what you see are spoiled, bored, guilt ridden white liberal elitists and a few well-paid minority stooges. The modern economy runs on gas, oil, and nuclear power, and the globalists think that by completely shutting down nuclear power, making gas and oil unaffordable, putting an artificial margin on our standard of living and lowering our standard of living that that will radically reduce the human population, which is the ultimate goal of the ‘greens.’ The genocidal ‘greens’ must be forced off the podium now. They are mankind's mortal enemy, give them no forum, no quarter.

Those on the Left always try to portray themselves as being the “compassionate” ones. This is one of so many blatant examples that show they don’t care ANYTHING about struggling poor folks! When many people are struggling and falling behind, even a slight increase in prices puts them ever deeper into a hole they can never climb out of. Democrats like Kerry-Heinz just look down at those people, from his high tower, and tells them he cares! What Kerry-Heinz is suggesting here is nothing but a mandate in disguise. Make the alterative so expensive that the consumer will have no choice but to buy what the government wants you to buy. Can anyone say Socialism?

Kerry-Heinz is not a stupid man, but he is an evil man. He knows full well that supposed man-made ‘climate change’ is a nothing more than a complete HOAX. It’s a SCAM and a LIE. And while we may be tempted to simply write Democrats off as STUPID, that’s only true for Democrat voters. But the Democrat politicians? They are not stupid, Democrat politicians are, like Kerry-Heinz, EVIL. Satan lives and thrives in the Democrat Party. The global warming SCAM is just one of the methods Democrat politicians use to control STUPID people. Stupid people are the life blood of the Democrat Party, and they use public education to turn out more every day.

And finally, President Trump made America energy independent for the first time in decades, something globalists didn’t want. Prices came way down from where they were during ‘BO’s years in the White House, and the economy flourished. Joey inherited all that despite the pandemic lock-down that Democrats fought for. And it was on Joey’s first day in office that he declared war on fossil fuels, something globalists did want. Prices shot up. We must not allow those like Kerry-Heinz to succeed in rewriting history. We are where we are today because the Democrats, from the top down, have put us here. President Trump showed us that it doesn’t have to be this way.

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