Thursday, April 27, 2023


While I am sure there have been those days when you just wanted to laugh, because of all the bizarre goings on taking place in this country because of the Democrats, instead, if you’re more like me, it’s far more often than not that all you ever got was pissed off. I mean, here we have supposed responsible elected leaders and they’re all nothing more than a bunch of lying douche bags. They are corrupt beyond measure, dishonest to the extreme and somehow feel justified in telling us all some of the most outrageous lies that they actually think we’re stupid enough to believe. But that hasn’t prevented them from telling their lies and expecting us to believe them.

And it was just this past Wednesday, during MSDNC’s broadcast of “José Dí6az-Balart Reports,” that we saw that same scenario play out yet again. You see it was then that James Clyburn, Democrat, stated that if people want to know if he’s “satisfied with this administration’s work at the border,” then he is “very satisfied” that the Democrat Party “is responding properly, and I think adequately, to the issues on the border.” Ever notice how stupidity and racism seem to go hand in hand? Clyburn is living proof. Clyburn is a corrupt, race baiting dinosaur from a bygone era! Clyburn serves as yet another perfect example of what the Democrat Party has become.

So anyway, host José Díaz-Balart asked, “Congressman, I want to just kind of change the subjects — and hope that you can hear me well, because I apologize for the technical difficulties — but, Title 42 is set to end in about two weeks. Migrants are making their way to the border through Mexico. We recently saw 40 people that died in a fire in a migrant detention center in Mexico. People are being raped and tortured while coming to the United States just for the opportunity to ask for asylum. Are you satisfied with our government’s handling of the humanitarian crisis at the border?” And Clyburn responded, “Once again, I think you were asking me about the border."

Clyburn then went on to say, We really have some technical difficulties here. But, look, if you’re asking whether or not I’m satisfied with this administration’s work at the border, I do follow what the administration is doing. I listen to the Democratic members of my caucus who live on the border. One of the co-chairs of the president’s committee is very committed to the issues on the border and I do follow her lead and listen to her on this subject. So, if that’s what you’re asking, I’m very satisfied that my party is responding properly, and I think adequately, to the issues on the border.” We have an invasion at the border and the Democrats are welcoming it.

And just a little background about this guy José Díaz-Balart Caballero. He’s billed as being some sort of a Cuban-American journalist and television anchorman. But if this interview with Clyburn is an example of his journalistic ability then I’d have to say it’s pretty obvious that he’s not much of a journalist, if for no other reason than he’s appearing on MSDNC! And you’ll notice that never once did this supposed ‘journalist bother to ask Clyburn if he has ever visited the border or chosen to speak to any of the many brave men and women who work to protect our border. Nope, he did nothing more than to put on another usual dog and pony show. But I digress!

I have no doubt that he’s just as satisfied with how his party is responding to the Fentanyl Crisis, the homeless crisis, the rise in crime and the fact that 85 percent of black students can't read. And just think of all that money going to support the illegals that could, instead, be spent on those in the black community. And just think of all those migrants in the labor pool driving down wages in the black community. And just think of all those migrants in the community driving up the cost of rent. Clyburn is a moron and is failing to represent his constituents. Yup, I’m sure he’s very satisfied! The truth never benefits the Democrats, that’s why they never bother to use it.

So, in other words Clyburn and his Democrat Party are “satisfied” with setting about to render America into a bankrupt/corrupt/dictatorship-like third world cesspool, and since 2021 that journey has gotten shorter and shorter. He, like the vast majority of the Democrat Party will continue their crusade to literally destroy the United States of America, they have already succeeded for decades in what has been their continuing effort to make us into something other than what we are, something more to their liking courtesy of their Progressive, Diverse and Politically Correct agendas and legislations. Wake up America! When is enough finally going to be enough?

And finally, my needs are relatively simply. All I want is my country, and my culture back! I want all of the illegals gone, all the criminals in jail, the mentally ill off the streets, schools preparing children to be able to get a good job, decency laws enforced, hard work rewarded, freeloading no longer tolerated, respect for other citizens, only two options indicating your birth sex, male and female, and competent, uncorrupted people in government offices. Joey has almost destroyed the United States. He is hands down the worst *president in our history. America must be returned to her greatness, and the Democrats are clearly not up to that task.

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