Friday, April 28, 2023


Let me just say that the mountain of things that Al Sharpton knows absolutely nothing about would rival Mt. Everest. The guy is an absolute moron, has always been a moron and will always be a moron. And if it weren’t for his racist, imbecilic followers, along with his steady paycheck from the Democrat Party, old Al would have long ago simply faded away. But nope, we haven’t been that lucky, we’ve been plagued with his worthless, racist ass for roughly 40 years. Now I don’t know about anyone else, but as far as I’m concerned it has been over that time that Sharpton has accomplished nothing more than to make clear that he’s likely the most racist man who ever lived.

So just what might it be that is the latest thing to result in a bunch having been created in Sharpton’s shorts? You ain’t gonna believe this, it’s the fact that Don Lemon has been let go. Which is something I wouldn’t even be aware of had I not read somewhere that he has hired the same attorney as Tucker Carlson. Anyway, Sharpton is apparently now demanding an explanation from the Comedy News Network (CNN) regarding the disgraced, basement-rated outlet’s decision to finally fire old Don. Frankly, all I’ve got to say about the whole thing is, it’s about damn time! This guy hasn’t had anything to say that was worth listening to for…well forever!

It was about the letting go of Lemon that Al said, “We are completely stunned at the termination of Don Lemon. Throughout his career, Don has been a superb journalist who was very open to the civil rights community on issues others wouldn’t touch. Don’s voice has been invaluable to the conversation of how we become a more just nation. With the health of our democracy undergoing perhaps its greatest test, we cannot afford to silence his voice. We would like to know what he alludes to when he said there are greater things at play, which is why we urge for a full explanation as to why he was let go in such a fashion.” He was “completely stunned?” Seriously?

Now as I seemed to recall there have been a couple of other high-profile firings from another cable news network. I’ve already mentioned Tucker Carlson, but Dan Bongino was also fired from Fox News. But I just don’t see the same outrage from Al that I see coming from him because of Lemon’s firing. But it was in Lemon’s case that we have a racist pretending to be a reverend who’s now defending a racist pretending to be a journalist. But then, that’s just what racists do. When you stop to think about it, who the Hell is Sharpton to demand anything? I mean, it was pretty clear that Lemon’s ratings were in the toilet and, apparently, he wasn’t liked much at the network.

Both the firings of Carlson and Lemon were pretty easy to figure out, Tucker was fired because everyone watched him, meanwhile, Lemon was fired because nobody watched him. And Sharpton, or so you would think, is an expert on lousy ratings, who is it that would waste even a second of their life watching his show on MSDNC. After all, it’s usually nothing more than 60 minutes spent watching Sharpton do battle with his teleprompter with the teleprompter usually coming out victorious. While his show may be ok if you’re looking for a good laugh, it does get a little difficult to continue to watch without eventually getting the urge to run off to the bathroom!

Look, Sharpton usually only crawls out of the woodwork whenever he thinks can get his name in the news. Nobody owes him any explanations, in the big scheme of things he’s a nobody. But I must say that I am rather curious about something, just why is it  that Sharpton thinks anyone needs to be answering to him of all people? Or for that matter, why isn’t this race baiting, tax cheat rotting away in some federal prison? Just saying. Perhaps old Al himself should be let go from MSDNC, after all, I’d be willing to bet that his ratings aren’t any better than Lemon’s were on CNN. But then, ratings have never been all that important to MSDNC. That’s long been pretty clear.

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